public static function delete()
     Controller::requireFields("get", ["id"], "/acp/team");
     Controller::requirePermissions(["AdminAccessDashboard", "AdminTeams", "AdminPlayers", "PerformDeletionOperations"]);
     $player = current(PlayerModel::get($_GET["id"]));
     Controller::addAlert(new Alert("success", "Player deleted successfully"));
     Controller::redirect("/acp/team/manage?id=" . $player->teamId);
 public static function players()
     $teamId = array_key_exists("team", $_GET) ? $_GET["team"] : null;
     $players = Player::get(null, null, $teamId);
     $return = [];
     foreach ($players as $player) {
         $data = new \stdClass();
         $data->id = $player->id;
         $data->name = $player->fullName;
         $return[] = $data;
     echo json_encode($return);
  * Get all players who have played for this team at any point during the season or are registered
  * as a part of it
  * @return \sma\models\Player[]
 public function getAllRelatedPlayers()
     $players = $this->getPlayers();
     $q = (new SelectQuery(Database::getConnection()))->from("matches_players")->fields(["player_id"])->where("team_id = ?", $this->id);
     $stmt = $q->prepare();
     $participatingPlayerIds = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0);
     $participatingPlayerIds = array_unique($participatingPlayerIds, SORT_NUMERIC);
     $additionalPlayers = Player::get($participatingPlayerIds);
     foreach ($additionalPlayers as $player) {
         if (!array_key_exists($player->id, $players)) {
             $players[] = $player;
     return $players;
 public static function updateplayer()
     Controller::requireFields("get", ["id"], "/acp/team");
     $player = current(Player::get($_GET["id"]));
     if (!User::getVisitor()->checkPermissions(["RegisterTeamsForAnyOrganization"])) {
         if ($player->getTeam()->organizationId != User::getVisitor()->organizationId) {
     if ($_GET["exempt"] == 1 && !$player->exempt) {
         if ($player->getTeam()->getNumberOfExemptPlayers() >= MAX_EXEMPTS) {
             Controller::addAlert(new Alert("danger", "You have already starred the maximum number of players"));
             Controller::redirect("/team/edit?id=" . $player->getTeam()->id);
     Player::update($player->id, null, (bool) $_GET["exempt"]);
     Controller::addAlert(new Alert("success", "Player updated successfully"));
     Controller::redirect("/team/edit?id=" . $player->getTeam()->id);
  * Add player to match
  * @param int $teamId team
  * @param int $playerId player id
  * @param int $playerName player name if id unknown/inapplicable
 public function addParticipatingPlayer($teamId, $playerId, $playerName = null)
     if (!$playerId) {
         $players = Player::get(null, $playerName);
         if ($players) {
             $playerId = current($players)->id;
         } else {
             $playerId = Player::add($playerName, null, false);
     (new InsertQuery(Database::getConnection()))->into("matches_players")->fields(["match_id", "team_id", "player_id"])->values("(?,?,?)", [$this->id, $teamId, $playerId])->prepare()->execute();
 public static function submit()
     if (empty($_POST)) {
         View::load("match/submit.twig", ["leagues" => League::get(), "players" => Player::get()]);
     } else {
         // basic input validation
         Controller::requireFields("post", ["date", "league", "reporter-team", "reporter-score", "opposing-team", "opposing-score"], "/match/submit");
         $datetime = DateTime::createFromFormat("Y-m-d", $_POST["date"]);
         $epoch = $datetime->getTimestamp();
         if ($datetime === false || array_sum($datetime->getLastErrors()) || $epoch > time() || time() - $epoch > 3600 * 24 * 365) {
             Controller::addAlert(new Alert("danger", "You did not enter a valid date, please try again."));
         // check authorization of user to file reports on behalf of reporting team
         $reporterTeam = current(Team::get($_POST["reporter-team"]));
         $visitor = User::getVisitor();
         if ($visitor->organizationId != $reporterTeam->organizationId) {
         // start determining the data for insertion
         if ($_POST["location"] == "home") {
             // reporting team is home
             $homeTeamId = $_POST["reporter-team"];
             $homeScore = $_POST["reporter-score"];
             $awayTeamId = $_POST["opposing-team"];
             $awayScore = $_POST["opposing-score"];
         } else {
             $awayTeamId = $_POST["reporter-team"];
             $awayScore = $_POST["reporter-score"];
             $homeTeamId = $_POST["opposing-team"];
             $homeScore = $_POST["opposing-score"];
         // transaction
         // attempt to pull an existing match record or add a new one
         $match = current(MatchModel::get(null, $_POST["date"], $_POST["league"], $homeTeamId, $awayTeamId));
         if ($match) {
             $matchId = $match->id;
         } else {
             $matchId = MatchModel::add($_POST["date"], $_POST["league"], $homeTeamId, $awayTeamId);
         try {
             MatchReport::add($matchId, $_POST["reporter-team"], $visitor->id, $homeScore, $awayScore);
         } catch (DuplicateException $e) {
             Controller::addAlert(new Alert("danger", "You have already submitted a report for that match!"));
         if (!$match) {
             $match = current(MatchModel::get($matchId));
         $players = $reporterTeam->getPlayers();
         foreach ($players as $player) {
             if (array_key_exists("player" . $player->id, $_POST)) {
                 $match->addParticipatingPlayer($reporterTeam->id, $player->id);
         for ($i = 1; $i <= 8; $i++) {
             if (array_key_exists("additional-player" . $i, $_POST) && $_POST["additional-player" . $i]) {
                 $match->addParticipatingPlayer($reporterTeam->id, null, $_POST["additional-player" . $i]);
         // commit
         // attempt reconciliation
         $matches = MatchModel::get($matchId);
         Controller::addAlert(new Alert("success", "Match report submitted successfully!"));
         Controller::redirect("/match/record?id=" . $matchId);