  * Asks for the prefix and sets it on the InputInterface as the 'prefix' option, if this option is not set yet.
  * Will set the default to a snake_cased namespace when the namespace has been set on the InputInterface.
  * @param array  $text What you want printed before the prefix is asked. If null is provided it'll write a default text.
  * @param string $namespace An optional namespace. If this is set it'll create the default based on this prefix.
  *  If it's not provided it'll check if the InputInterface already has the namespace option.
  * @return string The prefix. But it's also been set on the InputInterface.
 public function askForPrefix(array $text = null, $namespace = null)
     $prefix = $this->input->hasOption('prefix') ? $this->input->getOption('prefix') : null;
     if (is_null($text)) {
         $text = array('', 'You can add a prefix to the table names of the generated entities for example: <comment>projectname_bundlename_</comment>', 'Enter an underscore \'_\' if you don\'t want a prefix.', '');
     if (is_null($prefix)) {
         if (count($text) > 0) {
         if (is_null($namespace) || empty($namespace)) {
             $namespace = $this->input->hasOption('namespace') ? $this->input->getOption('namespace') : null;
         } else {
             $namespace = $this->fixNamespace($namespace);
         $defaultPrefix = GeneratorUtils::cleanPrefix($this->convertNamespaceToSnakeCase($namespace));
         $prefix = $this->dialog->ask($this->output, $this->dialog->getQuestion('Tablename prefix', $defaultPrefix), $defaultPrefix);
         $prefix = GeneratorUtils::cleanPrefix($prefix);
         if ($this->input->hasOption('prefix')) {
             $this->input->setOption('prefix', $prefix);
     return $prefix;
 public function addActions(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output, DialogHelper $dialog)
     $output->writeln(array('', 'Instead of starting with a blank controller, you can add some actions now. An action', 'is a PHP function or method that executes, for example, when a given route is matched.', 'Actions should be suffixed by <comment>Action</comment>.', ''));
     $templateNameValidator = function ($name) {
         if ('default' == $name) {
             return $name;
         if (2 != substr_count($name, ':')) {
             throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Template name "%s" does not have 2 colons', $name));
         return $name;
     $actions = $this->parseActions($input->getOption('actions'));
     while (true) {
         // name
         $actionName = $dialog->askAndValidate($output, $dialog->getQuestion('New action name (press <return> to stop adding actions)', null), function ($name) use($actions) {
             if (null == $name) {
                 return $name;
             if (isset($actions[$name])) {
                 throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Action "%s" is already defined', $name));
             if ('Action' != substr($name, -6)) {
                 throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Name "%s" is not suffixed by Action', $name));
             return $name;
         if (!$actionName) {
         // route
         $route = $dialog->ask($output, $dialog->getQuestion('Action route', '/' . substr($actionName, 0, -6)), '/' . substr($actionName, 0, -6));
         $placeholders = $this->getPlaceholdersFromRoute($route);
         // template
         $defaultTemplate = $input->getOption('controller') . ':' . substr($actionName, 0, -6) . '.html.' . $input->getOption('template-format');
         $template = $dialog->askAndValidate($output, $dialog->getQuestion('Templatename (optional)', $defaultTemplate), $templateNameValidator, false, 'default');
         // adding action
         $actions[$actionName] = array('name' => $actionName, 'route' => $route, 'placeholders' => $placeholders, 'template' => $template);
     return $actions;
 protected function generateAdmin(DialogHelper $dialog, InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output, BundleInterface $bundle, $metadata, $entity, $filename)
     $auto = true;
     if ($input->isInteractive()) {
         $auto = $dialog->askConfirmation($output, $dialog->getQuestion('Confirm automatic generation of the Admin service', 'yes', '?'), true);
     if ($auto) {
         $group = ucfirst(str_replace('_', ' ', Container::underscore(substr($bundle->getName(), 0, -6))));
         $label = $entity;
         $translationDomain = 'Sonata';
         $group = $dialog->ask($output, $dialog->getQuestion('Group for the admin service', $group), $group);
         $label = $dialog->ask($output, $dialog->getQuestion('Label for the admin service', $label), $label);
         $translationDomain = $dialog->ask($output, $dialog->getQuestion('Translation domain for the admin service', $translationDomain), $translationDomain);
         $output->write('Creating the service: ');
         $this->getContainer()->get('filesystem')->mkdir($bundle->getPath() . '/Resources/config/');
         $admin = new AdminManipulator($bundle->getPath() . '/Resources/config/' . $filename);
         try {
             $ret = $auto ? $admin->addResource($bundle, $entity, $group, $label, $translationDomain) : false;
         } catch (\RuntimeException $exc) {
             $ret = false;
         if ($ret) {
             $output->write('Creating the Admin class: ');
             $generator = $this->getGenerator($bundle);
             $generator->generateAdminClass($metadata[0], $input->getOption('overwrite'));
  * Update the main routing file by including our two custom routing files.
  * @param DialogHelper $dialog
  * @param InputInterface $input
  * @param OutputInterface $output
  * @param $bundle
  * @param $format
  * @param $app
  * @return array
 protected function _updateRouting(DialogHelper $dialog, InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output, $bundle, $format, $app)
     $auto = true;
     if ($input->isInteractive()) {
         $auto = $dialog->askConfirmation($output, $dialog->getQuestion('Confirm automatic update of the Routing for the ' . $app . ' app', 'yes', '?'), true);
     $prefix = null;
     if ($input->isInteractive()) {
         $prefix = $dialog->ask($output, $dialog->getQuestion('Prefix for the ' . $app . ' app ' . ($app == 'backend' ? '(ex: /admin/news)' : '(leave blank for none)'), null), null);
     $output->write('Importing the bundle routing resource: ');
     $routing = new RoutingManipulator($this->getContainer()->getParameter('kernel.root_dir') . '/config/routing.yml');
     try {
         $ret = $auto ? $routing->addResource($bundle, $format, $prefix, 'routing_' . $app, $app) : false;
         if (!$ret) {
             if ('annotation' === $format) {
                 $help = sprintf("        <comment>resource: \"@%s/Controller/\"</comment>\n        <comment>type:     annotation</comment>\n", $bundle);
             } else {
                 $help = sprintf("        <comment>resource: \"@%s/Resources/config/routing_%s.%s\"</comment>\n", $app, $bundle, $format);
             if ($prefix) {
                 $help .= sprintf("        <comment>prefix:   %s</comment>\n", $prefix);
             return array('- Import the bundle\'s routing resource in the app main routing file:', '', sprintf('    <comment>%s:</comment>', $bundle), $help, '');
     } catch (\RuntimeException $e) {
         return array(sprintf('Bundle <comment>%s</comment> is already imported.', $bundle), '');