Exemple #1
  * Gets the usage for specified cost centre breakdown by specified tags
  * @param   array        $criteria  The list of the criterias ['ccId' => [], 'projectId' => []]
  * @param   DateTime     $begin     Begin date
  * @param   DateTime     $end       End date
  * @param   array|string $breakdown optional The identifier of the tag or list
  *                                  looks like ['day', TagEntity::TAG_ID_PROJECT, TagEntity::TAG_ID_FARM ...]
  *                                  The inteval to group data [12 hours, day, week, month]
  * @param   bool         $rawResult optional Whether it should return raw result
  * @return  AggregationCollection|array   Returns collection or array with raw result
 public function get($criteria, DateTime $begin, DateTime $end, $breakdown = null, $rawResult = false)
     //We do not take into cosideration not managed cost by default. It should not be shown on CC or Projects pages.
     $ignorenmusage = true;
     $now = new DateTime("now", new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
     if ($end > $now) {
         $end = $now;
     if (!$begin instanceof DateTime || !$end instanceof DateTime) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("Both Start end End time should be instance of DateTime."));
     $obj = new UsageHourlyEntity();
     if ($breakdown !== null) {
         if (!is_array($breakdown)) {
             $breakdown = [$breakdown];
     $ccId = null;
     $projectId = null;
     $aFields = ['ccId', 'projectId', 'cost'];
     $selectFields = "`u`.`cc_id`, `u`.`project_id`, SUM(`u`.`cost`) AS `cost`";
     $selectNmFields = "`s`.`cc_id`, NULL AS `project_id`, SUM(`nu`.`cost`) AS `cost`";
     $selectUnion = "`cc_id`, `project_id`, SUM(`cost`) AS `cost`";
     if (isset($criteria) && array_key_exists('ccId', $criteria)) {
         $ccId = $criteria['ccId'];
     if (isset($criteria) && array_key_exists('projectId', $criteria)) {
         $projectId = $criteria['projectId'];
         if ($projectId === '') {
             $projectId = null;
         } elseif (is_array($projectId)) {
             $projectId = array_map(function ($v) {
                 return $v === '' ? null : $v;
             }, $projectId);
     $it = $obj->getIterator();
     //Group rules according to ChartPeriodIterator
     $groupFields = ['hour' => [true, "`u`.`dtime` `period`", null], 'day' => [true, "DATE(`u`.`dtime`) `period`", null], 'week' => [true, "YEARWEEK(`u`.`dtime`, 0) `period`", null], 'month' => [true, "DATE_FORMAT(`u`.`dtime`, '%Y-%m') `period`", null], 'year' => [true, "YEAR(`u`.`dtime`) `period`", null], TagEntity::TAG_ID_ENVIRONMENT => ['envId', 's'], TagEntity::TAG_ID_PLATFORM => ['platform', 'nu'], TagEntity::TAG_ID_FARM => ['farmId', null], TagEntity::TAG_ID_FARM_ROLE => ['farmRoleId', null], TagEntity::TAG_ID_PROJECT => ['projectId', null], TagEntity::TAG_ID_COST_CENTRE => ['ccId', 's'], 'cloudLocation' => ['cloudLocation', 'nu']];
     $notSupportDaily = ['hour', TagEntity::TAG_ID_FARM_ROLE, 'cloudLocation'];
     $group = '';
     $groupNm = '';
     $groupUnion = '';
     $subtotals = [];
     if (!empty($breakdown)) {
         //We are intrested in value of the environment's identifier if farm breakdown is selected
         if (in_array(TagEntity::TAG_ID_FARM, $breakdown) && !in_array(TagEntity::TAG_ID_ENVIRONMENT, $breakdown)) {
             $selectFields = "u.`env_id`, " . $selectFields;
             $selectNmFields = "s.`env_id`, " . $selectNmFields;
             $selectUnion = "`env_id`, " . $selectUnion;
             $aFields[] = 'envId';
         foreach ($breakdown as $t) {
             if (!isset($groupFields[$t])) {
                 throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("Tag %d is not supported as breakdown in %s call.", $t, __FUNCTION__));
             if ($groupFields[$t][0] === true) {
                 $subtotals[] = 'period';
                 $selectFields = $groupFields[$t][1] . ', ' . $selectFields;
                 $selectNmFields = str_replace('`u`.', '`nu`.', $groupFields[$t][1]) . ', ' . $selectNmFields;
                 $selectUnion = "`period`, " . $selectUnion;
                 $group .= ($groupFields[$t][2] ?: "`period`") . ', ';
                 $groupNm .= str_replace('`u`.', '`nu`.', $groupFields[$t][2] ?: "`period`") . ', ';
                 $groupUnion .= "`period`, ";
             } else {
                 $field = $it->getField($groupFields[$t][0]);
                 $subtotals[] = $field->name;
                 if ($field->name != 'ccId' && $field->name != 'projectId') {
                     $selectFields = $field->getColumnName('u') . ', ' . $selectFields;
                     $selectNmFields = (isset($groupFields[$t][1]) ? $field->getColumnName($groupFields[$t][1]) : 'NULL ' . $field->column->name) . ', ' . $selectNmFields;
                     $selectUnion = $field->column->name . ', ' . $selectUnion;
                 $group .= $field->getColumnName('u') . ', ';
                 //To avoid data duplication by environment we should exclude it from grouping.
                 //It will return only first available identifier of the environment for the specified cost centre.
                 if ($t != TagEntity::TAG_ID_ENVIRONMENT) {
                     $groupNm .= isset($groupFields[$t][1]) ? $field->getColumnName($groupFields[$t][1]) . ', ' : '';
                 $groupUnion .= $field->column->name . ', ';
         $group = 'GROUP BY ' . substr($group, 0, -2);
         $groupUnion = 'GROUP BY ' . substr($groupUnion, 0, -2);
         if (!empty($groupNm)) {
             $groupNm = 'GROUP BY ' . substr($groupNm, 0, -2);
     $orderUnion = in_array('period', $subtotals) ? 'ORDER BY `period`' : '';
     if ($rawResult) {
         $ret = [];
     } else {
         $ret = new AggregationCollection($subtotals, ['cost' => 'sum']);
         if (!is_array($ccId)) {
     $uwherestmt = 'TRUE';
     $suwherestmt = 'TRUE';
     if (isset($ccId)) {
         $uwherestmt .= ' AND ' . $obj->_buildQuery([['ccId' => is_array($ccId) ? ['$in' => $ccId] : $ccId]], 'AND', 'u')['where'];
         $suwherestmt = preg_replace('/`u`\\./', '`su`.', $uwherestmt);
     if (isset($criteria) && array_key_exists('projectId', $criteria)) {
         if (is_string($projectId) && $projectId !== null || is_array($projectId) && !in_array(null, $projectId, true)) {
             $ignorenmusage = true;
         $uwherestmt .= ' AND ' . $obj->_buildQuery([['projectId' => is_array($projectId) ? ['$in' => $projectId] : $projectId]], 'AND', 'u')['where'];
     if (empty($breakdown) || count(array_intersect($notSupportDaily, array_values($breakdown))) == 0) {
         //Selects from daily usage table
         $statement = "\n                SELECT " . str_replace('`dtime`', '`date`', $selectFields) . "\n                FROM `usage_d` u\n                WHERE " . $uwherestmt . "\n                AND u.`date` >= ? AND u.`date` <= ?\n                " . $groupUnion . "\n                " . $orderUnion . "\n            ";
         $res = $obj->db()->Execute($statement, array($begin->format('Y-m-d'), $end->format('Y-m-d')));
     } else {
         $dtimeType = $it->getField('dtime')->type;
         //Selects from hourly usage table
         $statement = "\n                SELECT " . $selectUnion . " FROM (\n                    SELECT " . $selectFields . "\n                    FROM `usage_h` u\n                    WHERE " . $uwherestmt . "\n                    AND u.`dtime` >= ? AND u.`dtime` <= ?\n                    " . $group . "\n                " . (isset($ignorenmusage) ? "" : "\n                    UNION ALL\n\n                    SELECT " . $selectNmFields . "\n                    FROM `nm_usage_h` nu\n                    JOIN (\n                        SELECT us.usage_id, su.cc_id, su.env_id\n                        FROM `nm_subjects_h` su\n                        JOIN `nm_usage_subjects_h` us ON us.subject_id = su.subject_id\n                        WHERE " . $suwherestmt . "\n                        GROUP BY us.usage_id\n                    ) s ON nu.usage_id = s.usage_id\n                    WHERE nu.`dtime` >= ? AND nu.`dtime` <= ?\n                    " . $groupNm) . "\n                ) t\n                " . $groupUnion . "\n                " . $orderUnion . "\n            ";
         $res = $obj->db()->Execute($statement, array($dtimeType->toDb($begin), $dtimeType->toDb($end), $dtimeType->toDb($begin), $dtimeType->toDb($end)));
     $aFields = array_diff(array_merge($aFields, $subtotals), ['period']);
     while ($rec = $res->FetchRow()) {
         $item = new UsageHourlyEntity();
         $arr = [];
         foreach ($aFields as $col) {
             $arr[$col] = $item->{$col};
         if (isset($rec['period'])) {
             $arr['period'] = (string) $rec['period'];
         if ($rawResult) {
             $ret[] = $arr;
         } else {
     //Calculates percentage
     if (!$rawResult && !empty($subtotals)) {
     return $ret;