getSqlStringFieldsArray() public static méthode

..)` part of a query.
public static getSqlStringFieldsArray ( array | string $fields ) : string
$fields array | string The names of the mysql table fields to bind, e.g. `array(fieldName1, fieldName2, fieldName3)`. _Note: The content of the array isn't important, just its length._
Résultat string The placeholder string, e.g. `"?, ?, ?"`.
  *  uses tracker db
 public function insertNew($goal)
     $Generic = Factory::getGeneric($this->db);
     // pg is throwing error when empty values are given for 'FLOAT' columns
     if (empty($goal['revenue'])) {
     if (empty($goal['revenue_subtotal'])) {
     if (empty($goal['revenue_tax'])) {
     if (empty($goal['revenue_shipping'])) {
     if (empty($goal['revenue_discount'])) {
     $fields = implode(', ', array_keys($goal));
     $bindFields = Common::getSqlStringFieldsArray($goal);
     $goal['idvisitor'] = $Generic->bin2db($goal['idvisitor']);
     $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $this->table . '( ' . $fields . ' ) ' . 'VALUES ( ' . $bindFields . ' ) ';
     $bind = array_values($goal);
     $result = $Generic->insertIgnore($sql, $bind);
     return $result;
 private function insertInto($table, $row)
     $columns = implode(', ', array_keys($row));
     $columnsPlaceholders = Common::getSqlStringFieldsArray($row);
     $values = array_values($row);
     Db::query("INSERT INTO " . Common::prefixTable($table) . " ({$columns}) VALUES ({$columnsPlaceholders})", $values);
Exemple #3
  * Insert constructor.
  * @param string $table
  * @param array $columnValuePairs array(columnName => columnValue)
 public function __construct($table, $columnValuePairs)
     $columns = implode('`, `', array_keys($columnValuePairs));
     $bind = array_values($columnValuePairs);
     $sql = sprintf('INSERT INTO `%s` (`%s`) VALUES (%s)', $table, $columns, Common::getSqlStringFieldsArray($columnValuePairs));
     parent::__construct($sql, $bind, static::ERROR_CODE_DUPLICATE_ENTRY);
Exemple #4
 public function add($visitor_info)
     $fields = implode(', ', array_keys($visitor_info));
     $values = Common::getSqlStringFieldsArray($visitor_info);
     $bind = array_values($visitor_info);
     $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $this->table . '( ' . $fields . ') VALUES (' . $values . ')';
     $this->db->query($sql, $bind);
     return $this->db->lastInsertId();
Exemple #5
  * Performs a batch insert into a specific table by iterating through the data
  * NOTE: you should use tableInsertBatch() which will fallback to this function if LOAD DATA INFILE not available
  * @param string $tableName PREFIXED table name! you must call Common::prefixTable() before passing the table name
  * @param array $fields array of unquoted field names
  * @param array $values array of data to be inserted
  * @param bool $ignoreWhenDuplicate Ignore new rows that contain unique key values that duplicate old rows
 public static function tableInsertBatchIterate($tableName, $fields, $values, $ignoreWhenDuplicate = true)
     $fieldList = '(' . join(',', $fields) . ')';
     $ignore = $ignoreWhenDuplicate ? 'IGNORE' : '';
     foreach ($values as $row) {
         $query = "INSERT {$ignore}\n\t\t\t\t\tINTO " . $tableName . "\n\t\t\t\t\t{$fieldList}\n\t\t\t\t\tVALUES (" . Common::getSqlStringFieldsArray($row) . ")";
         Db::query($query, $row);
Exemple #6
  * Returns the list of all the users
  * @param string[] $userLogins List of users to select. If empty, will return all users
  * @return array the list of all the users
 public function getUsers(array $userLogins)
     $where = '';
     $bind = array();
     if (!empty($userLogins)) {
         $where = 'WHERE login IN (' . Common::getSqlStringFieldsArray($userLogins) . ')';
         $bind = $userLogins;
     $users = $this->db->fetchAll("SELECT * FROM " . $this->table . "\n                                           {$where}\n                                           ORDER BY login ASC", $bind);
     return $users;
Exemple #7
  * Returns the list of all the users
  * @param string[] $userLogins List of users to select. If empty, will return all users
  * @return array the list of all the users
 public function getUsers(array $userLogins)
     $where = '';
     $bind = array();
     if (!empty($userLogins)) {
         $where = 'WHERE login IN (' . Common::getSqlStringFieldsArray($userLogins) . ')';
         $bind = $userLogins;
     $users = Db::get()->fetchAll("SELECT *\n                                      FROM " . Common::prefixTable("user") . "\n                                      {$where}\n                                      ORDER BY login ASC", $bind);
     return $users;
Exemple #8
 public function createConversion($conversion)
     $fields = implode(", ", array_keys($conversion));
     $bindFields = Common::getSqlStringFieldsArray($conversion);
     $table = Common::prefixTable('log_conversion');
     $db = $this->getDb();
     $Generic = Factory::getGeneric($db);
     $sql = "INSERT INTO {$table} ({$fields}) VALUES ({$bindFields}) ";
     if (!empty($conversion['idvisitor'])) {
         $conversion['idvisitor'] = $Generic->bin2db($conversion['idvisitor']);
     $bind = array_values($conversion);
     $result = $Generic->insertIgnore($sql, $bind);
     // If a record was inserted, we return true
     return $db->rowCount($result) > 0;
Exemple #9
  * @param $valueToMatch
  * @param $sql
  * @return array|null
  * @throws \Exception
 public function getIdActionFromSegment($valueToMatch, $sql)
     if (!$this->isEnabled) {
         return array('SQL' => $sql, 'bind' => $valueToMatch);
     $ids = self::getIdsFromCache($valueToMatch, $sql);
     if (is_null($ids)) {
         // Too Big To Cache, issue SQL as subquery instead
         return array('SQL' => $sql, 'bind' => $valueToMatch);
     if (count($ids) == 0) {
         return null;
     $sql = Common::getSqlStringFieldsArray($ids);
     $bind = $ids;
     return array('SQL' => $sql, 'bind' => $bind);
Exemple #10
 public function add($visitor_info)
     $fields = implode(', ', array_keys($visitor_info));
     $values = Common::getSqlStringFieldsArray($visitor_info);
     $visitor_info['config_id'] = bin2hex($visitor_info['config_id']);
     $visitor_info['idvisitor'] = bin2hex($visitor_info['idvisitor']);
     $visitor_info['location_ip'] = bin2hex($visitor_info['location_ip']);
     // Integration/BlobReportLimitingTest.php was failing because config_device_type
     // had bool(false) as value which is being interpreted as empty string by postgresql.
     // To avoid the issue, if config_device_type is false, it is being set to null.
     if (isset($visitor_info['config_device_type']) && $visitor_info['config_device_type'] === false) {
         $visitor_info['config_device_type'] = null;
     $bind = array_values($visitor_info);
     $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $this->table . '( ' . $fields . ') VALUES (' . $values . ')';
     $this->db->query($sql, $bind);
     return $this->db->lastInsertId($this->table . '_idvisit');
  * Computes the total number of unique visitors who visited at least one site in,
  * a set of sites and the number of unique visitors that visited all of the sites
  * in the set.
  * Comparison is done in dates for the UTC time, not for the site specific time.
  * Performance: The SQL query this method executes was tested on a Piwik instance
  *              with 13 million visits total. Computing data for 4 sites with no
  *              date limit took 13s to complete.
  * @param int[] $idSites The IDs of the sites for whom unique visitor counts should be
  *                       computed.
  * @param Date $startDate The lower bound of the date range of the visits to check.
  * @param Date $endDate The upper bound of the date range of the visits to check.
  * @param Segment $segment An optional segment to apply to the visits set before aggregation.
  *                         To supply no segment, use `new Segment()`.
  * @return int[] Returns two metrics: **nb_total_visitors** and **nb_shared_visitors**.
  *               **nb_total_visitors** is the total number of unique visitors who visited
  *               at least one site in the list.
  *               **nb_shared_visitors** is the total number of unique visitors who visited
  *               every site in the list.
  * @throws Exception if less than 2 site IDs are supplied,
 public function getCommonVisitorCount($idSites, Date $startDate, Date $endDate, Segment $segment)
     Log::debug("%s::%s('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s') called", "Model\\DistinctMetricsAggregator", __FUNCTION__, $idSites, $startDate, $endDate, $segment);
     if (count($idSites) == 1) {
         throw new Exception(Piwik::translate('InterSites_PleasSupplyAtLeastTwoDifferentSites'));
     $select = "config_id, COUNT(DISTINCT idsite) AS sitecount";
     $from = array('log_visit');
     $where = 'visit_last_action_time >= ? AND visit_last_action_time <= ? AND idsite IN (' . Common::getSqlStringFieldsArray($idSites) . ')';
     $orderBy = false;
     $groupBy = 'config_id';
     $startDateTime = new \DateTime($startDate->toString());
     $endDateTime = new \DateTime($endDate->toString());
     $bind = array_merge(array($startDateTime->format("Y-m-d 00:00:00"), $endDateTime->format("Y-m-d 23:59:59")), $idSites);
     $innerQuery = $segment->getSelectQuery($select, $from, $where, $bind, $orderBy, $groupBy);
     $wholeQuery = "SELECT COUNT(sitecount_by_config.config_id) AS nb_total_visitors,\n                              SUM(IF(sitecount_by_config.sitecount >= " . count($idSites) . ", 1, 0)) AS nb_shared_visitors\n                         FROM ( {$innerQuery['sql']} ) AS sitecount_by_config";
     $result = Db::fetchRow($wholeQuery, $innerQuery['bind']);
     // nb_shared_visitors can be NULL if there are no visits
     if ($result['nb_shared_visitors'] === null) {
         $result['nb_shared_visitors'] = 0;
     Log::debug("%s::%s() returned '%s'", "Model\\DistinctMetricsAggregator", __FUNCTION__, $result);
     return $result;
 public function getTriggeredAlerts($idSites, $login)
     $idSites = array_map('intval', $idSites);
     $db = $this->getDb();
     $sql = $this->getTriggeredAlertsSelectPart() . " WHERE idsite IN (" . Common::getSqlStringFieldsArray($idSites) . ")" . " AND login = ?";
     $values = $idSites;
     $values[] = $login;
     $alerts = $db->fetchAll($sql, $values);
     $alerts = $this->completeAlerts($alerts);
     return $alerts;
Exemple #13
 public function createVisit($visit)
     $fields = array_keys($visit);
     $fields = implode(", ", $fields);
     $values = Common::getSqlStringFieldsArray($visit);
     $table = Common::prefixTable('log_visit');
     $sql = "INSERT INTO {$table} ({$fields}) VALUES ({$values})";
     $bind = array_values($visit);
     $db = $this->getDb();
     $db->query($sql, $bind);
     return $db->lastInsertId();
Exemple #14
  * Helper function used by other record* methods which will INSERT or UPDATE the conversion in the DB
  * @param array $conversion
  * @param array $visitInformation
  * @return bool
 protected function insertNewConversion($conversion, $visitInformation)
      * Triggered before persisting a new [conversion entity](/guides/persistence-and-the-mysql-backend#conversions).
      * This event can be used to modify conversion information or to add new information to be persisted.
      * @param array $conversion The conversion entity. Read [this](/guides/persistence-and-the-mysql-backend#conversions)
      *                          to see what it contains.
      * @param array $visitInformation The visit entity that we are tracking a conversion for. See what
      *                                information it contains [here](/guides/persistence-and-the-mysql-backend#visits).
      * @param \Piwik\Tracker\Request $request An object describing the tracking request being processed.
     Piwik::postEvent('Tracker.newConversionInformation', array(&$conversion, $visitInformation, $this->request));
     $newGoalDebug = $conversion;
     $newGoalDebug['idvisitor'] = bin2hex($newGoalDebug['idvisitor']);
     $fields = implode(", ", array_keys($conversion));
     $bindFields = Common::getSqlStringFieldsArray($conversion);
     $sql = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO ' . Common::prefixTable('log_conversion') . "\n                ({$fields}) VALUES ({$bindFields}) ";
     $bind = array_values($conversion);
     $result = Tracker::getDatabase()->query($sql, $bind);
     // If a record was inserted, we return true
     return Tracker::getDatabase()->rowCount($result) > 0;
 public function insertEcommerceItems($goal, $itemsToInsert)
     $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $this->table . '(
              , idaction_name
              , idaction_category
              , idaction_category2
              , idaction_category3
              , idaction_category4
              , idaction_category5
              , price
              , quantity
              , deleted
              , idorder
              , idsite
              , idvisitor
              , server_time
              , idvisit)
              VALUES ';
     $sql_parts = array();
     $bind = array();
     foreach ($itemsToInsert as $item) {
         $row = array_values($this->getItemRowEnriched($goal, $item));
         $sql_parts[] = ' ( ' . Common::getSqlStringFieldsArray($row) . ' ) ';
         $bind = array_merge($bind, $row);
     $sql .= implode(', ', $sql_parts);
     $this->db->query($sql, $bind);
 private function createLogIterationQuery($logTable, $idField, $fields, $conditions, $iterationStep)
     $bind = array();
     $sql = "SELECT " . implode(', ', $fields) . " FROM `" . Common::prefixTable($logTable) . "` WHERE {$idField} > ?";
     foreach ($conditions as $condition) {
         list($column, $operator, $value) = $condition;
         if (is_array($value)) {
             $sql .= " AND {$column} IN (" . Common::getSqlStringFieldsArray($value) . ")";
             $bind = array_merge($bind, $value);
         } else {
             $sql .= " AND {$column} {$operator} ?";
             $bind[] = $value;
     $sql .= " ORDER BY {$idField} ASC LIMIT " . (int) $iterationStep;
     return array($sql, $bind);
Exemple #17
 public function insertRecord($tableName, $bindArray)
     $values = Common::getSqlStringFieldsArray($bindArray);
     $sql = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO ' . $tableName . '( ' . implode(', ', array_keys($bindArray)) . ')' . ' VALUES ( ' . $values . ' ) ';
     $this->db->query($sql, array_values($bindArray));
Exemple #18
     * Returns all websites with a timezone matching one the specified timezones
     * @param array $timezones
     * @return array
     * @ignore
    public function getSitesIdFromTimezones($timezones)
        $timezones = Piwik::getArrayFromApiParameter($timezones);
        $timezones = array_unique($timezones);
        $ids = Db::get()->fetchAll('SELECT idsite
            FROM ' . Common::prefixTable('site') . '
					WHERE timezone IN (' . Common::getSqlStringFieldsArray($timezones) . ')
					ORDER BY idsite ASC', $timezones);
        $return = array();
        foreach ($ids as $id) {
            $return[] = $id['idsite'];
        return $return;
Exemple #19
 protected function insertBatch($tableName, $fields, $values)
     $fieldList = '(' . join(',', $fields) . ')';
     $params = Common::getSqlStringFieldsArray($values[0]);
     $sql_base = 'INSERT INTO ' . $tableName . $fieldList . ' VALUES ';
     $count = 0;
     $sql_parts = array();
     $bind = array();
     while (list($k, $row) = each($values)) {
         $sql_parts[] = '(' . $params . ')';
         $bind = array_merge($bind, array_values($row));
         if ($count == 100) {
             $sql = $sql_base . implode(",\n", $sql_parts);
             $this->db->query($sql, $bind);
             $count = 0;
             $sql_parts = array();
             $bind = array();
     if (count($sql_parts) > 0) {
         $sql = $sql_base . implode(",\n", $sql_parts);
         $this->db->query($sql, $bind);
Exemple #20
  * @return mixed
 protected function insertNewVisit($visit)
     $fields = implode(", ", array_keys($visit));
     $values = Common::getSqlStringFieldsArray($visit);
     $sql = "INSERT INTO " . Common::prefixTable('log_visit') . " ({$fields}) VALUES ({$values})";
     $bind = array_values($visit);
     Tracker::getDatabase()->query($sql, $bind);
     $idVisit = Tracker::getDatabase()->lastInsertId();
     return $idVisit;
Exemple #21
  * Performs a batch insert into a specific table by iterating through the data
  * NOTE: you should use tableInsertBatch() which will fallback to this function if LOAD DATA INFILE not available
  * @param string  $tableName            PREFIXED table name! you must call Piwik\Common::prefixTable() before passing the table name
  * @param array   $fields               array of unquoted field names
  * @param array   $values               array of data to be inserted
  * @param bool    $ignoreWhenDuplicate  Ignore new rows that contain unique key values that duplicate old rows
 public function insertIgnoreBatch($tableName, $fields, $values, $ignoreWhenDuplicate = true)
     $fieldList = '(' . join(',', $fields) . ')';
     $params = Common::getSqlStringFieldsArray($values[0]);
     $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $tableName . $fieldList . ' VALUES (' . $params . ')';
     if ($ignoreWhenDuplicate) {
         foreach ($values as $row) {
             $this->insertIgnore($sql, $row);
     } else {
         foreach ($values as $row) {
             $this->db->query($sql, $row);
Exemple #22
  * Records in the DB the association between the visit and this action.
  * @param int $idVisit is the ID of the current visit in the DB table log_visit
  * @param $visitorIdCookie
  * @param int $idReferrerActionUrl is the ID of the last action done by the current visit.
  * @param $idReferrerActionName
  * @param int $timeSpentReferrerAction is the number of seconds since the last action was done.
  *                 It is directly related to idReferrerActionUrl.
 public function record($idVisit, $visitorIdCookie, $idReferrerActionUrl, $idReferrerActionName, $timeSpentReferrerAction)
     $visitAction = array('idvisit' => $idVisit, 'idsite' => $this->request->getIdSite(), 'idvisitor' => $visitorIdCookie, 'server_time' => Tracker::getDatetimeFromTimestamp($this->request->getCurrentTimestamp()), 'idaction_url' => $this->getIdActionUrl(), 'idaction_url_ref' => $idReferrerActionUrl, 'idaction_name_ref' => $idReferrerActionName, 'time_spent_ref_action' => $timeSpentReferrerAction);
     // idaction_name is NULLable. we only set it when applicable
     if ($this->isActionHasActionName()) {
         $visitAction['idaction_name'] = (int) $this->getIdActionName();
     foreach ($this->actionIdsCached as $field => $idAction) {
         $visitAction[$field] = $idAction === false ? 0 : $idAction;
     $customValue = $this->getCustomFloatValue();
     if (!empty($customValue)) {
         $visitAction[self::DB_COLUMN_CUSTOM_FLOAT] = $customValue;
     $customVariables = $this->getCustomVariables();
     if (!empty($customVariables)) {
         Common::printDebug("Page level Custom Variables: ");
     $visitAction = array_merge($visitAction, $customVariables);
     $fields = implode(", ", array_keys($visitAction));
     $bind = array_values($visitAction);
     $values = Common::getSqlStringFieldsArray($visitAction);
     $sql = "INSERT INTO " . Common::prefixTable('log_link_visit_action') . " ({$fields}) VALUES ({$values})";
     Tracker::getDatabase()->query($sql, $bind);
     $this->idLinkVisitAction = Tracker::getDatabase()->lastInsertId();
     $visitAction['idlink_va'] = $this->idLinkVisitAction;
     Common::printDebug("Inserted new action:");
      * Triggered after successfully persisting a [visit action entity](/guides/persistence-and-the-mysql-backend#visit-actions).
      * @param Action $tracker Action The Action tracker instance.
      * @param array $visitAction The visit action entity that was persisted. Read
      *                           [this](/guides/persistence-and-the-mysql-backend#visit-actions) to see what it contains.
     Piwik::postEvent('Tracker.recordAction', array($trackerAction = $this, $visitAction));
  * Executes and returns a query aggregating ecommerce item data (everything stored in the
  * **log\_conversion\_item** table)  and returns a DB statement that can be used to iterate over the result
  * <a name="queryEcommerceItems-result-set"></a>
  * **Result Set**
  * Each row of the result set represents an aggregated group of ecommerce items. The following
  * columns are in each row of the result set:
  * - **{@link Piwik\Metrics::INDEX_ECOMMERCE_ITEM_REVENUE}**: The total revenue for the group of items.
  * - **{@link Piwik\Metrics::INDEX_ECOMMERCE_ITEM_QUANTITY}**: The total number of items in this group.
  * - **{@link Piwik\Metrics::INDEX_ECOMMERCE_ITEM_PRICE}**: The total price for the group of items.
  * - **{@link Piwik\Metrics::INDEX_ECOMMERCE_ORDERS}**: The total number of orders this group of items
  *                                                      belongs to. This will be <= to the total number
  *                                                      of items in this group.
  * - **{@link Piwik\Metrics::INDEX_NB_VISITS}**: The total number of visits that caused these items to be logged.
  * - **ecommerceType**: Either {@link Piwik\Tracker\GoalManager::IDGOAL_CART} if the items in this group were
  *                      abandoned by a visitor, or {@link Piwik\Tracker\GoalManager::IDGOAL_ORDER} if they
  *                      were ordered by a visitor.
  * **Limitations**
  * Segmentation is not yet supported for this aggregation method.
  * @param string $dimension One or more **log\_conversion\_item** columns to group aggregated data by.
  *                          Eg, `'idaction_sku'` or `'idaction_sku, idaction_category'`.
  * @return \Zend_Db_Statement A statement object that can be used to iterate through the query's
  *                           result set. See [above](#queryEcommerceItems-result-set) to learn more
  *                           about what this query selects.
  * @api
 public function queryEcommerceItems($dimension)
     $query = $this->generateQuery(implode(', ', array(" AS label", sprintf("log_conversion_item.%s AS labelIdAction", $dimension), sprintf('%s AS `%d`', self::getSqlRevenue('SUM(log_conversion_item.quantity * log_conversion_item.price)'), Metrics::INDEX_ECOMMERCE_ITEM_REVENUE), sprintf('%s AS `%d`', self::getSqlRevenue('SUM(log_conversion_item.quantity)'), Metrics::INDEX_ECOMMERCE_ITEM_QUANTITY), sprintf('%s AS `%d`', self::getSqlRevenue('SUM(log_conversion_item.price)'), Metrics::INDEX_ECOMMERCE_ITEM_PRICE), sprintf('COUNT(distinct log_conversion_item.idorder) AS `%d`', Metrics::INDEX_ECOMMERCE_ORDERS), sprintf('COUNT(distinct log_conversion_item.idvisit) AS `%d`', Metrics::INDEX_NB_VISITS), sprintf('CASE log_conversion_item.idorder WHEN \'0\' THEN %d ELSE %d END AS ecommerceType', GoalManager::IDGOAL_CART, GoalManager::IDGOAL_ORDER))), array("log_conversion_item", array("table" => "log_action", "joinOn" => sprintf("log_conversion_item.%s = log_action.idaction", $dimension))), implode(' AND ', array('log_conversion_item.server_time >= ?', 'log_conversion_item.server_time <= ?', 'log_conversion_item.idsite IN (' . Common::getSqlStringFieldsArray($this->sites) . ')', 'log_conversion_item.deleted = 0')), sprintf("ecommerceType, log_conversion_item.%s", $dimension), false);
     return $this->getDb()->query($query['sql'], $query['bind']);
Exemple #24
  * Performs a batch insert into a specific table by iterating through the data
  * NOTE: you should use tableInsertBatch() which will fallback to this function if LOAD DATA INFILE not available
  * @param string  $tableName            PREFIXED table name! you must call Piwik\Common::prefixTable() before passing the table name
  * @param array   $fields               array of unquoted field names
  * @param array   $values               array of data to be inserted
  * @param bool    $ignoreWhenDuplicate  Ignore new rows that contain unique key values that duplicate old rows
 public function insertIgnoreBatch($tableName, $fields, $values, $ignoreWhenDuplicate = true)
     $fieldList = '(' . join(',', $fields) . ')';
     $ignore = $ignoreWhenDuplicate ? 'IGNORE' : '';
     $params = Common::getSqlStringFieldsArray($values[0]);
     foreach ($values as $row) {
         $query = "INSERT {$ignore} INTO {$tableName} {$fieldList} VALUES ({$params}) \n";
         // In some instances $row is an associative array, to make it
         // compatible with positional parameters array, array_values($row)
         // is used.
         $this->db->query($query, array_values($row));
  * Queries and returns archive data using a set of archive IDs.
  * @param array $archiveIds The IDs of the archives to get data from.
  * @param array $recordNames The names of the data to retrieve (ie, nb_visits, nb_actions, etc.)
  * @param string $archiveDataType The archive data type (either, 'blob' or 'numeric').
  * @param bool $loadAllSubtables Whether to pre-load all subtables
  * @throws Exception
  * @return array
 public static function getArchiveData($archiveIds, $recordNames, $archiveDataType, $loadAllSubtables)
     // create the SQL to select archive data
     $inNames = Common::getSqlStringFieldsArray($recordNames);
     if ($loadAllSubtables) {
         $name = reset($recordNames);
         // select blobs w/ name like "$name_[0-9]+" w/o using RLIKE
         $nameEnd = strlen($name) + 2;
         $whereNameIs = "(name = ?\n                            OR (name LIKE ?\n                                 AND SUBSTRING(name, {$nameEnd}, 1) >= '0'\n                                 AND SUBSTRING(name, {$nameEnd}, 1) <= '9') )";
         $bind = array($name, $name . '%');
     } else {
         $whereNameIs = "name IN ({$inNames})";
         $bind = array_values($recordNames);
     $getValuesSql = "SELECT value, name, idsite, date1, date2, ts_archived\n                                FROM %s\n                                WHERE idarchive IN (%s)\n                                  AND " . $whereNameIs;
     // get data from every table we're querying
     $rows = array();
     foreach ($archiveIds as $period => $ids) {
         if (empty($ids)) {
             throw new Exception("Unexpected: id archive not found for period '{$period}' '");
         // $period = "2009-01-04,2009-01-04",
         $date = Date::factory(substr($period, 0, 10));
         if ($archiveDataType == 'numeric') {
             $table = ArchiveTableCreator::getNumericTable($date);
         } else {
             $table = ArchiveTableCreator::getBlobTable($date);
         $sql = sprintf($getValuesSql, $table, implode(',', $ids));
         $dataRows = Db::fetchAll($sql, $bind);
         foreach ($dataRows as $row) {
             $rows[] = $row;
     return $rows;
  *  uses tracker db
 public function insertNew($goal)
     $fields = implode(', ', array_keys($goal));
     $bindFields = Common::getSqlStringFieldsArray($goal);
     $sql = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO ' . $this->table . '( ' . $fields . ' ) ' . 'VALUES ( ' . $bindFields . ' ) ';
     $bind = array_values($goal);
     $result = $this->db->query($sql, $bind);
     return $this->db->rowCount($result) > 0;
Exemple #27
  * Returns all websites with a timezone matching one the specified timezones
  * @param array $timezones
  * @return array
  * @ignore
 public function getSitesFromTimezones($timezones)
     $query = 'SELECT idsite FROM ' . $this->table . '
               WHERE timezone IN (' . Common::getSqlStringFieldsArray($timezones) . ')
               ORDER BY idsite ASC';
     $sites = $this->db->fetchAll($query, $timezones);
     return $sites;
Exemple #28
  * @param $idSite
  * @param string $table
  * @return array
 private function getIdSitesWhereClause($idSite, $table = 'log_visit')
     $idSites = array($idSite);
     Piwik::postEvent('Live.API.getIdSitesString', array(&$idSites));
     $idSitesBind = Common::getSqlStringFieldsArray($idSites);
     $whereClause = $table . ".idsite in ({$idSitesBind}) ";
     return array($whereClause, $idSites);
Exemple #29
 public function deleteArchiveIds($numericTable, $blobTable, $idsToDelete)
     $idsToDelete = array_values($idsToDelete);
     $query = "DELETE FROM %s WHERE idarchive IN (" . Common::getSqlStringFieldsArray($idsToDelete) . ")";
     $queryObj = Db::query(sprintf($query, $numericTable), $idsToDelete);
     $deletedRows = $queryObj->rowCount();
     try {
         $queryObj = Db::query(sprintf($query, $blobTable), $idsToDelete);
         $deletedRows += $queryObj->rowCount();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // Individual blob tables could be missing
         $this->logger->debug("Unable to delete archive IDs from {blobTable}.", array('blobTable' => $blobTable, 'exception' => $e));
     return $deletedRows;
Exemple #30
  * Returns the list of all the users
  * @param string $userLogins Comma separated list of users to select. If not specified, will return all users
  * @return array the list of all the users
 public function getUsers($userLogins = '')
     $where = '';
     $bind = array();
     if (!empty($userLogins)) {
         $userLogins = explode(',', $userLogins);
         $where = 'WHERE login IN (' . Common::getSqlStringFieldsArray($userLogins) . ')';
         $bind = $userLogins;
     $db = Db::get();
     $users = $db->fetchAll("SELECT *\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . Common::prefixTable("user") . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$where}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY login ASC", $bind);
     // Non Super user can only access login & alias
     if (!Piwik::isUserIsSuperUser()) {
         foreach ($users as &$user) {
             $user = array('login' => $user['login'], 'alias' => $user['alias']);
     return $users;