Exemple #1
     * A typical test with *mockster* might look like this.
    public function testQuickStart()
         * <a href="javascript:" onclick="$('#quickStartDefinitions').toggle();">
         * Show class definitions for this example
         * </a><div id="quickStartDefinitions" style="display: none;">
            class FooClass {

                /** @var MyDatabase <- */
                protected $database;

                public function setUserName($id, $name) {
                    $user = $this->database->readUser($id);

            class MyDatabase {

                public function readUser($id) {
                    // [...]

                public function update($object) {
                    // [...]

            class MyUser {

                public function setName($name) {
                    // [...]
        // </div>
         * First create `Mockster` instances of the classes we're gonna mock.
        $foo = new Mockster('FooClass');
        $user = new Mockster('MyUser');
         * Then configure the behaviour of the dependencies of our *Unit Under Test*.
         * The `Database` should return a mock of the `User` class when called with the argument `1`.
        $userMock = $user->mock();
         * Now execute the code to be tested.
         * The `uut()` method will create an instance of the `FooClass` with
         * all it's dependencies replaced by mocks and none of it's methods stubbed.
        $foo->uut()->setUserName(1, 'Bart');
         * Last, assert the expected behaviour.
         * There should have been one call to `User::setName()` with the argument
         * `'Bart'` and one call on `Database::update()` with the `User` mock instance.