Exemple #1
  * Checks that this page is open in the browser.
  * Default implementaion checks current URL against either `$this->url`
  * or `$this->presenterName` and `$this->parameters`.
  * When testing some brually ajaxified application, this might be useful
  * to redefine in descendants.
  * It is performed by each access to an element through a shortcut.
  * @throws ViewStateException
 public function checkState()
     if ($this->url) {
         if (($actualUrl = $this->session->url()) !== $this->url) {
             throw new ViewStateException(__METHOD__ . ": URL '{$this->url}' was expected, actual URL is '{$actualUrl}'.");
     } else {
         $appRequest = $this->session->appRequest;
         if ($appRequest->presenterName !== $this->presenterName) {
             throw new ViewStateException(__METHOD__ . ": Presenter '{$this->presenterName}' was expected, actual presenter is '{$appRequest->presenterName}'.");
         foreach (Utils::strToArray($this->presenterParameters) as $name => $value) {
             if ($appRequest->parameters[$name] !== $value) {
                 throw new ViewStateException(__METHOD__ . ": Parameter '{$name}' is expected to be '{$value}', but is '{$appRequest->parameters[$name]}'.");
Exemple #2
  * Checks attributes of an element (only listed attributes are checked).
  * @param array|string $expectedAttributes
  * @param Element $element
 public function assertTagAttributes($expectedAttributes, Element $element)
     foreach (Utils::strToArray($expectedAttributes) as $attributeName => $expectedValue) {
         $this->assertSame($expectedValue, $actualValue = $element->attribute($attributeName), __FUNCTION__ . ": Atribut '{$attributeName}' by měl být '{$expectedValue}', je '{$actualValue}'.");
Exemple #3
  * Creates an URL.
  * Parameters can be either a PHP array, or a Neon array without brackets.
  * Ie. Instead of `array('a' => 'b', 'c' => 'd')` you can pass `'a=b,c=d'`.
  * @param string $presenterName
  * @param array|string $parameters
 public function getLink($presenterName, $parameters = array())
     $url = new \Nette\Http\UrlScript($this->context->parameters['selenium']['baseUrl']);
     $url->scriptPath = $url->path;
     $appRequest = new \Nette\Application\Request($presenterName, 'GET', Utils::strToArray($parameters));
     return $this->context->router->constructUrl($appRequest, $url);
Exemple #4
  * Provides processed shortcuts definitions (property-read annotations).
  * @return array
 private function getShortcuts()
     if (!isset($this->shortcuts)) {
         foreach ($this->getThisClasses() as $className) {
             $annotations = Utils::getClassAnnotations($className);
             $readOnlyProperties = isset($annotations['property-read']) ? $annotations['property-read'] : array();
             foreach ($readOnlyProperties as $property) {
                 // Splitting @property-read $propertyType $propertyName $propertyDescription
                 list($propertyType, $propertyName, $propertyDescription) = preg_split('~\\s+~', $property, 3) + array(NULL, NULL, NULL);
                 if (substr($propertyName, 0, 1) === '$') {
                     list($propertyDescription) = preg_split('~\\s+#~', $propertyDescription, 2);
                     // Throw away the comment
                     $definition = Utils::strToArray($propertyDescription);
                     if ($definition) {
                         // array('id' => 'foo', 'x', 'y') ==> array('id', 'foo', 'x', 'y')
                         $strategy = key($definition);
                         $strategyValue = array_shift($definition);
                         array_unshift($definition, substr($propertyType, -2) === '[]');
                         // array of elements
                         array_unshift($definition, $strategyValue);
                         // strategy value
                         array_unshift($definition, $strategy);
                         // strategy
                         $this->shortcuts[substr($propertyName, 1)] = $definition;
     return $this->shortcuts;