  * Redirect to the installation page of the application.
  * This method does not send the response.
  * @param  Response  $response    HTTP response.
  * @param  Request   $request     HTTP request.
  * @return void
 static function redirectToInstall(Response $response, Request $request)
     list($dirname) = Uri\split($request->getUrl());
     $response->setHeader('Location', $dirname . '/install.php');
     $response->setBody('The application is not installed. ' . 'You are going to be redirected to the installation page.');
Exemple #2
 function testRequireLogin()
     $response = new Response();
     $bearer = new Bearer('Dagger', new Request(), $response);
     $this->assertEquals('Bearer realm="Dagger"', $response->getHeader('WWW-Authenticate'));
     $this->assertEquals(401, $response->getStatus());
  * Log exception
 public function logException(\Exception $ex)
     $exceptionClass = get_class($ex);
     $level = \OCP\Util::FATAL;
     if (isset($this->nonFatalExceptions[$exceptionClass])) {
         $level = \OCP\Util::DEBUG;
     $message = $ex->getMessage();
     if ($ex instanceof Exception) {
         if (empty($message)) {
             $response = new Response($ex->getHTTPCode());
             $message = $response->getStatusText();
         $message = "HTTP/1.1 {$ex->getHTTPCode()} {$message}";
     $exception = ['Message' => $message, 'Code' => $ex->getCode(), 'Trace' => $ex->getTraceAsString(), 'File' => $ex->getFile(), 'Line' => $ex->getLine()];
     $this->logger->log($level, 'Exception: ' . json_encode($exception), ['app' => $this->appName]);
Exemple #4
  * @param \Sabre\HTTP\Response $response
  * @return void
 public function sendResponse(Response $response)
     // we need to copy the body since we close the source stream
     $copyStream = fopen('php://temp', 'r+');
     if (is_string($response->getBody())) {
         fwrite($copyStream, $response->getBody());
     } else {
         if (is_resource($response->getBody())) {
             stream_copy_to_stream($response->getBody(), $copyStream);
     $this->response = new Response($response->getStatus(), $response->getHeaders(), $copyStream);
  * @param Request       $request
  * @param SabreResponse $response
  * @param string        $responseBody
 private function logIt(Request $request, SabreResponse $response, $responseBody)
     $this->get('logger')->info('------------------------ METHOD -------------------------');
     $this->get('logger')->info('------------------------ REQUEST ------------------------');
     foreach ($request->headers->all() as $key => $value) {
         if (is_array($value)) {
             $this->get('logger')->info($key . ' => ' . implode(', ', $value));
         } else {
             $this->get('logger')->info($key . ' => ' . $value);
     $this->get('logger')->info('------------------------ RESPONSE -----------------------');
     $this->get('logger')->info('------------------------ END ----------------------------');
 private function getServerTokens($qop = Digest::QOP_AUTH)
     switch ($qop) {
         case Digest::QOP_AUTH:
             $qopstr = 'auth';
         case Digest::QOP_AUTHINT:
             $qopstr = 'auth-int';
             $qopstr = 'auth,auth-int';
     $test = preg_match('/Digest realm="' . self::REALM . '",qop="' . $qopstr . '",nonce="([0-9a-f]*)",opaque="([0-9a-f]*)"/', $this->response->getHeader('WWW-Authenticate'), $matches);
     $this->assertTrue($test == true, 'The WWW-Authenticate response didn\'t match our pattern. We received: ' . $this->response->getHeader('WWW-Authenticate'));
     $nonce = $matches[1];
     $opaque = $matches[2];
     // Reset our environment
     return array($nonce, $opaque);
  * Creates the response object
  * @param string|int $status
  * @param array $headers
  * @param resource $body
  * @return void
 function __construct($status = null, array $headers = null, $body = null)
     parent::__construct($status, $headers, $body);
     // a JMAP response is always application/json
     $this->setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
  * Constructor.
  * @param StreamedResponse $response
 public function __construct(StreamedResponse $response)
     parent::__construct($response->getStatusCode(), $response->headers->all());
     $this->response = $response;
Exemple #9
 * This simple example shows the capability of Request and Response objects to
 * serialize themselves as strings.
 * This is mainly useful for debugging purposes.
 * @copyright Copyright (C) 2009-2015 fruux GmbH (https://fruux.com/).
 * @author Evert Pot (http://evertpot.com/)
 * @license http://sabre.io/license/ Modified BSD License
use Sabre\HTTP\Request;
use Sabre\HTTP\Response;
// Find the autoloader
$paths = [__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php', __DIR__ . '/../../../autoload.php', __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'];
foreach ($paths as $path) {
    if (file_exists($path)) {
        include $path;
$request = new Request('POST', '/foo');
$request->setHeaders(['Host' => 'example.org', 'Content-Type' => 'application/json']);
$request->setBody(json_encode(['foo' => 'bar']));
echo $request;
echo "\r\n\r\n";
$response = new Response(424);
$response->setHeaders(['Content-Type' => 'text/plain', 'Connection' => 'close']);
$response->setBody("ABORT! ABORT!");
echo $response;
echo "\r\n";
Exemple #10
 public function __construct()
Exemple #11
use Sabre\Katana\Server\Installer;
use Sabre\Katana\Configuration;
use Sabre\HTTP;
use Hoa\Router;
use Hoa\Dispatcher;
use Hoa\Eventsource;
use Hoa\File;
 * This file aims at installing the application.
 * @copyright Copyright (C) 2015 fruux GmbH (https://fruux.com/).
 * @author Ivan Enderlin
 * @license GNU Affero General Public License, Version 3.
$request = HTTP\Sapi::getRequest();
$response = new HTTP\Response();
 * If the application has already been installed, redirect to the index.
if (true === Installer::isInstalled()) {
    echo file_get_contents(SABRE_KATANA_PREFIX . '/resource/view/install_done.html');
 * If dependencies have not been installed, we print a specific message.
if (true === Installer::isDirectoryEmpty(SABRE_KATANA_PREFIX . '/public/static/vendor/')) {
    echo file_get_contents(SABRE_KATANA_PREFIX . '/resource/view/install_bower.html');
Exemple #12

use Sabre\HTTP;
require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../bootstrap/bootstrap.php';
if (file_exists(app_path() . '/' . request()->getPath() . '.php')) {
    require_once app_path() . '/' . request()->getPath() . '.php';
} elseif (file_exists(app_path() . '/' . request()->getPath() . '/index.php')) {
    require_once app_path() . '/' . request()->getPath() . '/index.php';
} else {
    $response = new HTTP\Response();
    $response->setBody('Page not found');
Exemple #13
  * Parses the result of a curl call in a format that's a bit more
  * convenient to work with.
  * The method returns an array with the following elements:
  *   * status - one of the 3 STATUS constants.
  *   * curl_errno - A curl error number. Only set if status is
  *                  STATUS_CURLERROR.
  *   * curl_errmsg - A current error message. Only set if status is
  *                   STATUS_CURLERROR.
  *   * response - Response object. Only set if status is STATUS_SUCCESS, or
  *                STATUS_HTTPERROR.
  *   * http_code - HTTP status code, as an int. Only set if Only set if
  *                 status is STATUS_SUCCESS, or STATUS_HTTPERROR
  * @param string $response
  * @param resource $curlHandle
  * @return Response
 protected function parseCurlResult($response, $curlHandle)
     list($curlInfo, $curlErrNo, $curlErrMsg) = $this->curlStuff($curlHandle);
     if ($curlErrNo) {
         return ['status' => self::STATUS_CURLERROR, 'curl_errno' => $curlErrNo, 'curl_errmsg' => $curlErrMsg];
     $headerBlob = substr($response, 0, $curlInfo['header_size']);
     // In the case of 204 No Content, strlen($response) == $curlInfo['header_size].
     // This will cause substr($response, $curlInfo['header_size']) return FALSE instead of NULL
     // An exception will be thrown when calling getBodyAsString then
     $responseBody = substr($response, $curlInfo['header_size']) ?: null;
     // In the case of 100 Continue, or redirects we'll have multiple lists
     // of headers for each separate HTTP response. We can easily split this
     // because they are separated by \r\n\r\n
     $headerBlob = explode("\r\n\r\n", trim($headerBlob, "\r\n"));
     // We only care about the last set of headers
     $headerBlob = $headerBlob[count($headerBlob) - 1];
     // Splitting headers
     $headerBlob = explode("\r\n", $headerBlob);
     $response = new Response();
     foreach ($headerBlob as $header) {
         $parts = explode(':', $header, 2);
         if (count($parts) == 2) {
             $response->addHeader(trim($parts[0]), trim($parts[1]));
     $httpCode = intval($response->getStatus());
     return ['status' => $httpCode >= 400 ? self::STATUS_HTTPERROR : self::STATUS_SUCCESS, 'response' => $response, 'http_code' => $httpCode];
 protected function sendAuthSuccess(Response $response, $accessToken = null)
     // mandatory JMAP API endpoints
     $routes = ['apiUrl' => '!undefined', 'uploadUrl' => '!undefined', 'downloadUrl' => '!undefined', 'eventSourceUrl' => '!undefined'];
     // collect service endpoint routes for the registered processors
     foreach ($this->ctrl->processors as $processor) {
         $routes = array_merge($routes, $processor->getJmapRoutes());
     // send service endpoint URLs
     $result = [];
     foreach ($routes as $key => $route) {
         $result[$key] = $this->ctrl->url($route, true);
     if (!empty($accessToken)) {
         $result['accessToken'] = $accessToken;
     if ($this->session && $this->session->get('Auth\\identity')) {
         $result['username'] = $this->session->get('Auth\\identity')->username;
     $status = $accessToken ? 201 : 200;
     $this->ctrl->emit('jmap:auth:success', [['result' => &$result, 'status' => &$status, 'processor' => $this]]);
Exemple #15
 * @copyright Copyright (C) 2009-2015 fruux GmbH (https://fruux.com/).
 * @author Evert Pot (http://evertpot.com/)
 * @license http://sabre.io/license/ Modified BSD License
$userList = ["user1" => "password", "user2" => "password"];
use Sabre\HTTP\Sapi;
use Sabre\HTTP\Response;
use Sabre\HTTP\Auth;
// Find the autoloader
$paths = [__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php', __DIR__ . '/../../../autoload.php', __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'];
foreach ($paths as $path) {
    if (file_exists($path)) {
        include $path;
$request = Sapi::getRequest();
$response = new Response();
$basicAuth = new Auth\Basic("Locked down area", $request, $response);
if (!($userPass = $basicAuth->getCredentials())) {
    // No username or password given
} elseif (!isset($userList[$userPass[0]]) || $userList[$userPass[0]] !== $userPass[1]) {
    // Username or password are incorrect
} else {
    // Success !
    $response->setBody('You are logged in!');
// Sending the response
Exemple #16
 function test401()
     $test = preg_match('/^AWS$/', $this->response->getHeader('WWW-Authenticate'), $matches);
     $this->assertTrue($test == true, 'The WWW-Authenticate response didn\'t match our pattern');
Exemple #17
  * Sends compiled view
  * @param	string	$tpl_name		Name of the template (in "dot" notation)
  * @param	array	$data			Array containing your data; empty by default
  * @param	integer	$status_code	HTTP status code for the response; 200 by default
 function view($tpl_name, $data = [], $status_code = 200)
     $response = new HTTP\Response();
     $response->setBody(twig()->render($tpl_name, $data));
  * @throws ProcessorException
 public function processPOST(Request $request, Response $response)
     // check authentication status
     $auth_status = Auth::checkJmapAuth($request, $identity);
     if ($auth_status !== 200) {
         return $response->setStatus($auth_status);
     // set authenticated identity to controller
     $this->ctrl->identity = $identity;
     // replace response object with a JMAP response
     $response = new \Roundcube\JMAP\Response($response->getStatus(), $response->getHeaders());
     $this->ctrl->httpResponse = $response;
     // decode JMAP request data
     $json_input = json_decode($request->getBodyAsString(), true);
     if ($json_input === null) {
         throw new ProcessorException(400, "Invalid JSON request body");
     $this->ctrl->emit('jmap:query', [['query' => $json_input, 'auth' => &$this->ctrl->identity]]);
     // dispatch each query command to the registered providers
     foreach ($json_input as $cmd) {
         list($method, $args, $id) = $cmd;
         if (isset($this->methodmap[$method])) {
             foreach ($this->invokeProviders($method, $args) as $res) {
                 $this->ctrl->emit('jmap:response', [['method' => $method, 'args' => $args, 'result' => &$res]]);
                 $this->ctrl->emit('jmap:response:' . $method, [['args' => $args, 'result' => &$res]]);
                 $response->addResponse($res[0], $res[1], $id);
         } else {
             $res = ['error', ['type' => 'unknownMethod']];
             $this->ctrl->emit('jmap:error', [['method' => $method, 'args' => $args, 'result' => &$res]]);
             $response->addResponse($res[0], $res[1], $id);