  * Whether or not a given $test contains preConditions subject to be in force
  * during its execution.
  * @param AssessmentTest $test
  * @return boolean
 private static function testContainsPreConditions(AssessmentTest $test)
     $testParts = $test->getComponentsByClassName('testPart');
     $containsPreConditions = false;
     foreach ($testParts as $testPart) {
         // PreConditions are only taken into account
         // in linear navigation mode.
         if ($testPart->getNavigationMode() !== NavigationMode::NONLINEAR) {
             $preConditions = $testPart->getComponentsByClassName('preCondition');
             if (count($preConditions) > 0) {
                 $containsPreConditions = true;
     return $containsPreConditions;
  * Compile the RubricBlocRefs' contents into a separate rubric block PHP template.
  * @param AssessmentTest $assessmentTest The AssessmentTest object you want to compile the rubrickBlocks.
 protected function compileRubricBlocks(AssessmentTest $assessmentTest)
     $rubricBlockRefs = $assessmentTest->getComponentsByClassName('rubricBlockRef');
     $testService = taoQtiTest_models_classes_QtiTestService::singleton();
     $sourceDir = $testService->getQtiTestDir($this->getResource());
     foreach ($rubricBlockRefs as $rubricRef) {
         $rubricRefHref = $rubricRef->getHref();
         $cssScoper = $this->getCssScoper();
         $renderingEngine = $this->getRenderingEngine();
         $markupPostRenderer = $this->getMarkupPostRenderer();
         $publicCompiledDocDir = $this->getPublicDirectory();
         $privateCompiledDocDir = $this->getPrivateDirectory();
         // -- loading...
         common_Logger::t("Loading rubricBlock '" . $rubricRefHref . "'...");
         $rubricDoc = new XmlDocument();
         common_Logger::t("rubricBlock '" . $rubricRefHref . "' successfully loaded.");
         // -- rendering...
         common_Logger::t("Rendering rubricBlock '" . $rubricRefHref . "'...");
         $pathinfo = pathinfo($rubricRefHref);
         $renderingFile = $pathinfo['filename'] . '.php';
         $rubric = $rubricDoc->getDocumentComponent();
         $rubricStylesheets = $rubric->getStylesheets();
         $stylesheets = new StylesheetCollection();
         // In any case, include the base QTI Stylesheet.
         // -- If the rubricBlock has no id, give it a auto-generated one in order
         // to be sure that CSS rescoping procedure works fine (it needs at least an id
         // to target its scoping).
         if ($rubric->hasId() === false) {
             // Prepend 'tao' to the generated id because the CSS
             // ident token must begin by -|[a-zA-Z]
             $rubric->setId('tao' . uniqid());
         // -- Copy eventual remote resources of the rubricBlock.
         $domRendering = $renderingEngine->render($rubric);
         $mainStringRendering = $markupPostRenderer->render($domRendering);
         // Prepend stylesheets rendering to the main rendering.
         $styleRendering = $renderingEngine->getStylesheets();
         $mainStringRendering = $styleRendering->ownerDocument->saveXML($styleRendering) . $mainStringRendering;
         foreach ($stylesheets as $rubricStylesheet) {
             $relPath = trim($this->getExtraPath(), '/');
             $relPath = (empty($relPath) ? '' : $relPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . $rubricStylesheet->getHref();
             $sourceFile = $sourceDir->getFile($relPath);
             if (!$publicCompiledDocDir->has($relPath)) {
                 try {
                     $data = $sourceFile->read();
                     $tmpDir = \tao_helpers_File::createTempDir();
                     $tmpFile = $tmpDir . 'tmp.css';
                     file_put_contents($tmpFile, $data);
                     $scopedCss = $cssScoper->render($tmpFile, $rubric->getId());
                     $publicCompiledDocDir->write($relPath, $scopedCss);
                 } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
                     common_Logger::e('Unable to copy file into public directory: ' . $relPath);
         // -- Replace the artificial 'tao://qti-directory' base path with a runtime call to the delivery time base path.
         $mainStringRendering = str_replace(TAOQTITEST_PLACEHOLDER_BASE_URI, '<?php echo $' . TAOQTITEST_BASE_PATH_NAME . '; ?>', $mainStringRendering);
         if (!$privateCompiledDocDir->has($renderingFile)) {
             try {
                 $privateCompiledDocDir->write($renderingFile, $mainStringRendering);
                 common_Logger::t("rubricBlockRef '" . $rubricRefHref . "' successfully rendered.");
             } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
                 common_Logger::e('Unable to copy file into public directory: ' . $renderingFile);
         // -- Clean up old rubric block and reference the new rubric block template.
         $rubricRef->setHref('./' . $pathinfo['filename'] . '.php');
  * Know whether or not a variable is the target of an existing setOutcomeValue QTI rule.
  * This method enables the client code to know whether or not a variable with identifier
  * $varName is the target of an existing setOutcomeValue QTI rule with a given
  * AssessmentTest $test object.
  * @param qtism\data\AssessmentTest $test A QTI-SDK AssessmentTest object.
  * @param string $varName A QTI variable identifier.
  * @return boolean
 public static function isVariableSetOutcomeValueTarget(AssessmentTest $test, $varName)
     $setOutcomeValues = $test->getComponentsByClassName('setOutcomeValue');
     foreach ($setOutcomeValues as $setOutcomeValue) {
         if ($setOutcomeValue->getIdentifier() === $varName) {
             return true;
     return false;
  * Compile the RubricBlocRefs' contents into a separate rubric block PHP template.
  * @param AssessmentTest $assessmentTest The AssessmentTest object you want to compile the rubrickBlocks.
 protected function compileRubricBlocks(AssessmentTest $assessmentTest)
     $rubricBlockRefs = $assessmentTest->getComponentsByClassName('rubricBlockRef');
     foreach ($rubricBlockRefs as $rubricRef) {
         $rubricRefHref = $rubricRef->getHref();
         $cssScoper = $this->getCssScoper();
         $renderingEngine = $this->getRenderingEngine();
         $markupPostRenderer = $this->getMarkupPostRenderer();
         $compiledDocDir = $this->getPrivateDirectory()->getPath();
         $publicCompiledDocDir = $this->getPublicDirectory()->getPath();
         // -- loading...
         common_Logger::t("Loading rubricBlock '" . $rubricRefHref . "'...");
         $rubricDoc = new XmlDocument();
         $rubricDoc->load($compiledDocDir . $rubricRefHref);
         common_Logger::t("rubricBlock '" . $rubricRefHref . "' successfully loaded.");
         // -- rendering...
         common_Logger::t("Rendering rubricBlock '" . $rubricRefHref . "'...");
         $pathinfo = pathinfo($rubricRefHref);
         $renderingFile = $compiledDocDir . $pathinfo['filename'] . '.php';
         $rubric = $rubricDoc->getDocumentComponent();
         $rubricStylesheets = $rubric->getStylesheets();
         $stylesheets = new StylesheetCollection();
         // In any case, include the base QTI Stylesheet.
         // -- If the rubricBlock has no id, give it a auto-generated one in order
         // to be sure that CSS rescoping procedure works fine (it needs at least an id
         // to target its scoping).
         if ($rubric->hasId() === false) {
             // Prepend 'tao' to the generated id because the CSS
             // ident token must begin by -|[a-zA-Z]
             $rubric->setId('tao' . uniqid());
         // -- Copy eventual remote resources of the rubricBlock.
         $domRendering = $renderingEngine->render($rubric);
         $mainStringRendering = $markupPostRenderer->render($domRendering);
         // Prepend stylesheets rendering to the main rendering.
         $styleRendering = $renderingEngine->getStylesheets();
         $mainStringRendering = $styleRendering->ownerDocument->saveXML($styleRendering) . $mainStringRendering;
         foreach ($stylesheets as $rubricStylesheet) {
             $stylesheetPath = taoQtiTest_helpers_Utils::storedQtiResourcePath($compiledDocDir . ltrim($this->getExtraPath(), '/'), $rubricStylesheet->getHref());
             file_put_contents($stylesheetPath, $cssScoper->render($stylesheetPath, $rubric->getId()));
         // -- Replace the artificial 'tao://qti-directory' base path with a runtime call to the delivery time base path.
         $mainStringRendering = str_replace(TAOQTITEST_PLACEHOLDER_BASE_URI, '<?php echo $' . TAOQTITEST_BASE_PATH_NAME . '; ?>', $mainStringRendering);
         file_put_contents($renderingFile, $mainStringRendering);
         common_Logger::t("rubricBlockRef '" . $rubricRefHref . "' successfully rendered.");
         // -- Clean up old rubric block and reference the new rubric block template.
         unlink($compiledDocDir . $rubricRefHref);
         $rubricRef->setHref('./' . $pathinfo['filename'] . '.php');