Exemple #1
  * Returns the point which is a fraction along the line between 0 and 1.
  * @param Point $point
  * @param float $fraction between 0 and 1
  * @throw \InvalidArgumentException
  * @return Point
 public function getFractionAlongLineTo(Point $point, $fraction)
     if ($fraction < 0 || $fraction > 1) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$fraction must be between 0 and 1');
     if (function_exists('fraction_along_gc_line') && Location::$useSpatialExtension) {
         $result = fraction_along_gc_line($this->jsonSerialize(), $point->jsonSerialize(), $fraction);
         return new self($result['coordinates']);
     } else {
         $distance = Location::haversine($this, $point);
         $lat1 = $this->latitudeToRad();
         $lat2 = $point->latitudeToRad();
         $lon1 = $this->longitudeToRad();
         $lon2 = $point->longitudeToRad();
         $a = sin((1 - $fraction) * $distance) / sin($distance);
         $b = sin($fraction * $distance) / sin($distance);
         $x = $a * cos($lat1) * cos($lon1) + $b * cos($lat2) * cos($lon2);
         $y = $a * cos($lat1) * sin($lon1) + $b * cos($lat2) * sin($lon2);
         $z = $a * sin($lat1) + $b * sin($lat2);
         $res_lat = atan2($z, sqrt(pow($x, 2) + pow($y, 2)));
         $res_long = atan2($y, $x);
         return new self(rad2deg($res_lat), rad2deg($res_long));
Exemple #2
  * @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException
 public function testDistanceToException()
     $newPoint = new Point(53.48204, -2.23194);
     $this->point->distanceTo($newPoint, 'foo');
Exemple #3
 private function fractionAlongLine()
     $point1 = new Point([5, 10]);
     $point2 = new Point([15, 10]);
     $fraction02 = $point1->getFractionAlongLineTo($point2, 0.2);
     $fraction05 = $point1->getFractionAlongLineTo($point2, 0.5);
     $midpoint = $point1->getMidpoint($point2);
     $this->assertEquals(6.9998522347268, $fraction02->getLongitude());
     $this->assertEquals(10.023944943799, $fraction02->getLatitude());
     $this->assertEquals($midpoint->getLatitude(), $fraction05->getLatitude());
     $this->assertEquals($midpoint->getLongitude(), $fraction05->getLongitude());
Exemple #4
  * @param Point $point the centre of the bounding box
  * @param number $radius minimum radius from $point
  * @param string $unit unit of the radius (default is kilometres)
  * @return Polygon the BBox
 public static function getBBoxByRadius(Point $point, $radius, $unit = 'km')
     $north = $point->getRelativePoint($radius, 0, $unit);
     $south = $point->getRelativePoint($radius, 180, $unit);
     $limits['n'] = $north->getLatitude();
     $limits['s'] = $south->getLatitude();
     $radDist = $radius / Location::getEllipsoid()->radius($unit);
     //   $minLat  = deg2rad( $limits['s'] );
     //   $maxLat  = deg2rad( $limits['n'] );
     $radLon = $point->longitudeToRad();
     //if ($minLat > deg2rad(-90) && $maxLat < deg2rad(90)) {
     $deltaLon = asin(sin($radDist) / cos($point->latitudeToRad()));
     $minLon = $radLon - $deltaLon;
     if ($minLon < deg2rad(-180)) {
         $minLon += 2 * pi();
     $maxLon = $radLon + $deltaLon;
     if ($maxLon > deg2rad(180)) {
         $maxLon -= 2 * pi();
     $limits['w'] = rad2deg($minLon);
     $limits['e'] = rad2deg($maxLon);
     $nw = new Point($limits['n'], $limits['w']);
     $ne = new Point($limits['n'], $limits['e']);
     $sw = new Point($limits['s'], $limits['w']);
     $se = new Point($limits['s'], $limits['e']);
     $polygon = new Polygon([[$nw, $ne, $se, $sw]]);
     return $polygon;