  * Reviews and adjusts plugin settings
  * @return void
  * @api
 protected function processSettings()
     // Image type:
     // possible values: "jpg", "png", "gif"
     // jpg doesn't support transparency (transparent bg option ends up white)
     // png isn't supported by old browsers (see http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/pngstatus.html)
     // gif may not be supported by your GD Lib.
     $this->settings['imageFormat'] = $this->settings['imageFormat'] ? $this->settings['imageFormat'] : 'png';
     // true = generate pseudo-random string, false = use dictionary
     // dictionary is easier to recognise
     // - both for humans and computers, so use random string if you're paranoid.
     $this->settings['useWordsList'] = $this->settings['useWordsList'] ? TRUE : FALSE;
     // if your server is NOT set up to deny web access to files beginning ".ht"
     // then you should ensure the dictionary file is kept outside the web directory
     // eg: if www.foo.com/index.html points to c:\website\www\index.html
     // then the dictionary should be placed in c:\website\dict.txt
     // test your server's config by trying to access the dictionary through a web browser
     // you should NOT be able to view the contents.
     // can leave this blank if not using dictionary
     $this->settings['wordsListLocation'] = \SJBR\SrFreecap\Utility\LocalizationUtility::getWordsListLocation($this->settings['defaultWordsList']);
     // Used for non-dictionary word generation and to calculate image width
     $this->settings['maxWordLength'] = $this->settings['maxWordLength'] ? $this->settings['maxWordLength'] : 6;
     // Maximum times a user can refresh the image
     // on a 6500 word dictionary, I think 15-50 is enough to not annoy users and make BF unfeasble.
     // further notes re: BF attacks in "avoid brute force attacks" section, below
     // on the other hand, those attempting OCR will find the ability to request new images
     // very useful; if they can't crack one, just grab an easier target...
     // for the ultra-paranoid, setting it to <5 will still work for most users
     $this->settings['maxAttempts'] = $this->settings['maxAttempts'] ? $this->settings['maxAttempts'] : 50;
     // List of fonts to use
     // font size should be around 35 pixels wide for each character.
     // you can use my GD fontmaker script at www.puremango.co.uk to create your own fonts
     // There are other programs to can create GD fonts, but my script allows a greater
     // degree of control over exactly how wide each character is, and is therefore
     // recommended for 'special' uses. For normal use of GD fonts,
     // the GDFontGenerator @ http://www.philiplb.de is excellent for convering ttf to GD
     // the fonts included with freeCap *only* include lowercase alphabetic characters
     // so are not suitable for most other uses
     // to increase security, you really should add other fonts
     if ($this->settings['generateNumbers']) {
         $this->settings['fontLocations'] = array('EXT:' . $this->extensionKey . '/Resources/Private/Captcha/Fonts/anonymous.gdf');
     } else {
         $this->settings['fontLocations'] = array('EXT:' . $this->extensionKey . '/Resources/Private/Captcha/Fonts/freecap_font1.gdf', 'EXT:' . $this->extensionKey . '/Resources/Private/Captcha/Fonts/freecap_font2.gdf', 'EXT:' . $this->extensionKey . '/Resources/Private/Captcha/Fonts/freecap_font3.gdf', 'EXT:' . $this->extensionKey . '/Resources/Private/Captcha/Fonts/freecap_font4.gdf', 'EXT:' . $this->extensionKey . '/Resources/Private/Captcha/Fonts/freecap_font5.gdf');
     if ($this->settings['fontFiles']) {
         $this->settings['fontLocations'] = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', $this->settings['fontFiles'], 1);
     for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($this->settings['fontLocations']); $i++) {
         if (substr($this->settings['fontLocations'][$i], 0, 4) == 'EXT:') {
             $this->settings['fontLocations'][$i] = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::getFileAbsFileName($this->settings['fontLocations'][$i]);
         } else {
             $this->settings['fontLocations'][$i] = PATH_site . 'uploads/' . \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::getCN($this->extensionKey) . '/' . $this->settings['fontLocations'][$i];
     // Text color
     // 0 = one random color for all letters
     // 1 = different random color for each letter
     if ($this->settings['textColor']) {
         $this->settings['textColor'] = 1;
     } else {
         $this->settings['textColor'] = 0;
     // Text position
     $this->settings['textPosition'] = array();
     $this->settings['textPosition']['horizontal'] = $this->settings['textHorizontalPosition'] ? intval($this->settings['textHorizontalPosition']) : 32;
     $this->settings['textPosition']['vertical'] = $this->settings['textVerticalPosition'] ? intval($this->settings['textVerticalPosition']) : 15;
     // Text morphing factor
     $this->settings['morphFactor'] = $this->settings['morphFactor'] ? $this->settings['morphFactor'] : 0;
     // Limits for text color
     $this->settings['colorMaximum'] = array();
     if (isset($this->settings['colorMaximumDarkness'])) {
         $this->settings['colorMaximum']['darkness'] = intval($this->settings['colorMaximumDarkness']);
     if (isset($this->settings['colorMaximumLightness'])) {
         $this->settings['colorMaximum']['lightness'] = intval($this->settings['colorMaximumLightness']);
     // Background
     // Many thanks to http://ocr-research.org.ua and http://sam.zoy.org/pwntcha/ for testing
     // for jpgs, 'transparent' is white
     if (!in_array($this->settings['backgroundType'], array('Transparent', 'White with grid', 'White with squiggles', 'Morphed image blocks'))) {
         $this->settings['backgroundType'] = 'White with grid';
     // Should we blur the background? (looks nicer, makes text easier to read, takes longer)
     $this->settings['backgroundBlur'] = $this->settings['backgroundBlur'] || !isset($this->settings['backgroundBlur']) ? TRUE : FALSE;
     // For background type 'Morphed image blocks', which images should we use?
     // If you add your own, make sure they're fairly 'busy' images (ie a lot of shapes in them)
     $this->settings['backgroundImages'] = array('EXT:' . $this->extensionKey . '/Resources/Private/Captcha/Images/freecap_im1.jpg', 'EXT:' . $this->extensionKey . '/Resources/Private/Captcha/Images/freecap_im2.jpg', 'EXT:' . $this->extensionKey . '/Resources/Private/Captcha/Images/freecap_im3.jpg', 'EXT:' . $this->extensionKey . '/Resources/Private/Captcha/Images/freecap_im4.jpg', 'EXT:' . $this->extensionKey . '/Resources/Private/Captcha/Images/freecap_im5.jpg');
     // For non-transparent backgrounds only:
     // if 0, merges CAPTCHA with background
     // if 1, write CAPTCHA over background
     $this->settings['mergeWithBackground'] = $this->settings['mergeWithBackground'] ? 0 : 1;
     // Should we morph the background? (recommend yes, but takes a little longer to compute)
     $this->settings['backgroundMorph'] = $this->settings['backgroundMorph'] ? TRUE : FALSE;
     // Read each font and get font character widths
     $this->settings['fontWidths'] = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($this->settings['fontLocations']); $i++) {
         $handle = fopen($this->settings['fontLocations'][$i], "r");
         // Read header of GD font, up to char width
         $c_wid = fread($handle, 12);
         $this->settings['fontWidths'][$i] = ord($c_wid[8]) + ord($c_wid[9]) + ord($c_wid[10]) + ord($c_wid[11]);
     // Modify image width depending on maximum possible length of word
     // you shouldn't need to use words > 6 chars in length really.
     $this->settings['imageWidth'] = $this->settings['maxWordLength'] * (array_sum($this->settings['fontWidths']) / sizeof($this->settings['fontWidths'])) + (isset($this->settings['imageAdditionalWidth']) ? intval($this->settings['imageAdditionalWidth']) : 40);
     $this->settings['imageHeight'] = $this->settings['imageHeight'] ? $this->settings['imageHeight'] : 90;
     // Try to avoid the 'free p*rn' method of CAPTCHA circumvention
     // see www.wikipedia.com/captcha for more info
     // "To avoid spam, please do NOT enter the text if this site is not example.org";
     // or more simply:
     // "for use only on example.org";
     // reword or add lines as you please
     $this->settings['siteTag'] = $this->settings['siteTag'] ? explode('|', \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Utility\LocalizationUtility::translate('site_tag', $this->extensionName, isset($this->settings['siteTagDomain']) ? $this->settings['siteTagDomain'] : 'example.org')) : array();
     // where to write the above:
     // 0=top
     // 1=bottom
     // 2=both
     $this->settings['siteTagPosition'] = isset($this->settings['siteTagPosition']) ? $this->settings['siteTagPosition'] : 1;
  * Builds an array of letter rendering files in the specified format
  * @param string $word: the word to be spelled and played
  * @param string $extension: the audio file extension being used
  * @return array array of file names
 protected function getLetterRenderingFiles($word, $extension = 'wav')
     $letterRenderingFiles = array();
     // Split the word
     $letters = preg_split('//', $word, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
     // Get the directory containing the wav files
     $voicesDirectory = LocalizationUtility::getVoicesDirectory();
     // Assemble the file names
     foreach ($letters as $letter) {
         // Word lists are encoded in ISO-8859-1 (possibly in ISO-8859-2?)
         $file = $voicesDirectory . ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['UTF8filesystem'] ? utf8_encode($letter) : $letter) . '.' . $extension;
         if (is_file($file)) {
             $letterRenderingFiles[] = $file;
     return $letterRenderingFiles;