private function getPropertyType(PhpType $objType = null, $propName, \PHPParser_Node $n, LinkedFlowScope $scope)
     // Check whether the scope contains inferred type information about the property,
     // or fallback to the wider property type if not available. Scopes could
     // contain information about properties if we have reverse interpreted
     // the property previously.
     $qualifiedName = self::getQualifiedName($n);
     $var = $scope->getSlot($qualifiedName);
     if (null !== $var && null !== ($varType = $var->getType())) {
         if ($varType->equals($this->typeRegistry->getNativeType('unknown')) && $var !== $this->syntacticScope->getSlot($qualifiedName)) {
             // If the type of this qualified name has been checked in this scope,
             // then use CHECKED_UNKNOWN_TYPE instead to indicate that.
             // TODO: The checked unknown type has not really proved useful in
             //       practice. Consider removing it entirely.
             return $this->typeRegistry->getNativeType('unknown_checked');
         return $varType;
     $propertyType = null;
     if (null !== $objType && null !== ($objType = $objType->toMaybeObjectType()) && $objType instanceof Clazz && $objType->hasProperty($propName)) {
         $propertyType = $objType->getProperty($propName)->getPhpType();
     return $propertyType ?: $this->typeRegistry->getNativeType('unknown');