  * Registers a parent class or interface with this constant.
  * @param ClassDescriptor|InterfaceDescriptor|null $parent
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException if anything other than a class, interface or null was passed.
  * @return void
 public function setParent($parent)
     if (!$parent instanceof ClassDescriptor && !$parent instanceof InterfaceDescriptor && $parent !== null) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Constants can only have an interface or class as parent');
     $this->setFullyQualifiedStructuralElementName($parent->getFullyQualifiedStructuralElementName() . '::' . $this->getName());
     $this->parent = $parent;
  * Checks if the passed value is valid.
  * @param FileDescriptor|ClassDescriptor|InterfaceDescriptor|TraitDescriptor $value      The value that should
  *     be validated.
  * @param Constraint                                                         $constraint The constraint for
  *     the validation.
  * @throws ConstraintDefinitionException if this is not a constraint on a PropertyDescriptor object.
 public function validate($value, Constraint $constraint)
     if (!$value instanceof FileDescriptor && !$value instanceof ClassDescriptor && !$value instanceof InterfaceDescriptor && !$value instanceof TraitDescriptor) {
         throw new ConstraintDefinitionException('The HasSinglePackage validator may only be used on files, classes, interfaces and traits');
     if ($value->getTags()->get('package', new Collection())->count() > 1) {
         $this->context->addViolationAt('package', $constraint->message);
  * Checks if the passed value is valid.
  * @param FileDescriptor|ClassDescriptor|InterfaceDescriptor|TraitDescriptor $value      The value that should
  *     be validated.
  * @param Constraint                                                         $constraint The constraint for
  *     the validation.
  * @throws ConstraintDefinitionException if this is not a constraint on a PropertyDescriptor object.
 public function validate($value, Constraint $constraint)
     if (!$value instanceof FileDescriptor && !$value instanceof ClassDescriptor && !$value instanceof InterfaceDescriptor && !$value instanceof TraitDescriptor) {
         throw new ConstraintDefinitionException('The HasPackageWithSubpackageValidator validator may only be used on files, classes, ' . 'interfaces and traits');
     if ($value->getTags()->get('subpackage', new Collection())->count() > 0 && $value->getTags()->get('package', new Collection())->count() < 1) {
         $this->context->addViolationAt('package', $constraint->message, array(), null, null, $constraint->code);
  * @param ClassDescriptor $class
  * @return MethodDescriptor[]
 public function getPublicMethods($class)
     if (!$class instanceof ClassDescriptor) {
         return [];
     $methods = $class->getMagicMethods()->merge($class->getInheritedMethods())->merge($class->getMethods());
     return array_filter($methods->getAll(), function (MethodDescriptor $method) {
         return $method->getVisibility() == 'public';
  * @covers phpDocumentor\Compiler\Pass\NamespaceTreeBuilder::execute
  * @covers phpDocumentor\Compiler\Pass\NamespaceTreeBuilder::addElementsOfTypeToNamespace
 public function testAddClassToNamespace()
     $class = new ClassDescriptor();
     // double check if a second class in the same deep namespace ends up at the right location
     $class2 = new ClassDescriptor();
     $this->assertSame(array($class, $class2), $this->project->getNamespace()->getChildren()->get('My')->getChildren()->get('Space')->getClasses()->getAll());
  * @param ClassDescriptor|TraitDescriptor $parent
 public function setParent($parent)
     $this->setFullyQualifiedStructuralElementName($parent->getFullyQualifiedStructuralElementName() . '::' . $this->getName());
     $this->parent = $parent;
  * Returns a ClassDescriptor whose namespace and name is set.
  * @param string $fqnn
  * @param string $className
  * @return ClassDescriptor
 private function givenAClassWithNamespaceAndClassName($fqnn, $className)
     $classDescriptor = new ClassDescriptor();
     $classDescriptor->setFullyQualifiedStructuralElementName($fqnn . '\\' . $className);
     return $classDescriptor;
  * @param string $name The name of the current property.
  * @return PropertyDescriptor
 protected function whenFixtureHasPropertyInParentClassWithSameName($name)
     $result = new PropertyDescriptor();
     $parent = new ClassDescriptor();
     $parent->getProperties()->set($name, $result);
     $class = new ClassDescriptor();
     return $result;
Exemple #9
  * Exports the given reflection object to the parent XML element.
  * This method creates a new child element on the given parent XML element
  * and takes the properties of the Reflection argument and sets the
  * elements and attributes on the child.
  * If a child DOMElement is provided then the properties and attributes are
  * set on this but the child element is not appended onto the parent. This
  * is the responsibility of the invoker. Essentially this means that the
  * $parent argument is ignored in this case.
  * @param \DOMElement     $parent The parent element to augment.
  * @param ClassDescriptor $class  The data source.
  * @param \DOMElement     $child  Optional: child element to use instead of creating a
  *      new one on the $parent.
  * @return void
 public function buildClass(\DOMElement $parent, ClassDescriptor $class, \DOMElement $child = null)
     if (!$child) {
         $child = new \DOMElement('class');
     $child->setAttribute('final', $class->isFinal() ? 'true' : 'false');
     $child->setAttribute('abstract', $class->isAbstract() ? 'true' : 'false');
     $parentFqcn = is_string($class->getParent()) ? $class->getParent() : $class->getParent()->getFullyQualifiedStructuralElementName();
     $child->appendChild(new \DOMElement('extends', $parentFqcn));
     /** @var InterfaceDescriptor $interface */
     foreach ($class->getInterfaces() as $interface) {
         $interfaceFcqn = is_string($interface) ? $interface : $interface->getFullyQualifiedStructuralElementName();
         $child->appendChild(new \DOMElement('implements', $interfaceFcqn));
     if ($child === null) {
         $child = new \DOMElement('interface');
     $namespace = $class->getNamespace()->getFullyQualifiedStructuralElementName();
     $child->setAttribute('namespace', ltrim($namespace, '\\'));
     $child->setAttribute('line', $class->getLine());
     $child->appendChild(new \DOMElement('name', $class->getName()));
     $child->appendChild(new \DOMElement('full_name', $class->getFullyQualifiedStructuralElementName()));
     $this->buildDocBlock($child, $class);
     foreach ($class->getConstants() as $constant) {
         // TODO #840: Workaround; for some reason there are NULLs in the constants array.
         if ($constant) {
             $this->buildConstant($child, $constant);
     foreach ($class->getProperties() as $property) {
         // TODO #840: Workaround; for some reason there are NULLs in the properties array.
         if ($property) {
             $this->buildProperty($child, $property);
     foreach ($class->getMethods() as $method) {
         // TODO #840: Workaround; for some reason there are NULLs in the methods array.
         if ($method) {
             $this->buildMethod($child, $method);
  * Returns a class with the given parent set.
  * @param string|DescriptorAbstract $parent
  * @return ClassDescriptor
 protected function givenAClassWithParent($parent)
     $classDescriptor1 = new ClassDescriptor();
     return $classDescriptor1;
  * Test to cover magic method of parent abstract class
  * @covers phpDocumentor\Descriptor\DescriptorAbstract::__call
 public function testCall()
     $this->assertInstanceOf('phpDocumentor\\Descriptor\\Collection', $this->fixture->getNotexisting());
  * Registers the used traits with the generated Class Descriptor.
  * @param string[] $traits
  * @param ClassDescriptor $classDescriptor
  * @return void
 protected function addUses(array $traits, ClassDescriptor $classDescriptor)
     $classDescriptor->setUsedTraits(new Collection($traits));
  * Generates a URL from the given node or returns false if unable.
  * @param string|Descriptor\ClassDescriptor $node
  * @return string|false
 public function __invoke($node)
     $converter = new QualifiedNameToUrlConverter();
     return $node instanceof Descriptor\DescriptorAbstract ? '/classes/' . $converter->fromClass($node->getFullyQualifiedStructuralElementName()) . '.html' : false;
  * @covers phpDocumentor\Compiler\Pass\ElementsIndexBuilder::execute
  * @covers phpDocumentor\Compiler\Pass\ElementsIndexBuilder::addElementsToIndexes
  * @covers phpDocumentor\Compiler\Pass\ElementsIndexBuilder::getIndexKey
  * @covers phpDocumentor\Compiler\Pass\ElementsIndexBuilder::getSubElements
 public function testAddMethodsToIndex()
     $file1 = $this->project->getFiles()->get(0);
     $classDescriptor1 = new ClassDescriptor();
     $classMethodDescriptor1 = new MethodDescriptor();
     $file2 = $this->project->getFiles()->get(1);
     $classDescriptor2 = new ClassDescriptor();
     $classMethodDescriptor2 = new MethodDescriptor();
     $elements = $this->project->getIndexes()->get('elements')->getAll();
     $this->assertCount(4, $elements);
     $this->assertSame(array('My\\Space\\Class1', 'My\\Space\\Class1::METHOD', 'My\\Space\\Class2', 'My\\Space\\Class2::METHOD'), array_keys($elements));
     $this->assertSame(array($classDescriptor1, $classMethodDescriptor1, $classDescriptor2, $classMethodDescriptor2), array_values($elements));
     // class methods are not indexed separately
  * Adds a class descriptor to the project's elements and add a parent file.
  * @param FileDescriptor $fileDescriptor
  * @return ClassDescriptor
 protected function givenProjectHasClassDescriptorAssociatedWithFile($fileDescriptor)
     $classDescriptor = new ClassDescriptor();
     if ($fileDescriptor) {
     $elementIndex = $this->project->getIndexes()->get('elements', new Collection());
     return $classDescriptor;
  * Creates a Descriptor from the provided data.
  * @param ClassReflector $data
  * @return ClassDescriptor
 public function create($data)
     $classDescriptor = new ClassDescriptor();
     $classDescriptor->setPackage($this->extractPackageFromDocBlock($data->getDocBlock()) ?: '');
     // Reflection library formulates namespace as global but this is not wanted for phpDocumentor itself
     $classDescriptor->setNamespace('\\' . (strtolower($data->getNamespace()) == 'global' ? '' : $data->getNamespace()));
     foreach ($data->getInterfaces() as $interfaceClassName) {
         $classDescriptor->getInterfaces()->set($interfaceClassName, $interfaceClassName);
     $fqcn = $classDescriptor->getFullyQualifiedStructuralElementName();
     $namespace = substr($fqcn, 0, strrpos($fqcn, '\\'));
     $this->assembleDocBlock($data->getDocBlock(), $classDescriptor);
     $this->addConstants($data->getConstants(), $classDescriptor);
     $this->addProperties($data->getProperties(), $classDescriptor);
     $this->addMethods($data->getMethods(), $classDescriptor);
     return $classDescriptor;
  * @param string $name The name of the current method.
  * @return MethodDescriptor
 protected function whenFixtureHasMethodInImplementedInterfaceWithSameName($name)
     $result = new MethodDescriptor();
     $parent = new InterfaceDescriptor();
     $parent->getMethods()->set($name, $result);
     $class = new ClassDescriptor();
     $class->getInterfaces()->set('Implemented', $parent);
     return $result;
  * @return ClassDescriptor
 protected function whenFixtureHasParentClass()
     $class = new ClassDescriptor();
     return $class;