Exemple #1
 public function test_when_with_a_callable_class_within_a_route()
     $router = new Router();
     $routine = new WhenAlwaysTrue();
     $router->get('/', function () {
         return 'route';
     // By does not affect the output of the route.
     $this->assertEquals($expected = 'route', (string) $router->dispatch('GET', '/'));
     $this->assertAttributeEquals($expected = true, 'invoked', $routine, 'Routine was not invoked!');
Exemple #2
  * @covers Respect\Rest\Routes\Error::getReflection
  * @covers Respect\Rest\Routes\Error::runTarget
  * @covers Respect\Rest\Router::errorRoute
 public function testMagicConstuctorCanCreateRoutesToErrors()
     $router = new Router();
     $called = false;
     $phpUnit = $this;
     $router->errorRoute(function ($err) use(&$called, $phpUnit) {
         $called = true;
         $phpUnit->assertContains('Oops', $err[0], 'The error message should be available in the error route');
         return 'There has been an error.';
     $router->get('/', function () {
         trigger_error('Oops', E_USER_WARNING);
     $response = (string) $router->dispatch('GET', '/')->response();
     $this->assertTrue($called, 'The error route must have been called');
     $this->assertEquals('There has been an error.', $response, 'An error should be caught by the router and forwarded');
Exemple #3
  * @covers Respect\Rest\Routes\Exception::getReflection
  * @covers Respect\Rest\Routes\Exception::runTarget
  * @covers Respect\Rest\Router::exceptionRoute
 public function testMagicConstuctorCanCreateRoutesToExceptions()
     $router = new Router();
     $called = false;
     $phpUnit = $this;
     $router->exceptionRoute('RuntimeException', function ($e) use(&$called, $phpUnit) {
         $called = true;
         $phpUnit->assertEquals('Oops', $e->getMessage(), 'The exception message should be available in the exception route');
         return 'There has been a runtime error.';
     $router->get('/', function () {
         throw new \RuntimeException('Oops');
     $response = (string) $router->dispatch('GET', '/')->response();
     $this->assertTrue($called, 'The exception route must have been called');
     $this->assertEquals('There has been a runtime error.', $response, 'An exception should be caught by the router and forwarded');
  * @covers Respect\Rest\Routes\AbstractRoute::match
  * @dataProvider extensions_provider
 public function testIgnoreFileExtensions($with, $without)
     $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'] = '*';
     $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = '/';
     $r = new Router();
     $r->get('/route1/*', function ($match) {
         return $match;
     $r->get('/route2/*', function ($match) {
         return $match;
     })->accept(array('.json-home' => function ($data) {
         return factory::respond(E2M::mediaType('.json-home'), $data);
     }, "*" => function ($data) {
         return "{$data}.accepted";
     $response = $r->dispatch('get', "/route1/{$with}")->response();
     $this->assertEquals($with, $response);
     $response = $r->dispatch('get', "/route2/{$with}")->response();
     $this->assertEquals("{$without}.accepted", $response);
Exemple #5
function bootstrap(RespectMapper $mapper, RespectRouter $router, RespectContainer $config)
    $router->any('/**', 'Application\\Helper\\Mvc\\Router');
     * Seta o retorno de todas as rotas como resposta em JSON;
    $rotas[''] = $router->always('Accept', array('application/json' => function ($data) {
        header('Content-type: application/json');
        if (v::string()->validate($data)) {
            $data = array($data);
        return json_encode($data, true);
     * Rota caso ocorra algum erro
    $router->errorRoute(function ($e) {
     * Rota caso ocorra alguma excessão
    $router->exceptionRoute(function ($e) {
     * Rotas Configuradas pelo config.ini
    if (empty($config->routes)) {
    foreach ($config->routes as $route) {
        $url = $route->url;
        $class_controller = $route->controller;
        $params = isset($route->params) ? $route->params : array();
        $router->get($url, $class_controller, $params);
Exemple #6

require 'vendor/autoload.php';
include 'vendor/notorm/notorm/NotORM.php';
$dsn = 'sqlite:' . realpath('./data/db.sqlite');
$db = new NotORM(new PDO($dsn));
use Respect\Rest\Router;
$r3 = new Router();
$r3->get('/', function () {
    echo '<h1>Hello Respect World</h1>';
$r3->get('/hello', function () {
    return 'Hello from Path';
$r3->get('/users/*', function ($screenName) {
    echo "User {$screenName}";
$r3->get('/users/*/lists/*', function ($user, $list) {
    return "List {$list} from user {$user}.";
$r3->get('/posts/*/*/*', function ($year, $month = null, $day = null) {
    //list posts, month and day are optional
$r3->get('/books', function () use($db) {
    $books = array();
    foreach ($db->books() as $book) {
        $books[] = array('id' => $book['id'], 'title' => $book['title'], 'author' => $book['author'], 'summary' => $book['summary']);
    return $books;
})->accept(array('application/json' => 'json_encode'));
$r3->get('/book/*', function ($id) use($db) {
  * Redefine run taking into account mountend end points
 public function run(Request $request = null)
     $endPointName = $this->getEndPointName();
     $applicationPath = $this->getEndPointPath();
     $routerClass = $endPointName && isset($this->endPointCatalog[$endPointName]) ? $this->endPointCatalog[$endPointName] : '';
     $virtualhost = empty($endPointName) ? $applicationPath : $applicationPath . '/' . $endPointName;
     if (!$routerClass) {
         $result = parent::run($request);
         //fall back to local application routing
     } else {
         // now we test that $routerclass is a valid end_point
         $myClass = get_class();
         if ($routerClass == $myClass || is_subclass_of($routerClass, $myClass)) {
             // Create new end-point
             $endpoint = new $routerClass($virtualhost);
             $result = $endpoint->run();
         } else {
             throw new HttpErrorException(HttpProblem::factory(500, 'Invalid endpoint', $routerClass . ' end point class is not a subClass of ' . $myClass));
     //now prepare an error report for humans when something went wrong
     //Warning this trigger is called only in php >5.4. Otherwhise just empty content is printed
     //(but original status is preserved)
     if (empty($result) && ($errorCode = Http::getHttpResponseCode()) >= 400) {
         $result = ErrorManager::getInstance()->serializeHttpProblem(new HttpProblem($errorCode));
     return $result;
Exemple #8
  * @covers Respect\Rest\Router::handleOptionsRequest
  * @runInSeparateProcess
 public function testOptionsRequestShouldBeDispatchedToCorrectOptionsHandler()
     // arrange
     $router = new Router();
     $router->get('/asian', 'GET: Asian Food!');
     $router->options('/asian', 'OPTIONS: Asian Food!');
     $router->post('/asian', 'POST: Asian Food!');
     // act
     $response = (string) $router->dispatch('OPTIONS', '/asian')->response();
     // assert
     $this->assertContains('Allow: GET, OPTIONS, POST', xdebug_get_headers(), 'There should be a sent Allow header with all methods for the handler that match this request.');
     $this->assertEquals('OPTIONS: Asian Food!', $response, 'OPTIONS request should call the correct custom OPTIONS handler.');
 public function postLoguot(Router $r)
     $r->post("/ajax/ControleUsuario/logout", function () {
         $sessao = Container::getSession();
         echo "Loged out";
Exemple #10
 /** Sorts current routes according to path and parameters */
 protected function sortRoutesByComplexity()
     usort($this->routes, function ($a, $b) {
         $a = $a->pattern;
         $b = $b->pattern;
         $pi = AbstractRoute::PARAM_IDENTIFIER;
         //Compare similarity and ocurrences of "/"
         if (Router::compareRoutePatterns($a, $b, '/')) {
             return 1;
             //Compare similarity and ocurrences of /*
         } elseif (Router::compareRoutePatterns($a, $b, $pi)) {
             return -1;
             //Hard fallback for consistency
         } else {
             return 1;
 public function getValidarUsuario(Router $r)
     $r->get("/ControleUsuario/validar/*/*/*", function ($email, $fullname, $nick) {
Exemple #12

require "database.php";
ini_set('display_errors', 'on');
use Respect\Rest\Router;
$router = new Router();
$router->get('/', function () {
    require "views/default.php";
$router->any('/devs/*', '\\Beeblebrox3\\DevShop\\Controllers\\Devs');
$router->any('/cart', '\\Beeblebrox3\\DevShop\\Controllers\\Cart');
$router->post('/cart/apply-cupom', function () {
    $controller = new \Beeblebrox3\DevShop\Controllers\Cart();
$router->post('/cart/buy/', function () {
    $controller = new Beeblebrox3\DevShop\Controllers\Cart();
$router->delete('/cart/*', '\\Beeblebrox3\\DevShop\\Controllers\\Cart');
$router->post('/config', function () {
    $controller = new Beeblebrox3\DevShop\Controllers\Config();
$router->exceptionRoute('InvalidArgumentException', function (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
    return 'Sorry, this error happened: ' . $e->getMessage();
$router->errorRoute(function ($a = null) {

require_once '../tests/bootstrap.php';
use Respect\Rest\Router;
$r3 = new Router();
$r3->any('/**', function ($url) {
    return 'Welcome to Respect/Rest the url you want is: /' . implode('/', $url);
Exemple #14
  * @covers Respect\Rest\Router::applyVirtualHost
  * @covers Respect\Rest\Router::appendRoute
 public function testCreateUriShouldBeAwareOfVirtualHost()
     $router = new Router('/my/virtual/host');
     $catsRoute = $router->any('/cats/*', 'Meow');
     $virtualHostUri = $catsRoute->createUri('mittens');
     $this->assertEquals('/my/virtual/host/cats/mittens', $virtualHostUri, 'Virtual host should be prepended to the path on createUri()');
Exemple #15

define('APP_ROOT', __DIR__ . DS . '..');
use Respect\Config\Container;
use Respect\Rest\Router;
$composer_autoload = APP_ROOT . DS . 'vendor' . DS . 'autoload.php';
if (false === is_file($composer_autoload)) {
    throw new \Exception('Por favor, instale as dependências do Composer');
require $composer_autoload;
$config = new Container(APP_ROOT . DS . 'config' . DS . 'app.ini');
$app = $config->application;
ini_set('display_errors', $app->display_errors);
setlocale(LC_ALL, 'pt_BR');
define('APP_NAME', $app->app_name);
$r = new Router();
$r->get('/', 'Wadmin\\Routes\\GenericRoute');
$r->get('/*', 'Wadmin\\Routes\\GenericRoute');
$r->always('Accept', array('text/html' => new Common\Routine\Twig($app->twig)));
Exemple #16

// error_reporting(0);
use Respect\Rest\Router;
use Icecave\SemVer\Version;
$packageRoot = dirname(__DIR__);
$matches = array();
if (preg_match('{^(.*)/vendor/.+/.+$}', $packageRoot, $matches)) {
    require $matches[1] . '/vendor/autoload.php';
} else {
    require $packageRoot . '/vendor/autoload.php';
if (basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) == basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) and ($basedir = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])) != "/") {
    $router = new Router($basedir);
} else {
    $router = new Router();
// $router->exceptionRoute('InvalidArgumentException', function (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
// 	return '[InvalidArgumentException] Sorry, this error happened: '.$e->getMessage();
// });
$router->exceptionRoute('\\Exception', function (Exception $e) {
    return '[Exception] Sorry, this error happened: ' . $e->getMessage();
$router->get('/js/**', function ($jsPath) {
    return readfile(__DIR__ . '/js/' . $jsPath[0]);
$router->any('/**', 'Koshatul\\HAProxyWeb\\HTML\\v1_0_0\\Stats');
Exemple #17

require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
use Monolog\Logger;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;
use Respect\Rest\Router;
// create a log channel
$log = new Logger('name');
$log->pushHandler(new StreamHandler('names.log'));
$loader = new Twig_Loader_Filesystem(__DIR__ . '/../templates');
$twig = new Twig_Environment($loader);
$r = new Router();
$r->get('/hello/*', function ($meuNome) use($log, $twig) {
    // add records to the log
    $log->addInfo('Acessou /hello/' . $meuNome);
    return $twig->render('hello.twig', array('name' => $meuNome));
Exemple #18
  * @covers Respect\Rest\Router::always
  * #64
 public function test_always_can_take_multiple_parameters_for_routine_constructor()
     $r3 = new \Respect\Rest\Router();
     $r3->always('dummyRoutine', 'arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3');
     $this->assertEquals('arg1, arg2, arg3', DummyRoutine::$result);