function onConstruct() { if ($this->session->has("auth")) { //Retrieve its value $auth = $this->session->get("auth"); $this->organisation_id = $auth['organisation_id']; } $organisation = Organisation::findFirstById($this->organisation_id); $widget_name = str_replace('PRIME\\Themes\\' . ucwords($organisation->theme) . '\\Widgets\\', '', $this->router->getNamespaceName()) . "/" . $this->router->getControllerName(); $widget_name = strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', $widget_name)); $this->widget_name = $widget_name; $this->theme = $organisation->theme; $this->view_dir = '../app/themes/' . $auth['theme'] . '/widgets/' . str_replace('PRIME\\Themes\\' . ucwords($organisation->theme) . '\\Widgets\\', '', $this->router->getNamespaceName()) . '/'; }
public function getDashboardsAction() { $this->view->disable(); if ($this->session->has("auth")) { //Retrieve its value $auth = $this->session->get("auth"); $organisation = Organisation::findFirstByid($auth['organisation_id']); $dashboards = $organisation->Dashboard; $json = array(); foreach ($dashboards as $dashboard) { $json[] = array('id' => $dashboard->id, 'text' => $dashboard->title); } echo json_encode($json); } }
/** * Register authenticated user into session data * * @param Users $user */ private function _registerSession($user) { $organisation = Organisation::findFirstById($user->organisation_id); $database = OrgDatabase::findFirstByorganisation_id($user->organisation_id); $this->session->set('auth', array('email' => $user->email, 'image_path' => $user->image_path, 'role' => $user->role, 'full_name' => $user->full_name, 'organisation_id' => $user->organisation_id, 'theme' => $organisation->theme, 'db_name' => $database->db_name, 'organisation_name' => $organisation->name)); }
public function getProcessesScheduledAction() { $this->view->disable(); $auth = $this->session->get("auth"); $organisation = Organisation::findFirstByid($auth['organisation_id']); $process_scheduledes = $organisation->ProcessScheduled; $json = array(); foreach ($process_scheduledes as $process_scheduled) { $json[] = array('id' => $process_scheduled->id, 'text' => $process_scheduled->name); } echo json_encode($json); }
public function renderAction($id, $type, $links = null) { if ($this->session->has("auth")) { //Retrieve its value $auth = $this->session->get("auth"); $this->view->setViewsDir('../app/themes/' . $auth['theme'] . '/dashboards/'); } $dashboard = Dashboard::findFirstByid($id); $organisation = Organisation::findFirstByid($dashboard->organisation_id); echo '<style> @import url(; .tags { width: 100%; height: 35px; padding: 0.5em; margin-bottom: 1em; box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); } .tags .tag { display: block; float: left; background-color: rgba(52, 152, 219, 0.5); padding: 0.25em 0.5em; border-radius: 3px; margin-right: 0.5em; margin-bottom: 0.5em; cursor: pointer; } .tags .tag.highlight { background-color: rgba(231, 76, 60, 0.5); } .tags .tag.invert { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); } .tags:after { content: ""; clear: both; display: table; } </style>'; echo "<script>\n var app;\n \$(document).ready(function () {\n return app.init();\n });\n app = {\n can_delete: false,\n can_delete_id: 0,\n init: function () {\n return this.bind_events();\n },\n bind_events: function () {\n \$(document).on('click', '.tags .tag', function (e) {\n var index;\n index = \$(this).index() + 1;\n return app.delete_tag(index);\n });\n return \$(document).on('keyup', '.tags input', function (e) {\n var key;\n key = e.keyCode || e.which;\n if (key === 13 || key === 188) {\n } else if (key === 8) {\n if (\$(this).val() === '') {\n return app.delete_tag();\n }\n } else {\n app.can_delete = false;\n return \$('.highlight').removeClass('highlight');\n }\n });\n },\n delete_tag: function (id) {\n if (id == null) {\n id = 0;\n }\n if (this.can_delete && id === this.can_delete_id) {\n\n update_dashboard(\$('.tags .tag.highlight').data('table'),\$('.tags .tag.highlight').data('column'), \"\", \"\", \"\"); \n \$('.tags .tag.highlight').remove();\n this.can_delete = false;\n return this.can_delete_id = 0;\n } else {\n \$('.tags .tag').removeClass('highlight');\n this.can_delete = true;\n if (!id) {\n \$('.tags .tag:last-of-type').addClass('highlight');\n return this.can_delete_id = 0;\n } else {\n \$('.tags .tag:nth-of-type(' + id + ')').addClass('highlight');\n return this.can_delete_id = id;\n }\n }\n },\n add_tag: function (table,column,value) {\n if (table !== '' && value !== '' && column !== '') {\n return \$('.tags input').before('<div class=\\'tag\\' data-table=\"'+table+'\" data-column=\"'+column+'\">' + table + '-' +column + '</div>');\n }\n }\n };\n\n</script>"; echo ' <style> .widget-control {float:right; margin: .4em; padding: .3em 1em .3em 1em; cursor: pointer; background: #ececec; text-decoration: none; color: #666;} </style> <style>.ajax-loader { position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; background: white; opacity: 0.5; margin: auto; /* presto! */ } .ajax-spinner-bars { position:absolute; width:35px; height:35px; left:50%; top:50%; } .ajax-spinner-bars > div { position: absolute; width: 2px; height: 8px; background-color: #25363F; opacity: 0.05; animation: fadeit 0.8s linear infinite; } .ajax-spinner-bars > .bar-1 { transform: rotate(0deg) translate(0, -12px); animation-delay:0.05s; } .ajax-spinner-bars > .bar-2 { transform: rotate(22.5deg) translate(0, -12px); animation-delay:0.1s; } .ajax-spinner-bars > .bar-3 { transform: rotate(45deg) translate(0, -12px); animation-delay:0.15s; } .ajax-spinner-bars > .bar-4 { transform: rotate(67.5deg) translate(0, -12px); animation-delay:0.2s; } .ajax-spinner-bars > .bar-5 { transform: rotate(90deg) translate(0, -12px); animation-delay:0.25s; } .ajax-spinner-bars > .bar-6 { transform: rotate(112.5deg) translate(0, -12px); animation-delay:0.3s; } .ajax-spinner-bars > .bar-7 { transform: rotate(135deg) translate(0, -12px); animation-delay:0.35s; } .ajax-spinner-bars > .bar-8 { transform: rotate(157.5deg) translate(0, -12px); animation-delay:0.4s; } .ajax-spinner-bars > .bar-9 { transform: rotate(180deg) translate(0, -12px); animation-delay:0.45s; } .ajax-spinner-bars > .bar-10 { transform: rotate(202.5deg) translate(0, -12px); animation-delay:0.5s; } .ajax-spinner-bars > .bar-11 { transform: rotate(225deg) translate(0, -12px); animation-delay:0.55s; } .ajax-spinner-bars > .bar-12 { transform: rotate(247.5deg) translate(0, -12px); animation-delay:0.6s; } .ajax-spinner-bars> .bar-13 { transform: rotate(270deg) translate(0, -12px); animation-delay:0.65s; } .ajax-spinner-bars > .bar-14 { transform: rotate(292.5deg) translate(0, -12px); animation-delay:0.7s; } .ajax-spinner-bars > .bar-15 { transform: rotate(315deg) translate(0, -12px); animation-delay:0.75s; } .ajax-spinner-bars> .bar-16 { transform: rotate(337.5deg) translate(0, -12px); animation-delay:0.8s; } @keyframes fadeit{ 0%{ opacity:1; } 100%{ opacity:0;} } </style>'; $portlets = $dashboard->Portlet; echo ' <script> var links = [] ; </script>'; echo '<script> var variables= ' . json_encode($organisation->Variables->ToArray(), true) . '; </script>'; echo '<script> var d_links = "' . $links . '"; $.each(links, function(index, key ) { $.each(d_links, function(index_d, key_d ) { if(links[index].name==d_links[index_d].name) links[index].default_value= d_links[index_d].value; }); }); </script> '; echo '<script> function clear_filters() { $.each(links, function(index, key ) { links[index].default_value = ""; }); $.each(links, function(index, key ) { $.each(d_links, function(index_d, key_d ) { if(links[index].name==d_links[index_d].name) links[index].default_value= d_links[index_d].value; }); }); update_dashboard(); }; function update_dashboard(table_in,column_in,operator_in,value_in,widget_id) { var filter_string=""; $(\'.tags .tag\').remove(); var exist=false; var column_array = column_in.split(\',\'); $.each(column_array, function(column_index, column_key) { $.each(links, function(index, key) { if( links[index].column==column_array[column_index] && links[index].table==table_in) { links[index].default_value = value_in; exist=true; } if(links[index].default_value != "") { app.add_tag(links[index].table,links[index].column,links[index].default_value); } }); values=""; $.each(variables, function(variable_index, variable_key) { if(variables[variable_index].name == column_array[column_index]) { values=variables[variable_index].values; } }); if(!exist) { links.push({"table":table_in,"column":column_array[column_index],"operator":operator_in,"default_value":value_in,"type":"where","values":values}); app.add_tag(table_in,column_array[column_index],value_in); } }); '; foreach ($portlets as $portlet) { $widgets = $portlet->Widget; foreach ($widgets as $widget) { echo 'if(widget_id!=' . $widget->id . '){ '; echo " update_" . $widget->id . "(table_in,column_in); \n }\n"; } } echo '}; </script>'; $this->view->pick(strtolower($dashboard->type . "/view")); $this->view->setRenderLevel(\Phalcon\Mvc\View::LEVEL_ACTION_VIEW); $parameters = (array) json_decode($dashboard->parameters, true); $this->view->setVar("parm", $parameters); $this->view->setVar("filters", '<label>Filters:</label><div class=\'tags\'><input style="display:none" id="dashboard_filters" ></input></div>'); $this->view->setVar("userimage", $this->user_image); $this->view->setVar("username", $this->full_name); $this->view->setVar("logout", "/session/end"); $menu = $this->elements->getMenu(); $this->view->setVar("menu", $menu); $portlets = Portlet::find(array('dashboard_id =' . $dashboard->id, "order" => "column")); $this->view->setVar("dashboard", $dashboard); $this->view->setVar("organisation", $organisation); echo \Phalcon\Tag::javascriptInclude('assets/global/plugins/jquery-2.1.3.js'); echo \Phalcon\Tag::javascriptInclude('assets/global/plugins/jquery-ui/jquery-ui-1.11.2.min.js'); echo ' <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""/> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/plugins/gridstack/gridstack.css"/> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/plugins/gridstack/gridstack-extra.css"/> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src="/assets/plugins/gridstack/gridstack.js"></script>'; if ($type == "builder") { $this->builderStyle(); } for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { $region[$i] = '<div id="dashboard_row_' . $i . '" data-row="' . $i . '" class="dropzone-dashboard grid-stack grid-stack-12" >'; $region[$i] .= ' </div>'; echo ' <script type="text/javascript"> $(function () { var options = { float: false, cellHeight: 20, verticalMargin: 5 }; $("#dashboard_row_' . $i . '").gridstack(options); $("#dashboard_row_' . $i . '").each(function () { var grid = $(this).data("gridstack"); '; foreach ($portlets as $portlet) { if ($portlet->row == $i) { $x = 1; $y = 1; $height = 1; $width = 1; if (array_key_exists("layout", $parameters)) { foreach ($parameters["layout"] as $layout) { if ($layout["thisId"] == $portlet->id && $layout["regionId"] == $i && $layout["thisType"] == "portlet" && $layout["parentId"] == $id) { $x = $layout["x"]; $y = $layout["y"]; $height = $layout["h"]; $width = $layout["w"]; continue; } } } echo 'var el = grid.add_widget($("<div><div class=\\"grid-stack-item-content builder-portlet\\" data-type=\\"' . $portlet->type . '\\" data-id=\\"' . $portlet->id . '\\"><div id=\\"portlet_' . $portlet->id . '\\"></div></div></div>"), ' . $x . ', ' . $y . ', ' . $width . ', ' . $height . '); el.attr(\'data-this-id\', "' . $portlet->id . '"); el.attr(\'data-parent-id\', "' . $id . '"); el.attr(\'data-region-id\', "' . $i . '"); el.attr(\'data-this-type\', "portlet"); '; } } if ($type != "builder") { echo ' grid.movable(\'.grid-stack-item\', false); grid.resizable(\'.grid-stack-item\', false); '; } echo ' }, this); }); </script> '; } echo '<script> $(\'.grid-stack\').on(\'dragstop\', function (event, ui) { var grid = this; var element =; }); $(\'.grid-stack\').on(\'resizestop\', function (event, ui) { var grid = this; var element =; var items =[]; $(\'.grid-stack-item.ui-draggable\').each(function () { var $this = $(this); items.push({ thisId: $\'this-id\'), parentId: $\'parent-id\'), regionId: $\'region-id\'), thisType: $\'this-type\'), x: $this.attr(\'data-gs-x\'), y: $this.attr(\'data-gs-y\'), w: $this.attr(\'data-gs-width\'), h: $this.attr(\'data-gs-height\') }); }); $.post( "/dashboard/SaveLayout/' . $id . '",{"data":items}, function(data) { }); }); </script>'; $this->view->setVar("region", $region); foreach ($portlets as $portlet) { echo '<script> $.post("/portlets/' . $portlet->type . '/render/' . $portlet->id . '/' . $type . '", function(data) { $("#portlet_' . $portlet->id . '").replaceWith(data); '; if ($type == "builder") { echo 'parent.update_dropzone(); parent.iframe_load(); '; } echo "}); </script>"; } }
/** * Deletes a organisation * * @param string $id */ public function deleteAction($id) { $organisation = Organisation::findFirstByid($id); $users = $organisation->Users(); $dashboards = $organisation->Dashboard(); if (!$organisation) { $this->flash->error("organisation was not found"); return $this->dispatcher->forward(array("controller" => "organisation", "action" => "index")); } if (!$organisation->delete()) { foreach ($organisation->getMessages() as $message) { $this->flash->error($message); } return $this->dispatcher->forward(array("controller" => "organisation", "action" => "search")); } $this->flash->success("organisation was deleted successfully"); return $this->dispatcher->forward(array("controller" => "organisation", "action" => "index")); }
public function resultTableAction($id, $type) { $this->view->Disable(); $organisation = Organisation::findFirstByid($this->organisation_id); $array = $this->getResults($id, array()); $process = Process::findFirstById($id); $parameters = json_decode($process->parameters, true); $groups = explode(",", $parameters['rows']); $columns = explode(",", $parameters['columns']); if (count($array) != 0) { if ($type == "data_table") { // start table $html = ' <div class="panel-content" style="overflow:auto;"><table id="resultTable" class="table table-hover"><thead>'; // header row $html .= '<tr>'; foreach ($array[0] as $key => $value) { $html .= '<th>' . $key . '</th>'; } $html .= '</tr></thead><tfoot>'; // header row $html .= '<tr>'; foreach ($array[0] as $key => $value) { $html .= '<th>' . $key . '</th>'; } $html .= '</tr></tfoot><tbody>'; // data rows foreach ($array as $key => $value) { $html .= '<tr>'; foreach ($value as $key2 => $value2) { $html .= '<td>' . $value2 . '</td>'; } $html .= '</tr>'; } // finish table and return it $html .= '</tbody></table></div>'; echo $html; echo '<script> $(\'#resultTable\').DataTable( { initComplete: function () { var api = this.api(); api.columns().indexes().flatten().each( function ( i ) { var column = api.column( i ); var select = $(\'<select class="form-control" data-placeholder="Select to filter"><option value=""></option></select>\') .appendTo( $(column.footer()).empty() ) .on( \'change\', function () { var val = $(this).val(); column .search( val ? \'^\'+val+\'$\' : \'\', true, false ) .draw(); } ); function ( d, j ) { select.append( \'<option value="\'+d+\'">\'+d+\'</option>\' ) } ); } ); } } ); </script>'; } elseif ($type == "column_chart") { $data_out = array(); foreach ($array as $key => $row) { $str = '$data_out'; foreach ($groups as $group) { $str .= "['" . $row[$group] . "']"; } $str .= "=array("; foreach ($columns as $column) { $str .= "'" . $column . "' => '" . $row[$column] . "',"; } $str = trim($str, ",") . ");"; eval($str); } echo '<div id="thischart" style="height: 800px;width:1200px"></div>'; $data_string = ""; foreach ($data_out as $key => $value) { $data_string .= '{ name: \'' . $key . '\', data: ['; foreach ($value as $key2 => $value2) { $data_string .= '[\'' . $key2 . '\',' . $value2[$columns[0]] . '] ,'; } $data_string .= ' ]},'; } echo '<script> $(function() { var datain=[' . $data_string . ']; $(\'#thischart\').highcharts({ chart: { type: \'column\', spacingBottom: 50, spacingTop: 50, spacingLeft: 50, spacingRight: 50, zoomType: \'xy\' }, title: { text: "" }, credits: { enabled: false }, xAxis: { type: \'category\' }, series: datain }); }); </script>'; } } }