Exemple #1
  * Gets all cost centres with all theirs properties
  * @param    bool   $addHasProjects      optional Should it provide result with hasProjects flag
  * @param    array  $criteria            optional Search criteria
  * @param    bool   $ignoreCache         optional Should it ignore cache or not
  * @return   ArrayCollection  Returns collection of the CostCentreEntity objects
 public function all($addHasProjects = false, $criteria = null, $ignoreCache = false)
     if ($this->collection === null || $ignoreCache) {
         $this->collection = new ArrayCollection();
         $ccEntity = new CostCentreEntity();
         $ccPropertyEntity = new CostCentrePropertyEntity();
         $projectEntity = new ProjectEntity();
         $where = 'WHERE 1=1';
         $join = '';
         $idField = $ccEntity->getIterator()->getField('ccId');
         $this->parseFindCriteria($criteria, $join, $where);
         $rs = $this->db->Execute("\n                SELECT " . $ccEntity->fields('c') . ", cp.name as property_name, cp.value as property_value\n                " . ($addHasProjects ? ", EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM projects pr WHERE pr.cc_id = c.cc_id) AS `hasProjects`" : "") . "\n                FROM " . $ccEntity->table('c') . "\n                LEFT JOIN " . $ccPropertyEntity->table('cp') . " ON cp.cc_id = c.cc_id\n                " . $join . "\n                " . $where . "\n                ORDER BY c.cc_id\n            ");
         while ($rec = $rs->FetchRow()) {
             $id = $idField->type->toPhp($rec['cc_id']);
             if (!isset($this->collection[$id])) {
                 $entity = new CostCentreEntity();
                 if ($addHasProjects) {
                 $entity->setProperty($rec['property_name'], $rec['property_value']);
                 $this->collection[$entity->ccId] = $entity;
             } else {
                 $this->collection[$id]->setProperty($rec['property_name'], $rec['property_value']);
     return $this->collection;