A TTemplate object represents a parsed PRADO control template. It can instantiate the template as child controls of a specified control. The template format is like HTML, with the following special tags introduced, - component tags: a component tag represents the configuration of a component. The tag name is in the format of com:ComponentType, where ComponentType is the component class name. Component tags must be well-formed. Attributes of the component tag are treated as either property initial values, event handler attachment, or regular tag attributes. - property tags: property tags are used to set large block of attribute values. The property tag name is in the format of where AttributeName can be a property name, an event name or a regular tag attribute name. - group subproperty tags: subproperties of a common property can be configured using - directive: directive specifies the property values for the template owner. It is in the format of <%@ property name-value pairs %>; - expressions: They are in the format of <%= PHP expression %> and <%% PHP statements %> - comments: There are two kinds of comments, regular HTML comments and special template comments. The former is in the format of , which will be treated as text strings. The latter is in the format of , which will be stripped out. Tags other than the above are not required to be well-formed. A TTemplate object represents a parsed PRADO template. To instantiate the template for a particular control, call {@link instantiateIn($control)}, which will create and intialize all components specified in the template and set their parent as $control.
Since: 3.0
Author: Qiang Xue (qiang.xue@gmail.com)
Inheritance: extends Prado\TApplicationComponent, implements Prado\Web\UI\ITemplate
Exemple #1
  * Constructor.
  * @param string theme path
  * @param string theme URL
  * @throws TConfigurationException if theme path does not exist or any parsing error of the skin files
 public function __construct($themePath, $themeUrl)
     $this->_themeUrl = $themeUrl;
     $this->_themePath = realpath($themePath);
     $this->_name = basename($themePath);
     $cacheValid = false;
     // TODO: the following needs to be cleaned up (Qiang)
     if (($cache = $this->getApplication()->getCache()) !== null) {
         $array = $cache->get(self::THEME_CACHE_PREFIX . $themePath);
         if (is_array($array)) {
             list($skins, $cssFiles, $jsFiles, $timestamp) = $array;
             if ($this->getApplication()->getMode() !== TApplicationMode::Performance) {
                 if (($dir = opendir($themePath)) === false) {
                     throw new TIOException('theme_path_inexistent', $themePath);
                 $cacheValid = true;
                 while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) {
                     if ($file === '.' || $file === '..') {
                     } else {
                         if (basename($file, '.css') !== $file) {
                             $this->_cssFiles[] = $themeUrl . '/' . $file;
                         } else {
                             if (basename($file, '.js') !== $file) {
                                 $this->_jsFiles[] = $themeUrl . '/' . $file;
                             } else {
                                 if (basename($file, self::SKIN_FILE_EXT) !== $file && filemtime($themePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file) > $timestamp) {
                                     $cacheValid = false;
                 if ($cacheValid) {
                     $this->_skins = $skins;
             } else {
                 $cacheValid = true;
                 $this->_cssFiles = $cssFiles;
                 $this->_jsFiles = $jsFiles;
                 $this->_skins = $skins;
     if (!$cacheValid) {
         $this->_cssFiles = array();
         $this->_jsFiles = array();
         $this->_skins = array();
         if (($dir = opendir($themePath)) === false) {
             throw new TIOException('theme_path_inexistent', $themePath);
         while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) {
             if ($file === '.' || $file === '..') {
             } else {
                 if (basename($file, '.css') !== $file) {
                     $this->_cssFiles[] = $themeUrl . '/' . $file;
                 } else {
                     if (basename($file, '.js') !== $file) {
                         $this->_jsFiles[] = $themeUrl . '/' . $file;
                     } else {
                         if (basename($file, self::SKIN_FILE_EXT) !== $file) {
                             $template = new TTemplate(file_get_contents($themePath . '/' . $file), $themePath, $themePath . '/' . $file);
                             foreach ($template->getItems() as $skin) {
                                 if (!isset($skin[2])) {
                                     // a text string, ignored
                                 } else {
                                     if ($skin[0] !== -1) {
                                         throw new TConfigurationException('theme_control_nested', $skin[1], dirname($themePath));
                                 $type = $skin[1];
                                 $id = isset($skin[2]['skinid']) ? $skin[2]['skinid'] : 0;
                                 if (isset($this->_skins[$type][$id])) {
                                     throw new TConfigurationException('theme_skinid_duplicated', $type, $id, dirname($themePath));
                                 foreach($skin[2] as $name=>$value)
                                 	if(is_array($value) && ($value[0]===TTemplate::CONFIG_DATABIND || $value[0]===TTemplate::CONFIG_PARAMETER))
                                 		throw new TConfigurationException('theme_databind_forbidden',dirname($themePath),$type,$id);
                                 $this->_skins[$type][$id] = $skin[2];
         if ($cache !== null) {
             $cache->set(self::THEME_CACHE_PREFIX . $themePath, array($this->_skins, $this->_cssFiles, $this->_jsFiles, time()));
Exemple #2
  * Loads the template from the specified file.
  * @return ITemplate template parsed from the specified file, null if the file doesn't exist.
 public function getTemplateByFileName($fileName)
     if (($fileName = $this->getLocalizedTemplate($fileName)) !== null) {
         Prado::trace("Loading template {$fileName}", '\\Prado\\Web\\UI\\TTemplateManager');
         if (($cache = $this->getApplication()->getCache()) === null) {
             return new TTemplate(file_get_contents($fileName), dirname($fileName), $fileName);
         } else {
             $array = $cache->get(self::TEMPLATE_CACHE_PREFIX . $fileName);
             if (is_array($array)) {
                 list($template, $timestamps) = $array;
                 if ($this->getApplication()->getMode() === TApplicationMode::Performance) {
                     return $template;
                 $cacheValid = true;
                 foreach ($timestamps as $tplFile => $timestamp) {
                     if (!is_file($tplFile) || filemtime($tplFile) > $timestamp) {
                         $cacheValid = false;
                 if ($cacheValid) {
                     return $template;
             $template = new TTemplate(file_get_contents($fileName), dirname($fileName), $fileName);
             $includedFiles = $template->getIncludedFiles();
             $timestamps = array();
             $timestamps[$fileName] = filemtime($fileName);
             foreach ($includedFiles as $includedFile) {
                 $timestamps[$includedFile] = filemtime($includedFile);
             $cache->set(self::TEMPLATE_CACHE_PREFIX . $fileName, array($template, $timestamps));
             return $template;
     } else {
         return null;