Exemple #1
  * @param  string $targetDocument
  * @throws \Rs\Json\Patch\InvalidOperationException
  * @throws \Rs\Json\Pointer\InvalidJsonException
  * @throws \Rs\Json\Pointer\InvalidPointerException
  * @throws \Rs\Json\Pointer\NonWalkableJsonException
  * @throws \RuntimeException
  * @return boolean
 public function perform($targetDocument)
     $pointer = new Pointer($targetDocument);
     try {
         $get = $pointer->get($this->getPath());
         // Pointer::get() method can return mixed result, we should force type to array for json string
         if ($this->isValidJsonString($get)) {
             $get = json_decode($get);
     } catch (NonexistentValueReferencedException $e) {
         $get = null;
     $value = $this->getValue();
      * to remain backwards compatible, we support testing a $value of array with non-numeric indexes
      * to a $get of object.. in that case, we cast $value to object
     if (is_array($value) && !empty($value)) {
         // in if to remain php 5.4 compatible
         $keys = array_keys($value);
         if (!ctype_digit((string) $keys[0])) {
             $value = (object) $value;
     if (is_array($value) && is_array($get)) {
         return $this->arraysAreIdentical($value, $get);
     if (is_object($value) && is_object($get)) {
         return $get == $value;
     return $get === $value;
  * @param  string $targetDocument
  * @throws \Rs\Json\Patch\InvalidOperationException
  * @throws \Rs\Json\Pointer\InvalidJsonException
  * @throws \Rs\Json\Pointer\InvalidPointerException
  * @throws \Rs\Json\Pointer\NonWalkableJsonException
  * @throws \RuntimeException
  * @return string
 public function perform($targetDocument)
     $pointer = new Pointer($targetDocument);
     try {
         $get = $pointer->get($this->getPath());
     } catch (NonexistentValueReferencedException $e) {
         return $targetDocument;
     $targetDocument = json_decode($targetDocument);
     $this->replace($targetDocument, $this->getPointerParts(), $this->getValue());
     return json_encode($targetDocument, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
  * @param  string $targetDocument
  * @return string
 public function perform($targetDocument)
     $pointer = new Pointer($targetDocument);
     try {
         $get = $pointer->get($this->getPath());
     } catch (NonexistentValueReferencedException $e) {
         return $targetDocument;
     $targetDocument = json_decode($targetDocument, true);
     $this->remove($targetDocument, $this->getPointerParts());
     return json_encode($targetDocument);
Exemple #4
  * @param  string $targetDocument
  * @throws \Rs\Json\Patch\InvalidOperationException
  * @throws \Rs\Json\Pointer\InvalidJsonException
  * @throws \Rs\Json\Pointer\InvalidPointerException
  * @throws \Rs\Json\Pointer\NonWalkableJsonException
  * @throws \RuntimeException
  * @return string
 public function perform($targetDocument)
     $pointer = new Pointer($targetDocument);
     try {
         $get = $pointer->get($this->getFrom());
     } catch (NonexistentValueReferencedException $e) {
         return $targetDocument;
     if ($this->getFrom() === $this->getPath()) {
         return $targetDocument;
     $operation = new \stdClass();
     $operation->path = $this->getPath();
     $operation->value = $get;
     $add = new Add($operation);
     return $add->perform($targetDocument);
  * @param  string $targetDocument
  * @return boolean
 public function perform($targetDocument)
     $pointer = new Pointer($targetDocument);
     try {
         $get = $pointer->get($this->getPath());
         // Pointer::get() method can return mixed result, we should force type to array for json string
         if ($this->isValidJsonString($get)) {
             $get = json_decode($get, true);
     } catch (NonexistentValueReferencedException $e) {
         $get = null;
     $value = is_object($this->getValue()) ? (array) $this->getValue() : $this->getValue();
     if (is_array($value) && is_array($get)) {
         return json_encode($get) === json_encode($value);
     return $get === $this->getValue();
Exemple #6
  * @param  string $targetDocument
  * @return boolean
 public function perform($targetDocument)
     $pointer = new Pointer($targetDocument);
     try {
         $get = $pointer->get($this->getPath());
     } catch (NonexistentValueReferencedException $e) {
         $get = null;
     if (is_string($this->getValue())) {
         $value = json_decode($this->getValue(), true);
     } else {
         $value = $this->getValue();
     if (is_array($value) && is_array($get)) {
         return json_encode($get) === json_encode($value);
     return $get === $this->getValue();
  * @param string $targetDocument JSON of target document
  * @param string $jsonPatch
  * @return boolean
 public function validate($targetDocument, $jsonPatch)
     $operations = json_decode($jsonPatch, true);
     $pointer = new Pointer($targetDocument);
     foreach ($operations as $op) {
         try {
         } catch (InvalidPointerException $e) {
             // Basic validation failed
             return false;
         } catch (NonexistentValueReferencedException $e) {
             $pathParts = explode('/', $op['path']);
             $lastPart = end($pathParts);
             if (is_numeric($lastPart)) {
                  * JSON Pointer library throws an Exception when INDEX is equal to number of elements in array
                  * But JSON Patch allow this as described in RFC
                  * http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6902#section-4.1
                  * "The specified index MUST NOT be greater than the number of elements in the array."
                 // Try to check previous element
                 array_push($pathParts, $lastPart - 1);
                 try {
                     $pointer->get(implode('/', $pathParts));
                 } catch (NonexistentValueReferencedException $e) {
                     return false;
     return true;
Exemple #8
  * @param  string $targetDocument
  * @return string
 public function perform($targetDocument)
     $pointer = new Pointer($targetDocument);
     try {
         $get = $pointer->get($this->getPath());
     } catch (NonexistentValueReferencedException $e) {
         $get = null;
     $pointerParts = $this->getPointerParts();
     $rootPointer = $pointerParts[0];
     if (count($pointerParts) >= 2) {
         try {
             $rootGet = $pointer->get(Pointer::POINTER_CHAR . $rootPointer);
         } catch (NonexistentValueReferencedException $e) {
             return $targetDocument;
     $targetDocument = json_decode($targetDocument, true);
     $lastPointerPart = $pointerParts[count($pointerParts) - 1];
     if ($get === null && $lastPointerPart !== Pointer::LAST_ARRAY_ELEMENT_CHAR) {
         if (ctype_digit($lastPointerPart) && $lastPointerPart > count($rootGet)) {
             return json_encode($targetDocument);
         if (count($pointerParts) === 1) {
             $targetDocument[$pointerParts[0]] = $this->getValue();
         } elseif (count($pointerParts) > 1) {
             $augmentedDocument =& $targetDocument;
             foreach ($pointerParts as $pointerPart) {
                 $augmentedDocument =& $augmentedDocument[$pointerPart];
             $augmentedDocument = $this->getValue();
     } else {
         $additionIndex = array_pop($pointerParts);
         $arrayEntryPath = '/' . implode('/', $pointerParts);
         try {
             $targetArray = $pointer->get($arrayEntryPath);
         } catch (NonexistentValueReferencedException $e) {
             $targetArray = null;
         if (is_array($targetArray)) {
             if ($lastPointerPart === Pointer::LAST_ARRAY_ELEMENT_CHAR) {
                 $targetArray[] = $this->getValue();
             } else {
                 if (is_numeric($additionIndex)) {
                     $replacement = is_array($this->getValue()) || is_object($this->getValue()) ? array($this->getValue()) : $this->getValue();
                     array_splice($targetArray, $additionIndex, 0, $replacement);
                 } else {
                     $targetArray[$additionIndex] = $this->getValue();
             $augmentedDocument =& $targetDocument;
             foreach ($pointerParts as $pointerPart) {
                 $augmentedDocument =& $augmentedDocument[$pointerPart];
             $augmentedDocument = $targetArray;
         if ($targetArray === null) {
             $targetDocument[$additionIndex] = $this->getValue();
     return json_encode($targetDocument);