public function getAssetCode($inAdmin = false) { $asset = Asset::getById($this->id); $options = $this->getOptions(); // compatibility mode when FFMPEG is not present or no thumbnail config is given if (!\Pimcore\Video::isAvailable() || !$options["thumbnail"]) { if ($asset instanceof Asset && preg_match("/\\.(f4v|flv|mp4)/", $asset->getFullPath())) { return $this->getHtml5Code(array("mp4" => (string) $asset)); } return $this->getErrorCode("Asset is not a video, or missing thumbnail configuration"); } if ($asset instanceof Asset\Video && $options["thumbnail"]) { $thumbnail = $asset->getThumbnail($options["thumbnail"]); if ($thumbnail) { if (!array_key_exists("imagethumbnail", $options) || empty($options["imagethumbnail"])) { // try to get the dimensions out ouf the video thumbnail $imageThumbnailConf = $asset->getThumbnailConfig($options["thumbnail"])->getEstimatedDimensions(); $imageThumbnailConf["format"] = "JPEG"; } else { $imageThumbnailConf = $options["imagethumbnail"]; } if (empty($imageThumbnailConf)) { $imageThumbnailConf["width"] = 800; $imageThumbnailConf["format"] = "JPEG"; } if ($this->poster && ($poster = Asset::getById($this->poster))) { $image = $poster->getThumbnail($imageThumbnailConf); } else { if ($asset->getCustomSetting("image_thumbnail_asset")) { $image = $asset->getImageThumbnail($imageThumbnailConf); } else { if ($thumbnail["status"] == "finished" && (array_key_exists("animatedGifPreview", $options) && $options["animatedGifPreview"] !== false)) { $image = $asset->getPreviewAnimatedGif(null, null, $imageThumbnailConf); } else { $image = $asset->getImageThumbnail($imageThumbnailConf); } } } if ($inAdmin && isset($options["editmodeImagePreview"]) && $options["editmodeImagePreview"]) { $code = '<div id="pimcore_video_' . $this->getName() . '" class="pimcore_tag_video">'; $code .= '<img width="' . $this->getWidth() . '" src="' . $image . '" />'; $code .= '</div'; return $code; } if ($thumbnail["status"] == "finished") { return $this->getHtml5Code($thumbnail["formats"], $image); } else { if ($thumbnail["status"] == "inprogress") { // disable the output-cache if enabled $front = \Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance(); $front->unregisterPlugin("Pimcore\\Controller\\Plugin\\Cache"); $progress = Asset\Video\Thumbnail\Processor::getProgress($thumbnail["processId"]); return $this->getProgressCode($progress, $image); } else { return $this->getErrorCode("The video conversion failed, please see the debug.log for more details."); } } } else { return $this->getErrorCode("The given thumbnail doesn't exist: '" . $options["thumbnail"] . "'"); } } }
public function videoThumbnailAdapterCheckAction() { if (!\Pimcore\Video::isAvailable()) { echo '<span style="color: red; font-weight: bold;padding: 10px;margin:0 0 20px 0;border:1px solid red;display:block;">' . $this->view->translate("php_cli_binary_and_or_ffmpeg_binary_setting_is_missing") . '</span>'; } exit; }
/** * */ public function generate() { $errorImage = PIMCORE_PATH . '/static6/img/filetype-not-supported.png'; $deferred = false; $generated = false; if (!$this->asset) { $this->filesystemPath = $errorImage; } elseif (!$this->filesystemPath) { $cs = $this->asset->getCustomSetting("image_thumbnail_time"); $im = $this->asset->getCustomSetting("image_thumbnail_asset"); if ($im || $this->imageAsset) { if ($this->imageAsset) { $im = $this->imageAsset; } else { $im = Model\Asset::getById($im); } if ($im instanceof Image) { $imageThumbnail = $im->getThumbnail($this->getConfig()); $this->filesystemPath = $imageThumbnail->getFileSystemPath(); } } if (!$this->filesystemPath) { $timeOffset = $this->timeOffset; if (!$this->timeOffset && $cs) { $timeOffset = $cs; } // fallback if (!$timeOffset) { $timeOffset = ceil($this->asset->getDuration() / 3); } $converter = \Pimcore\Video::getInstance(); $converter->load($this->asset->getFileSystemPath()); $path = PIMCORE_TEMPORARY_DIRECTORY . "/video-image-cache/video_" . $this->asset->getId() . "__thumbnail_" . $timeOffset . ".png"; if (!is_dir(dirname($path))) { File::mkdir(dirname($path)); } if (!is_file($path)) { $lockKey = "video_image_thumbnail_" . $this->asset->getId() . "_" . $timeOffset; Model\Tool\Lock::acquire($lockKey); // after we got the lock, check again if the image exists in the meantime - if not - generate it if (!is_file($path)) { $converter->saveImage($path, $timeOffset); $generated = true; } Model\Tool\Lock::release($lockKey); } if ($this->getConfig()) { $this->getConfig()->setFilenameSuffix("time-" . $timeOffset); try { $path = Image\Thumbnail\Processor::process($this->asset, $this->getConfig(), $path, $deferred, true, $generated); } catch (\Exception $e) { Logger::error("Couldn't create image-thumbnail of video " . $this->asset->getRealFullPath()); Logger::error($e); $path = $errorImage; } } $this->filesystemPath = $path; } \Pimcore::getEventManager()->trigger("", $this, ["deferred" => $deferred, "generated" => $generated]); } }
<?php echo $this->translate("please_wait"); ?> <div class="pimcore_tag_video_progress_status"></div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> window.setTimeout(function () { location.reload(); }, 5000); </script> <?php } else { if (!\Pimcore\Video::isAvailable()) { ?> <?php echo $this->translate("preview_not_available"); ?> <br /> <?php echo $this->translate("php_cli_binary_and_or_ffmpeg_binary_setting_is_missing"); ?> <?php } else { ?> <?php echo $this->translate("preview_not_available"); ?> <br />
", showCloseConfirmation: true, debug_admin_translations: <?php echo \Zend_Json::encode((bool) $this->config->general->debug_admin_translations); ?> , document_generatepreviews: <?php echo \Zend_Json::encode((bool) $this->config->documents->generatepreview); ?> , htmltoimage: <?php echo \Zend_Json::encode(\Pimcore\Image\HtmlToImage::isSupported()); ?> , videoconverter: <?php echo \Zend_Json::encode(\Pimcore\Video::isAvailable()); ?> , asset_hide_edit: <?php echo $this->config->assets->hide_edit_image ? "true" : "false"; ?> }; </script> <?php // 3rd party libraries ?> <script type="text/javascript"> <?php if (isset($googleMapsApiKey) && strlen($googleMapsApiKey) > 0) {
public function getFolderContentPreviewAction() { $folder = Asset::getById($this->getParam("id")); $start = 0; $limit = 10; if ($this->getParam("limit")) { $limit = $this->getParam("limit"); } if ($this->getParam("start")) { $start = $this->getParam("start"); } $condition = "path LIKE '" . ($folder->getFullPath() == "/" ? "/%'" : $folder->getFullPath() . "/%'") . " AND type != 'folder'"; $list = Asset::getList(array("condition" => $condition, "limit" => $limit, "offset" => $start, "orderKey" => "filename", "order" => "asc")); $assets = array(); foreach ($list as $asset) { $thumbnailMethod = ""; if ($asset instanceof Asset\Image) { $thumbnailMethod = "getThumbnail"; } else { if ($asset instanceof Asset\Video && \Pimcore\Video::isAvailable()) { $thumbnailMethod = "getImageThumbnail"; } else { if ($asset instanceof Asset\Document && \Pimcore\Document::isAvailable()) { $thumbnailMethod = "getImageThumbnail"; } } } if (!empty($thumbnailMethod)) { $assets[] = array("id" => $asset->getId(), "type" => $asset->getType(), "filename" => $asset->getFilename(), "url" => "/admin/asset/get-" . $asset->getType() . "-thumbnail/id/" . $asset->getId() . "/treepreview/true", "idPath" => $data["idPath"] = Element\Service::getIdPath($asset)); } } $this->_helper->json(array("assets" => $assets, "success" => true, "total" => $list->getTotalCount())); }
/** * @param Model\Asset\Video $asset * @param $config * @param array $onlyFormats * @return Processor * @throws \Exception */ public static function process(Model\Asset\Video $asset, $config, $onlyFormats = []) { if (!\Pimcore\Video::isAvailable()) { throw new \Exception("No ffmpeg executable found, please configure the correct path in the system settings"); } $instance = new self(); $formats = empty($onlyFormats) ? ["mp4"] : $onlyFormats; $instance->setProcessId(uniqid()); $instance->setAssetId($asset->getId()); $instance->setConfig($config); // check for running or already created thumbnails $customSetting = $asset->getCustomSetting("thumbnails"); $existingFormats = []; if (is_array($customSetting) && array_key_exists($config->getName(), $customSetting)) { if ($customSetting[$config->getName()]["status"] == "inprogress") { if (TmpStore::get($instance->getJobStoreId($customSetting[$config->getName()]["processId"]))) { return; } } elseif ($customSetting[$config->getName()]["status"] == "finished") { // check if the files are there $formatsToConvert = []; foreach ($formats as $f) { if (!is_file($asset->getVideoThumbnailSavePath() . $customSetting[$config->getName()]["formats"][$f])) { $formatsToConvert[] = $f; } else { $existingFormats[$f] = $customSetting[$config->getName()]["formats"][$f]; $existingFormats[$f] = $customSetting[$config->getName()]["formats"][$f]; } } if (!empty($formatsToConvert)) { $formats = $formatsToConvert; } else { return; } } elseif ($customSetting[$config->getName()]["status"] == "error") { throw new \Exception("Unable to convert video, see logs for details."); } } foreach ($formats as $format) { $thumbDir = $asset->getVideoThumbnailSavePath() . "/thumb__" . $config->getName(); $filename = preg_replace("/\\." . preg_quote(File::getFileExtension($asset->getFilename())) . "/", "", $asset->getFilename()) . "." . $format; $fsPath = $thumbDir . "/" . $filename; $tmpPath = PIMCORE_SYSTEM_TEMP_DIRECTORY . "/" . $filename; if (!is_dir(dirname($fsPath))) { File::mkdir(dirname($fsPath)); } if (is_file($fsPath)) { @unlink($fsPath); } $converter = \Pimcore\Video::getInstance(); $converter->load($asset->getFileSystemPath()); $converter->setAudioBitrate($config->getAudioBitrate()); $converter->setVideoBitrate($config->getVideoBitrate()); $converter->setFormat($format); $converter->setDestinationFile($tmpPath); $converter->setStorageFile($fsPath); $transformations = $config->getItems(); if (is_array($transformations) && count($transformations) > 0) { foreach ($transformations as $transformation) { if (!empty($transformation)) { $arguments = []; $mapping = self::$argumentMapping[$transformation["method"]]; if (is_array($transformation["arguments"])) { foreach ($transformation["arguments"] as $key => $value) { $position = array_search($key, $mapping); if ($position !== false) { $arguments[$position] = $value; } } } ksort($arguments); if (count($mapping) == count($arguments)) { call_user_func_array([$converter, $transformation["method"]], $arguments); } else { $message = "Video Transform failed: cannot call method `" . $transformation["method"] . "´ with arguments `" . implode(",", $arguments) . "´ because there are too few arguments"; Logger::error($message); } } } } $instance->queue[] = $converter; } $customSetting = $asset->getCustomSetting("thumbnails"); $customSetting = is_array($customSetting) ? $customSetting : []; $customSetting[$config->getName()] = ["status" => "inprogress", "formats" => $existingFormats, "processId" => $instance->getProcessId()]; $asset->setCustomSetting("thumbnails", $customSetting); $asset->save(); $instance->convert(); return $instance; }
/** * @return null * @throws \Exception */ protected function getDurationFromBackend() { if (\Pimcore\Video::isAvailable()) { $converter = \Pimcore\Video::getInstance(); $converter->load($this->getFileSystemPath()); return $converter->getDuration(); } return null; }