Exemple #1
  * Send command
  * @param Client $client Pushy client
  * @return bool true if valid, false if not
 public function send(Client $client)
     // Create request message
     $requestMessage = (new RequestMessage())->setMethod('POST')->setPath('users/validate.json')->setQueryParam('token', $client->getApiToken())->setQueryParam('user', $this->user->getId());
     // Set device name if one is available on the user
     if ($device = $this->user->getDeviceName()) {
         $requestMessage->setQueryParam('device', $device);
     // Send request, and if no exception, user is valid
     return true;
Exemple #2
  * Test: Send command
  * @covers \Pushy\Command\VerifyUser::send
 public function testSend()
     // Stub mock client getAPiToken and getTransport
     // Stub mock transport sendRequest
     $this->mockTransport->shouldReceive('sendRequest')->andReturn(new \stdClass());
     // Stub mock user getId and getDeviceName
     // Ensure we get true back
Exemple #3
  * Test: Set device name with an invalid value
  * @covers \Pushy\User::setDeviceName
  * @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException
 public function testSetDeviceNameWithInvalidValue()