  * Set items constraints
  * @return void
 public function initRules()
     $this->rules['no_certificado'] = V::numeric()->noWhitespace()->setName('Numero de certificado');
     $this->rules['clave'] = V::notEmpty()->noWhitespace()->setName('Contraseña de la llave privada');
  *  init valid rule
 protected function initRule()
     $this->validRule['id'] = v::numeric();
     $this->validRule['name'] = v::stringType()->length(1, 10);
     $this->validRule['email'] = v::email();
     $this->validRule['sex'] = v::intVal()->between(0, 1);
  * @param $cardNumber
  * @return array
  * @throws NumberValidateException
 public static function validate($cardNumber)
     if (!v::numeric()->noWhitespace()->validate($cardNumber)) {
         throw new NumberValidateException();
     return ['valid' => true, 'type' => 'visa'];
Exemple #4
 public function setZipCode($value)
     $value = str_replace('-', '', $value);
     if (!v::numeric()->postalCode('BR')->validate($value)) {
         throw new FieldRequiredException("CEP é uma informação obrigatória");
     $this->_zipcode = $value;
  *  init valid rule
 protected function initRule()
     $this->validRule['uid'] = v::numeric();
     $this->validRule['expid'] = v::numeric();
     $this->validRule['firmName'] = v::stringType()->length(1, 32);
     $this->validRule['indCatNo'] = v::stringType()->length(1, 32);
     $this->validRule['jobName'] = v::stringType()->length(1, 32);
     $this->validRule['areaNo'] = v::stringType()->length(1, 32);
Exemple #6
  * Validates that the input is a number and is between 0 and 100 inclusive.
  * @param float $value
  *   The value to validate.
 protected static function validatePercentage(&$value)
     if (!isset(self::$percentage)) {
         self::$percentage = v::numeric()->min(0, TRUE)->max(100, TRUE);
     if (is_numeric($value)) {
         $value = round($value, 3);
Exemple #7
 public function shortcode($shortcode)
     if (!Validator::numeric()->length(5)->validate($shortcode)) {
         $this->objLogger->addError('Shortcode must be an integer exactly 5 numbers long');
         throw new SMSMessageException('Shortcode must be an integer exactly 5 numbers long');
     $this->shortcode = $shortcode;
     $this->objLogger->addDebug('Shortcode has been set to ' . $shortcode);
     return $this;
 private function validateCVV($parameters)
     $fieldName = "cvv";
     if (array_key_exists($fieldName, $parameters)) {
         if (!v::numeric()->validate($parameters[$fieldName]) || !v::length(3, 3, true)->validate($parameters[$fieldName])) {
             $this->validationResponse->status = s::VALIDATION_ERROR;
             $this->validationResponse->errors[$fieldName] = "is required";
             return false;
     return true;
  *  init valid rule
 protected function initRule()
     $this->validRule['uid'] = v::numeric();
     $this->validRule['eduid'] = v::numeric();
     $this->validRule['schoolName'] = v::stringType()->length(1, 32);
     $this->validRule['majorName'] = v::stringType()->length(1, 32);
     $this->validRule['majorCat'] = v::stringType()->length(1, 32);
     $this->validRule['area'] = v::stringType()->length(1, 32);
     $this->validRule['schoolCountry'] = v::stringType()->length(1, 32);
     $this->validRule['startDate'] = v::date('Y-m');
     $this->validRule['endDate'] = v::date('Y-m');
     $this->validRule['degreeStatus'] = v::intVal()->between(1, 3);
function priceValidate(&$errors, $price)
    $priceBlankError = "Вы не указали цену товара";
    $priceNotValid = "Цена товара должна быть положительным числом";
    if ($price != "") {
        $price = filter_var(trim(strip_tags($price)), FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
        if (!v::string()->notEmpty()->validate($price) || !v::numeric()->validate($price) || $price <= 0) {
            $errors[] = $priceNotValid;
    } else {
        $errors[] = $priceBlankError;
    return $price;
Exemple #11
 protected function postEdit($categoryId)
     $editCategory = $this->collection[$categoryId]->fetch() ?: new stdClass();
     foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) {
         $editCategory->{$k} = $v;
     try {
         v::object()->attribute('name', v::string()->notEmpty()->length(1, 300))->attribute('enabled', v::numeric()->between(0, 1, true), false)->assert($editCategory);
         header('HTTP/1.1 303 See Other');
         header('Location: ' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
     } catch (NestedValidationExceptionInterface $e) {
         return ['editCategory' => $editCategory, 'messages' => $e->findMessages(['name' => 'Name must have between 1 and 300 chars', 'enabled' => 'Could not enable category'])];
Exemple #12
  * Create a new RGB from the given red, green and blue channels.
  * @param float $hue
  *   Hue is a value between 0 and 360 representing the hue of this colour. If
  *   a number outside this range is provided it will be wrapped to fit inside
  *   this range.
  * @param float $saturation
  *   Saturation of this colour.
  * @param float $lightness
  *   Lightness of this colour.
  * @param Colour $original
  *   A colour that this was transformed from.
 public function __construct($hue, $saturation, $lightness, Colour $original = NULL)
     $this->hue = self::bcfmod($hue, 360, self::$bcscale);
     if ($this->hue < 0) {
         $this->hue = bcadd($this->hue, 360, self::$bcscale);
     $this->saturation = bcdiv($saturation, 100, self::$bcscale);
     $this->lightness = bcdiv($lightness, 100, self::$bcscale);
     $this->chroma = bcmul($this->saturation, bcsub(1, abs(bcmul(2, $this->lightness, self::$bcscale) - 1), self::$bcscale), self::$bcscale);
     $this->hsl = $this;
     if (isset($original)) {
         $this->rgb = $original->rgb;
         $this->hsb = $original->hsb;
  * Método para atualizar o objeto
  * ClientesFornecedores informado
  * @param Request $request
  * @return Response
 public function putClientesFornecedoresAction(Request $request, $id)
     #Validando o id do parâmetro
     if (!v::numeric()->validate($id)) {
         throw new HttpException(400, "Parâmetro inválido");
     #Recuperando os serviços
     $ClientesFornecedoresRN = $this->get("clientes_fornecedores_rn");
     $serializer = $this->get("jms_serializer");
     #Recuperando o objeto ClientesFornecedores
     $objPessoa = $ClientesFornecedoresRN->find(ClientesFornecedores::class, $id);
     #Verificando se o objeto ClientesFornecedores existe
     if (!isset($objPessoa)) {
         throw new HttpException(400, "Solicitação inválida");
     #Verificando o método http
     if ($request->getMethod() === "PUT") {
         #Criando o formulário
         $form = $this->createForm(new ClientesFornecedoresType(), $objPessoa);
         #Repasando a requisição
         #Verifica se os dados são válidos
         if ($form->isValid()) {
             #Recuperando o objeto ClientesFornecedores
             $ClientesFornecedores = $form->getData();
             #Tratamento de exceções
             try {
                 #Atualizando o objeto
                 $result = $ClientesFornecedoresRN->update($ClientesFornecedores);
                 return new Response($serializer->serialize($result, "json"));
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 #Verificando se existe violação de unicidade. (campos definidos como únicos).
                 if ($e->getPrevious()->getCode() == 23000) {
                     throw new HttpException(400, "Já existe registros com os dados informados");
             } catch (\Error $e) {
                 throw new HttpException(400, $e->getMessage());
     throw new HttpException(400, "Solicitação inválida");
Exemple #14
  * Create a new RGB from the given red, green and blue channels.
  * @param float $red
  *   A value between 0 and 255 for the red channel.
  * @param float $green
  *   A value between 0 and 255 for the green channel.
  * @param float $blue
  *   A value between 0 and 255 for the blue channel.
  * @param Colour $original
  *   A colour that this was transformed from.
 public function __construct($red, $green, $blue, Colour $original = NULL)
     $channel = v::numeric()->numeric()->min(0, TRUE)->max(self::MAX_RGB, TRUE);
     // Store normalised values for channels.
     $this->red = bcdiv($red, self::MAX_RGB, self::$bcscale);
     $this->green = bcdiv($green, self::MAX_RGB, self::$bcscale);
     $this->blue = bcdiv($blue, self::MAX_RGB, self::$bcscale);
     // Store some helpful points of interest.
     $this->M = max($this->red, $this->green, $this->blue);
     $this->m = min($this->red, $this->green, $this->blue);
     $this->chroma = bcsub($this->M, $this->m, self::$bcscale);
     $this->rgb = $this;
     if (isset($original)) {
         $this->hsl = $original->hsl;
         $this->hsb = $original->hsb;
Exemple #15
 private function _validateEntries($valueArr)
     $validUid = true;
     $validPage = true;
     $validName = true;
     $validState = true;
     $minNumericVal = $this->_uiConfig["card"]["minNumericLength"];
     $maxNumericVal = $this->_uiConfig["card"]["maxNumericLength"];
     $minStrVal = $this->_uiConfig["card"]["minStringLength"];
     $maxStrVal = $this->_uiConfig["card"]["maxStringLength"];
     $validateNumber = v::numeric()->noWhitespace()->length($minNumericVal, $maxNumericVal);
     $validateString = v::string()->noWhitespace()->length($minStrVal, $maxStrVal);
     if (array_key_exists(":UID", $valueArr) && $valueArr[":UID"] !== "%") {
         $validUid = $validateNumber->validate($valueArr[":UID"]);
     if (!$validUid) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid UID', \Native5\Core\Http\StatusCodes::NOT_ACCEPTABLE);
     if (array_key_exists(":PAGE", $valueArr) && $valueArr[":PAGE"] !== "%") {
         $validPage = $validateString->validate($valueArr[":PAGE"]);
     if (!$validPage) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid Page', \Native5\Core\Http\StatusCodes::NOT_ACCEPTABLE);
     if (array_key_exists(":NAME", $valueArr) && $valueArr[":NAME"] !== "%") {
         $validName = $validateString->validate($valueArr[":NAME"]);
     if (!$validName) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid Name', \Native5\Core\Http\StatusCodes::NOT_ACCEPTABLE);
     if (array_key_exists(":STATE1", $valueArr) && $valueArr[":STATE1"] !== "%") {
         $validState = $validateString->validate($valueArr[":STATE1"]);
     } elseif (array_key_exists(":STATE", $valueArr) && $valueArr[":STATE"] !== "%") {
         $validState = $validateString->validate($valueArr[":STATE"]);
     if (!$validState) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid State', \Native5\Core\Http\StatusCodes::NOT_ACCEPTABLE);
     return true;
Exemple #16
  * 是否为非负数
  * @param  string $value
  * @return bool
 public static function notNegative($value)
     return !Validator::numeric()->negative()->validate($value);
Exemple #17
  * @param int $max
  * @return $this
  * @codeCoverageIgnore
 public function setMax($max)
     $this->max = (double) $max;
     $this->attachValidator(Validator::numeric()->max($max), __METHOD__);
     return $this;
Exemple #18
  * @PrePersist
  * @PreUpdate
 public function validate()
Exemple #19
 public function providerForInvalidNot()
     return [[new IntVal(), 123], [new AllOf(new OneOf(new Numeric(), new IntVal())), 13.37], [new OneOf(new Numeric(), new IntVal()), 13.37], [Validator::oneOf(Validator::numeric(), Validator::intVal()), 13.37]];
Exemple #20
  * Get the VM disk space by passing her uuid.
  * @param mixe $size the currency of size of disk space
  * @return XenResponse $response
 function getDiskSpace($size = NULL)
     $VBD = $this->getXenconnection()->VBD__get_all();
     $memory = 0;
     foreach ($VBD->getValue() as $bd) {
         $responsevm = $this->getXenconnection()->VBD__get_VM($bd);
         $responsetype = $this->getXenconnection()->VBD__get_type($bd);
         if ($responsevm->getValue() == $this->getVmId() && $responsetype->getValue() == "Disk") {
             $VDI = $this->getXenconnection()->VBD__get_VDI($bd);
             $memory += intval($this->getXenconnection()->VDI__get_virtual_size($VDI->getValue())->getValue());
     $response = NULL;
     if (Validator::numeric()->validate($memory)) {
         return new XenResponse(array('Value' => $memory, 'Status' => 'Success'));
     } else {
         return new XenResponse(array('Value' => 0, 'Status' => 'Failed'));
     return $response;
Exemple #21
 public function updateSettingsAction()
     $name = $this->app->request->post('name');
     $email = $this->app->request->post('email');
     $twilio_sid = $this->app->request->post('twilio_sid');
     $twilio_token = $this->app->request->post('twilio_token');
     $twilio_phonenumber = $this->app->request->post('twilio_phonenumber');
     $mail_host = $this->app->request->post('mail_host');
     $mail_port = $this->app->request->post('mail_port');
     $mail_username = $this->app->request->post('mail_username');
     $mail_password = $this->app->request->post('mail_password');
     $subject = $this->app->request->post('subject');
     $msg_template = $this->app->request->post('msg_template');
     $time_before = $this->app->request->post('time_before');
     $rules = array('name' => v::string()->notEmpty()->setName('name'), 'email' => v::email()->notEmpty()->setName('email'), 'twilio_sid' => v::string()->setName('twilio_sid'), 'twilio_token' => v::string()->setName('twilio_token'), 'twilio_phonenumber' => v::phone()->setName('twilio_phonenumber'), 'mail_host' => v::string()->setName('mail_host'), 'mail_port' => v::numeric()->setName('mail_port'), 'mail_username' => v::string()->setName('mail_username'), 'mail_password' => v::string()->setName('mail_password'), 'subject' => v::string()->notEmpty()->setName('subject'), 'msg_template' => v::string()->notEmpty()->setName('msg_template'), 'time_before' => v::string()->notEmpty()->setName('time_before'));
     $data = $this->app->request->post();
     $message = array('type' => 'success', 'text' => 'Successfully updated settings');
     foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
         try {
         } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
             $message = array('type' => 'error', 'text' => $e->getMainMessage());
     if ($message['type'] == 'success') {
         $id = 1;
         $settings = R::load('settings', $id);
         if ($settings) {
             $settings->name = $name;
             $settings->email = $email;
             $settings->twilio_sid = $twilio_sid;
             $settings->twilio_token = $twilio_token;
             $settings->twilio_phonenumber = $twilio_phonenumber;
             $settings->mail_host = $mail_host;
             $settings->mail_port = $mail_port;
             $settings->mail_username = $mail_username;
             $settings->mail_password = $mail_password;
             $settings->subject = $subject;
             $settings->msg_template = $msg_template;
             $settings->time_before = $time_before;
         } else {
             $setting = R::dispense('settings');
             $setting->name = $name;
             $setting->msg_template = $msg_template;
             $settings->time_before = $time_before;
     $this->app->flash('message', $message);
  * @return boolean
  * @param stdClass $user
 public function isValid($user)
     $userValidator = v::attribute('ID', v::numeric())->attribute('USUARIO', v::string()->notEmpty()->noWhitespace())->attribute('NOME', v::string()->notEmpty())->attribute('EMAIL', v::email())->attribute('CPF', v::cpf())->attribute('STATUS', v::numeric())->attribute('UNIDADES', v::arr());
     return $userValidator->validate($user);
Exemple #23

 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: who
 * Date: 5/11/16
 * Time: 1:13 PM
require "../vendor/autoload.php";
use Respect\Validation\Validator as v;
$number = '123456a';
$res = v::numeric()->validate($number);
try {
} catch (\Respect\Validation\Exceptions\ValidationException $exception) {
    echo $exception->getMainMessage();
 * Validates input type
 * @param string           $hook       "validate:type"
 * @param string           $type       "prototyper"
 * @param ValidationStatus $validation Current validation status
 * @param array            $params     Hook params
 * @return ValidationStatus
function prototyper_validate_type($hook, $type, $validation, $params)
    if (!$validation instanceof ValidationStatus) {
        $validation = new ValidationStatus();
    $field = elgg_extract('field', $params);
    if (!$field instanceof Field) {
        return $validation;
    $rule = elgg_extract('rule', $params);
    if ($rule != "type") {
        return $validation;
    $value = elgg_extract('value', $params);
    $expectation = elgg_extract('expectation', $params);
    switch ($expectation) {
        case 'text':
        case 'string':
            if (!v::string()->validate($value)) {
                $validation->setFail(elgg_echo('prototyper:validate:error:type:string', array($field->getLabel())));
        case 'alnum':
        case 'alphanum':
            if (!v::alnum()->validate($value)) {
                $validation->setFail(elgg_echo('prototyper:validate:error:type:alnum', array($field->getLabel())));
        case 'alpha':
            if (!v::alpha()->validate($value)) {
                $validation->setFail(elgg_echo('prototyper:validate:error:type:alpha', array($field->getLabel())));
        case 'number':
        case 'numeric':
            if (!v::numeric()->validate($value)) {
                $validation->setFail(elgg_echo('prototyper:validate:error:type:numeric', array($field->getLabel())));
        case 'integer':
        case 'int':
            if (!v::int()->validate($value)) {
                $validation->setFail(elgg_echo('prototyper:validate:error:type:int', array($field->getLabel())));
        case 'date':
            if (!v::date()->validate($value)) {
                $validation->setFail(elgg_echo('prototyper:validate:error:type:date', array($field->getLabel())));
        case 'url':
            if (!v::filterVar(FILTER_VALIDATE_URL, FILTER_FLAG_PATH_REQUIRED)->validate($value)) {
                $validation->setFail(elgg_echo('prototyper:validate:error:type:url', array($field->getLabel())));
        case 'email':
            if (!v::filterVar(FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)->validate($value)) {
                $validation->setFail(elgg_echo('prototyper:validate:error:type:email', array($field->getLabel())));
        case 'guid':
        case 'entity':
            if (!elgg_entity_exists($value)) {
                $validation->setFail(elgg_echo('prototyper:validate:error:type:guid', array($field->getLabel())));
        case 'image':
            $type = elgg_extract('type', $value);
            if (!$type || substr_count($type, 'image/') == 0) {
                $validation->setFail(elgg_echo('prototyper:validate:error:type:image', array($field->getLabel())));
    return $validation;
Exemple #25
 public function providerForInvalidNot()
     return array(array(new IntVal(), 123), array(new AllOf(new OneOf(new Numeric(), new IntVal())), 13.37), array(new OneOf(new Numeric(), new IntVal()), 13.37), array(Validator::oneOf(Validator::numeric(), Validator::intVal()), 13.37));
Exemple #26
  * Set IBGE county code where service was realized
  * @param int $value
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 public function municipioPrestacaoServico($value)
     if (!Validator::numeric()->intVal()->validate($value)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Deve ser passado o código do IBGE.');
     $this->infMunicipioPrestacaoServico = $value;
 public function category($intCategory)
     if (!Validator::numeric()->notEmpty()->length(3, 3)->validate($intCategory)) {
         $this->objLogger->addError('Category must be a numeric string with a length of 3.');
         throw new SMSMessageException('Category must be a numeric string with a length of 3.');
     $this->intCategory = $intCategory;
     $this->objLogger->addDebug('Category has been set to ' . $intCategory);
     return $this;
Exemple #28
    try {
    } catch (ValidationExceptionInterface $e) {
        return $res->withStatus(400)->write($e->getMainMessage());
    try {
        $job = new \Pheanstalk\Job($job_id, []);
    } catch (\Pheanstalk\Exception\ServerException $e) {
        return $res->withStatus(400)->write($e->getMessage());
$app->post('/cmd/kick', function ($req, $res) use($pheanstalk) {
    $job_id = $req->getParam('job_id');
    try {
    } catch (ValidationExceptionInterface $e) {
        return $res->withStatus(400)->write($e->getMainMessage());
    try {
        $job = new \Pheanstalk\Job($job_id, []);
    } catch (\Pheanstalk\Exception\ServerException $e) {
        return $res->withStatus(400)->write($e->getMessage());
$app->post('/cmd/pause', function ($req, $res) use($pheanstalk) {
    $tube = $req->getParam('tube', 'default');
    $duration = intval($req->getParam('duration', 60));
    $pheanstalk->pauseTube($tube, $duration);
 public function testMoreComplexXmlValidationWithErrors()
     $xml = '<person>
     $finallyValidator = v::numeric()->positive()->between(1, 200);
     $validators = array('email' => array('sub' => array('sub-sub' => array('finally' => $finallyValidator))));
     $mw = new Validation($validators);
     $next = function ($req, $res) {
         return $res;
     $response = $mw($this->request, $this->response, $next);
     $errors = array('email.sub.sub-sub.finally' => array('"321" must be lower than or equals 200'));
     $this->assertEquals($errors, $mw->getErrors());
     $this->assertEquals($validators, $mw->getValidators());
Exemple #30
    function grossSubscriberFee($contractNo, $checkStartDate, $checkDate)
        //Get user details
        if (!v::numeric()->validate($contractNo)) {
            $xmlstr = <<<_XML_
<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>
  <msg>Invalid contract number</msg>                      

            return $xmlstr;
        if (!v::date()->validate($checkStartDate)) {
            $xmlstr = <<<_XML_
<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>
  <msg>Invalid date format</msg>                      

            return $xmlstr;
        if (!v::date()->validate($checkDate)) {
            $xmlstr = <<<_XML_
<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>
  <msg>Invalid date format</msg>                      

            return $xmlstr;
        #Get contract details
        $resultSet = mysqli_query($this->conn, "SELECT * FROM accountrecords WHERE contractNo = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($this->conn, $contractNo) . "';", MYSQLI_STORE_RESULT);
        if (mysqli_errno($this->conn) != 0) {
            #Failed to run query
            $xmlstr = <<<_XML_
<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>
  <msg>Failed to execute query</msg>          

            return $xmlstr;
        //$row_cnt = mysqli_num_rows($resultSet);
        //file_put_contents('log.log', print_r($resultSet));
        $row_cnt = mysqli_num_rows($resultSet);
        if ($row_cnt === 0) {
            $xmlstr = <<<_XML_
<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>
  <msg>Contract does not exist</msg>                        

            return $xmlstr;
        $returnContractRow = mysqli_fetch_assoc($resultSet);
        //Check that the date passed is greater or equal to the subscriptionStartDate
        $date1 = new DateTime($checkDate);
        $date2 = $returnContractRow['subscriptionStartDate'];
        if ($date1 >= $date2) {
            //Pass, now check if all admin fees paid
            $resultPaymentSet = mysqli_query($this->conn, "SELECT sum(amount) as total FROM payments WHERE paymentDate < '" . substr($returnContractRow['subscriptionStartDate'], 0, 7) . "';", MYSQLI_STORE_RESULT);
            if (mysqli_errno($this->conn) != 0) {
                #Failed to run query
                $xmlstr = <<<_XML_
<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>
  <msg>Failed to execute query summing of payments</msg>          

                return $xmlstr;
            $returnPaymentRow = mysqli_fetch_assoc($resultPaymentSet);
            if ($returnPaymentRow['total'] >= $returnContractRow['adminFeePayable']) {
                //Admin fee has been fully paid
                //Check that subscription amount was paid for this month
                $subscriptionFee = $returnContractRow['subscriptionBalance'] / $returnContractRow['noInstalmentsBalance'];
                $resultPaymentSubscriptionMonth = mysqli_query($this->conn, "SELECT sum(amount) as total FROM payments WHERE contractNo = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($this->conn, $contractNo) . "' AND paymentDate >= '" . $checkStartDate . "' AND paymentDate <= '" . $checkDate . "';", MYSQLI_STORE_RESULT);
                //$resultPaymentSubscriptionMonth = mysqli_query($this->conn, "SELECT sum(amount) as total FROM payments WHERE paymentDate <= '".substr($returnContractRow['subscriptionStartDate'],0,7)."' AND paymentDate <= '".mysqli_real_escape_string($this->conn,$checkStartDate)."';",MYSQLI_STORE_RESULT);
                $returnPaymentSubscriptionMonthRow = mysqli_fetch_assoc($resultPaymentSubscriptionMonth);
                $totalPaidThisMonth = $returnPaymentSubscriptionMonthRow['total'];
                if ($returnPaymentSubscriptionMonthRow['total'] >= $subscriptionFee) {
                    //This contract has paid a figure greate or equal to their monthly subscription
                    $xmlstr = <<<_XML_
<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>
  <reason>Subscription fee paid</reason>                        

                    return $xmlstr;
                } else {
                    //This contract has paid a figure less than their monthly subscription fee
                    $xmlstr = <<<_XML_
<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>
  <reason>Subscription fee NOT fully paid</reason>                        

                    return $xmlstr;
            } else {
                $xmlstr = <<<_XML_
<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>
  <reason>Admin fee not fully paid</reason>                        

                return $xmlstr;
        } else {
            $xmlstr = <<<_XML_
<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>
  <reason>Date parsed less than subscriptionStartDate</reason>                        

            return $xmlstr;