  * Enqueue a job for execution at a given timestamp.
  * Identical to Resque::enqueue, however the first argument is a timestamp
  * (either UNIX timestamp in integer format or an instance of the DateTime
  * class in PHP).
  * @param DateTime|int $at Instance of PHP DateTime object or int of UNIX timestamp.
  * @param string $queue The name of the queue to place the job in.
  * @param string $class The name of the class that contains the code to execute the job.
  * @param array $args Any optional arguments that should be passed when the job is executed.
 public static function enqueueAt($at, $queue, $class, $args = array())
     self::validateJob($class, $queue);
     $job = self::jobToHash($queue, $class, $args);
     self::delayedPush($at, $job);
     Event::trigger('afterSchedule', array('at' => $at, 'queue' => $queue, 'class' => $class, 'args' => $args));
  * Schedule all of the delayed jobs for a given timestamp.
  * Searches for all items for a given timestamp, pulls them off the list of
  * delayed jobs and pushes them across to Resque.
  * @param DateTime|int $timestamp Search for any items up to this timestamp to schedule.
 public function enqueueDelayedItemsForTimestamp($timestamp)
     $item = null;
     while ($item = ResqueScheduler::nextItemForTimestamp($timestamp)) {
         $this->log('queueing ' . $item['class'] . ' in ' . $item['queue'] . ' [delayed]');
         Event::trigger('beforeDelayedEnqueue', array('queue' => $item['queue'], 'class' => $item['class'], 'args' => $item['args']));
         $payload = array_merge(array($item['queue'], $item['class']), $item['args']);
         call_user_func_array('resque\\Resque::enqueue', $payload);
 public function testStopListeningRemovesListener()
     $callback = 'beforePerformEventCallback';
     $event = 'beforePerform';
     Event::listen($event, array($this, $callback));
     Event::stopListening($event, array($this, $callback));
     $job = $this->getEventTestJob();
     $this->assertNotContains($callback, $this->callbacksHit, $event . ' callback (' . $callback . ') was called though Event::stopListening was called');
  * Perform necessary actions to start a worker.
 private function startup()
     Event::trigger('beforeFirstFork', $this);
  * Create a new job and save it to the specified queue.
  * @param string $queue The name of the queue to place the job in.
  * @param string $class The name of the class that contains the code to execute the job.
  * @param array $args Any optional arguments that should be passed when the job is executed.
  * @param boolean $trackStatus Set to true to be able to monitor the status of a job.
  * @return string
 public static function enqueue($queue, $class, $args = null, $trackStatus = false)
     $result = Job::create($queue, $class, $args, $trackStatus);
     if ($result) {
         Event::trigger('afterEnqueue', array('class' => $class, 'args' => $args, 'queue' => $queue));
     return $result;

require_once __DIR__ . '/../autoload.php';
use resque\core\Event;
// Somewhere in our application, we need to register:
Event::listen('afterEnqueue', array('ResquePlugin', 'afterEnqueue'));
Event::listen('beforeFirstFork', array('ResquePlugin', 'beforeFirstFork'));
Event::listen('beforeFork', array('ResquePlugin', 'beforeFork'));
Event::listen('afterFork', array('ResquePlugin', 'afterFork'));
Event::listen('beforePerform', array('ResquePlugin', 'beforePerform'));
Event::listen('afterPerform', array('ResquePlugin', 'afterPerform'));
Event::listen('onFailure', array('ResquePlugin', 'onFailure'));
class ResquePlugin
    public static function afterEnqueue($class, $arguments)
        echo "Job was queued for " . $class . ". Arguments:";
    public static function beforeFirstFork($worker)
        echo "Worker started. Listening on queues: " . implode(', ', $worker->queues(false)) . "\n";
    public static function beforeFork($job)
        echo "Just about to fork to run " . $job;
    public static function afterFork($job)
        echo "Forked to run " . $job . ". This is the child process.\n";
Exemple #7
  * Mark the current job as having failed.
  * @param $exception
 public function fail($exception)
     Event::trigger('onFailure', array('exception' => $exception, 'job' => $this));
     Failure::create($this->payload, $exception, $this->worker, $this->queue);
     Stat::incr('failed:' . $this->worker);