public function checkLogin($url) { $response = new ResponseProvider(); $this->dbh = new DataBaseProvider(); $login = $this->session->get('user', 0); $sql = "SELECT roles.privilege, users.hash FROM users\n\t\tLEFT JOIN roles ON = users.role\n\t\tWHERE users.status = 1 AND users.hash = :password\n\t\t"; $user = $this->dbh->listAll($sql, array('password' => $login['token'])); $user = $user[0]; if (is_null($user) or !$login['auth']) { return $response->redirect('index/main/info/no-session'); } $privileges = explode(',', $user['privilege']); if (!in_array($url, $privileges)) { return $response->redirect('errors/code/no-privilege'); } }
public function auth() { $request = new RequestProvider(); $response = new ResponseProvider(); $data = $request->post(); if (is_null($data['email'])) { return $response->redirect('index/main/warning/email-required'); } $user = $this->dbh->findOneBy('users', 'email', $data['email']); if (is_null($user)) { return $response->redirect('index/main/warning/user-no-exist'); } $hash = md5($data['password'] . $user['salt']); $sql = "SELECT, users.hash, users.role, roles.dashboard_url FROM users\n\t\tLEFT JOIN roles ON users.role =\n\t\tWHERE users.status = 1 AND password = '******' LIMIT 1\n\t\t"; $auth = $this->dbh->listAll($sql); $auth = $auth[0]; if (is_null($auth)) { return $response->redirect('index/main/danger/error'); } $this->session->destroy('user'); $this->session->set('user', 0, array('token' => $auth['hash'], 'auth' => true)); return $response->redirect($auth['dashboard_url']); }