public function init(Website $website, Request $request) { $this->keyword = trim($request->getRequestString("searchbox")); $this->pageNumber = $request->getRequestInt("page", 0); $this->showEditLinks = $website->isLoggedInAsStaff(); if (strLen($this->keyword) < self::MIN_SEARCH_LENGTH) { // Don't search for too short words if (!empty($this->keyword)) { $website->addError($website->t("articles.search_term") . " " . $website->tReplaced("errors.is_too_short_num", self::MIN_SEARCH_LENGTH)); } return; } // Fetch article count $articles = new ArticleRepository($website); $this->totalResults = $articles->getMatchesFor($this->keyword); // Count total number of pages, limit current page number $this->highestPageNumber = floor($this->totalResults / self::ARTICLES_PER_PAGE); if ($this->pageNumber < 0 || $this->pageNumber > $this->highestPageNumber) { $this->pageNumber = 0; } // Fetch articles $this->displayedArticles = $articles->getArticlesDataMatch($this->keyword, self::ARTICLES_PER_PAGE, $this->pageNumber * self::ARTICLES_PER_PAGE); // Fetch links $menus = new LinkRepository($website->getDatabase()); $this->links = $menus->getLinksBySearch($this->keyword); }
public function getPageContent(Website $website, Request $request) { // Don't allow to edit your own rank (why would admins want to downgrade // themselves?) if (!$this->editing_someone_else) { $website->addError($website->t("users.account") . " " . $website->t("errors.not_editable")); return ""; } $show_form = true; $textToDisplay = ""; if ($request->hasRequestValue("rank")) { // Sent $rank = $request->getRequestInt("rank"); $oAuth = $website->getAuth(); if ($oAuth->isValidRankForAccounts($rank)) { // Valid rank id $this->user->setRank($rank); $userRepo = $website->getAuth()->getUserRepository(); $userRepo->save($this->user); // Saved $textToDisplay .= '<p>' . $website->t("users.rank") . ' ' . $website->t("editor.is_changed") . '</p>'; // Don't show form $show_form = false; } else { // Invalid rank $website->addError($website->t("users.rank") . ' ' . $website->t("errors.not_found")); $textToDisplay .= '<p><em>' . $website->tReplacedKey("errors.your_input_has_not_been_changed", "users.rank", true) . '</em></p>'; } } // Show form if ($show_form) { // Variables $rank = $request->getRequestInt("rank", $this->user->getRank()); $ranks = array(Authentication::RANK_USER, Authentication::RANK_MODERATOR, Authentication::RANK_ADMIN); // Form itself $textToDisplay .= <<<EOT <p> {$website->t("users.rank.edit.explained")} {$website->tReplaced("accounts.edit_other", "<strong>" . $this->user->getDisplayName() . "</strong>")} </p> <p> {$website->t("main.fields_required")} </p> <form action="{$website->getUrlMain()}" method="post"> <p> <label for="rank">{$website->t("users.rank")}</label>:<span class="required">*</span><br /> {$this->get_ranks_box_html($website, $ranks, $rank)} </p> <p> <input type="hidden" name="p" value="edit_rank" /> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="{$this->user->getId()}" /> <input type="submit" value="{$website->t('users.rank.edit')} " class="button" /> </p> </form> EOT; } // Links $textToDisplay .= $this->get_account_links_html($website); return $textToDisplay; }
private function getNotice(Website $website) { return <<<WIDGET <p><em> {$website->tReplaced("widgets.missing_definition", $this->directoryName)} </em></p> WIDGET; }
/** * Returns the localized error message of the last error. * @param Website|Text $websiteOrText The Website object or Text object. * @return string The localized error message */ public static function getLastError($websiteOrText) { if (Validate::$replaceInLastError === "") { $message = $websiteOrText->t("errors." . Validate::$lastError); } else { $message = $websiteOrText->tReplaced("errors." . Validate::$lastError, Validate::$replaceInLastError); } Validate::$lastError = ""; Validate::$replaceInLastError = ""; return $message; }
public function parseData(Website $website, $id) { $data = []; $data["title"] = $website->getRequestString("title_" . $id, ""); if (strLen($data["title"]) > self::MAX_TITLE_LENGTH) { // Limit title length $website->addError($website->t("widgets.title") . " " . $website->tReplaced("errors.too_long_num", self::MAX_TITLE_LENGTH)); $data["valid"] = false; } return $data; }
public function get_menu_bar(Website $website, $page, $users) { $pages = ceil($users / self::USERS_PER_PAGE); // No need for a menu when there is only one page if ($pages <= 1) { return ""; } $returnValue = '<p class="result_selector_menu">'; // Link to previous page if ($page > 0) { $returnValue .= '<a class="arrow" href="' . $website->getUrlPage("account_management", $page - 1); $returnValue .= '">' . $website->t("") . '</a> '; } $returnValue .= $website->tReplaced('', $page + 1, $pages); // Link to next page if ($page + 1 < $pages) { $returnValue .= ' <a class="arrow" href="' . $website->getUrlPage("account_management", $page + 1); $returnValue .= '">' . $website->t("") . '</a>'; } $returnValue .= '</p>'; return $returnValue; }
/** Gets the links for the bottom of the page */ public function get_account_links_html(Website $website) { $textToDisplay = ""; if ($this->editing_someone_else) { // Editing someone else, don't show "My account" link $textToDisplay .= <<<EOT <p> <a class="arrow" href="{$website->getUrlPage("account", $this->user->getId())}"> {$website->tReplaced("users.profile_page_of", $this->user->getDisplayName())} </a><br /> <a class="arrow" href="{$website->getUrlPage("account_management")}"> {$website->t("main.account_management")} </a> EOT; } else { $textToDisplay .= '<p><a class="arrow" href="' . $website->getUrlPage("account") . '">' . $website->t("main.my_account") . "</a>\n"; if ($website->isLoggedInAsStaff(true)) { $textToDisplay .= '<br /><a class="arrow" href="' . $website->getUrlPage("account_management") . '">' . $website->t("main.account_management") . "</a>\n"; } $textToDisplay .= "</p>"; } return $textToDisplay; }
/** * Returns links to edit the profile, based on the permissions of the user * that is viewing this page. */ public function get_edit_links_html(Website $website) { $viewing_user = $website->getAuth()->getCurrentUser(); $returnValue = ""; // Get privileges $is_viewing_themselves = false; $is_viewing_as_moderator = false; $is_viewing_as_admin = false; if ($viewing_user != null) { $is_viewing_themselves = $this->user->getId() == $viewing_user->getId(); if ($website->isLoggedInAsStaff(false)) { $is_viewing_as_moderator = true; } if ($website->isLoggedInAsStaff(true)) { $is_viewing_as_admin = true; } } // Gravatar link + help if ($is_viewing_themselves) { // No way that other admins can edit someone's avatar, so only display help text for owner $returnValue .= <<<EOT <p> {$website->tReplaced("users.gravatar.explained", '<a href=""></a>')} </p> EOT; } // Add all account edit links $edit_links = []; if (!$is_viewing_themselves && $is_viewing_as_moderator) { // Accessed by a moderator that isn't viewing his/her own account // Add (un)ban link $edit_links[] = $this->get_edit_link($website, "edit_account_status", "users.status.edit"); } if ($is_viewing_themselves || $is_viewing_as_admin) { // Accessed by the user themselves or an admin // Display links to edit profile $edit_links[] = $this->get_edit_link($website, "edit_email", ""); $edit_links[] = $this->get_edit_link($website, "edit_password", "users.password.edit"); $edit_links[] = $this->get_edit_link($website, "edit_display_name", "users.display_name.edit"); } if (!$is_viewing_themselves && $is_viewing_as_admin) { // Accessed by an admin that isn't viewing his/her own account // Add rank edit link and login link $edit_links[] = $this->get_edit_link($website, "edit_rank", "users.rank.edit"); // Only display login link if account is not deleted/banned if ($this->user->canLogIn()) { $edit_links[] = $this->get_edit_link($website, "login_other", "main.log_in"); } } if (count($edit_links) > 0) { $returnValue .= "<p>\n" . implode($edit_links) . "</p>\n"; } return $returnValue; }
public function parseData(Website $website, $id) { $data = []; $data["title"] = isset($_REQUEST["title_" . $id]) ? trim($_REQUEST["title_" . $id]) : ""; if (strLen($data["title"]) > self::TITLE_MAX_LENGTH) { $website->addError($website->t("widgets.title") . " " . $website->tReplaced("errors.too_long_num", self::TITLE_MAX_LENGTH)); $data["valid"] = false; } $data["menu_id"] = isset($_REQUEST["menu_id_" . $id]) ? (int) $_REQUEST["menu_id_" . $id] : 0; $oMenu = new MenuRepository($website->getDatabase()); try { $oMenu->getMenu($data["menu_id"]); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { $website->addError($website->t("") . " " . $website->t("errors.not_found")); $data["valid"] = false; } return $data; }
/** * The function should return an array (id=>name) with all places for widgets. * Ids must be a whole number larger than 1. (Id 0 is unused, id 1 is used on homepage) * @param Website $website The website object, used for translations. */ public function getWidgetAreas(Website $website) { // Get the number of widgets $areas = $this->infoFile->getInteger("widget_areas", 1); if ($areas == 0) { // No widgets in this theme return []; } elseif ($areas == 1) { // One widget area on position 2 return [2 => $website->t("widgets.the_sidebar")]; } else { // More widget areas, starting on position 2 $widgetAreas = []; for ($i = 0; $i < $areas; $i++) { $widgetAreas[$i + 2] = $website->tReplaced("widgets.sidebar_n", $i + 1); } return $widgetAreas; } }