/** * Runs Pdepend with the given criteria as arguments */ public function execute() { if (!is_writable($this->location)) { throw new \Exception(sprintf('The location %s is not writable.', $this->location)); } $pdepend = $this->phpci->findBinary('pdepend'); if (!$pdepend) { $this->phpci->logFailure(Lang::get('could_not_find', 'pdepend')); return false; } $cmd = $pdepend . ' --summary-xml="%s" --jdepend-chart="%s" --overview-pyramid="%s" %s "%s"'; $this->removeBuildArtifacts(); // If we need to ignore directories if (count($this->phpci->ignore)) { $ignore = ' --ignore=' . implode(',', $this->phpci->ignore); } else { $ignore = ''; } $success = $this->phpci->executeCommand($cmd, $this->location . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->summary, $this->location . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->chart, $this->location . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->pyramid, $ignore, $this->directory); $config = $this->phpci->getSystemConfig('phpci'); if ($success) { $this->phpci->logSuccess(sprintf("Pdepend successful. You can use %s\n, ![Chart](%s \"Pdepend Chart\")\n\n and ![Pyramid](%s \"Pdepend Pyramid\")\n\n for inclusion in the readme.md file", $config['url'] . '/build/pdepend/' . $this->summary, $config['url'] . '/build/pdepend/' . $this->chart, $config['url'] . '/build/pdepend/' . $this->pyramid)); } return $success; }
/** * Runs PHP Copy/Paste Detector in a specified directory. */ public function execute() { $ignore = ''; if (count($this->phpci->ignore)) { $map = function ($item) { return ' --exclude ' . (substr($item, -1) == '/' ? substr($item, 0, -1) : $item); }; $ignore = array_map($map, $this->phpci->ignore); $ignore = implode('', $ignore); } $phploc = $this->phpci->findBinary('phploc'); if (!$phploc) { $this->phpci->logFailure(PHPCI\Helper\Lang::get('could_not_find', 'phploc')); return false; } $success = $this->phpci->executeCommand($phploc . ' %s "%s"', $ignore, $this->directory); $output = $this->phpci->getLastOutput(); if (preg_match_all('/\\((LOC|CLOC|NCLOC|LLOC)\\)\\s+([0-9]+)/', $output, $matches)) { $data = array(); foreach ($matches[1] as $k => $v) { $data[$v] = (int) $matches[2][$k]; } $this->build->storeMeta('phploc', $data); } return $success; }
/** * Runs PHP Spec tests. */ public function execute() { $curdir = getcwd(); chdir($this->phpci->buildPath); $phpspec = $this->phpci->findBinary(array('phpspec', 'phpspec.php')); if (!$phpspec) { $this->phpci->logFailure(PHPCI\Helper\Lang::get('could_not_find', 'phpspec')); return false; } $success = $this->phpci->executeCommand($phpspec . ' --format=junit --no-code-generation run'); $output = $this->phpci->getLastOutput(); chdir($curdir); /* * process xml output * * <testsuites time=FLOAT tests=INT failures=INT errors=INT> * <testsuite name=STRING time=FLOAT tests=INT failures=INT errors=INT skipped=INT> * <testcase name=STRING time=FLOAT classname=STRING status=STRING/> * </testsuite> * </testsuites */ $xml = new \SimpleXMLElement($output); $attr = $xml->attributes(); $data = array('time' => (double) $attr['time'], 'tests' => (int) $attr['tests'], 'failures' => (int) $attr['failures'], 'errors' => (int) $attr['errors'], 'suites' => array()); /** * @var \SimpleXMLElement $group */ foreach ($xml->xpath('testsuite') as $group) { $attr = $group->attributes(); $suite = array('name' => (string) $attr['name'], 'time' => (double) $attr['time'], 'tests' => (int) $attr['tests'], 'failures' => (int) $attr['failures'], 'errors' => (int) $attr['errors'], 'skipped' => (int) $attr['skipped'], 'cases' => array()); /** * @var \SimpleXMLElement $child */ foreach ($group->xpath('testcase') as $child) { $attr = $child->attributes(); $case = array('name' => (string) $attr['name'], 'classname' => (string) $attr['classname'], 'time' => (double) $attr['time'], 'status' => (string) $attr['status']); if ($case['status'] == 'failed') { $error = array(); /* * ok, sad, we had an error * * there should be one - foreach makes this easier */ foreach ($child->xpath('failure') as $failure) { $attr = $failure->attributes(); $error['type'] = (string) $attr['type']; $error['message'] = (string) $attr['message']; } foreach ($child->xpath('system-err') as $system_err) { $error['raw'] = (string) $system_err; } $case['error'] = $error; } $suite['cases'][] = $case; } $data['suites'][] = $suite; } $this->build->storeMeta('phpspec', $data); return $success; }
/** * Run CasperJS tests. * @return bool */ public function execute() { $this->phpci->logExecOutput(false); $casperJs = $this->phpci->findBinary('casperjs'); if (!$casperJs) { $this->phpci->logFailure(Lang::get('could_not_find', 'casperjs')); return false; } $curdir = getcwd(); chdir($this->phpci->buildPath); $cmd = $casperJs . " test {$this->tests_path} --xunit={$this->x_unit_file_path} {$this->arguments}"; $success = $this->phpci->executeCommand($cmd); chdir($curdir); $xUnitString = file_get_contents($this->x_unit_file_path); try { $xUnitParser = new XUnitParser($xUnitString); $output = $xUnitParser->parse(); $failures = $xUnitParser->getTotalFailures(); } catch (\Exception $ex) { $this->phpci->logFailure($xUnitParser); throw $ex; } $this->build->storeMeta('casperJs-errors', $failures); $this->build->storeMeta('casperJs-data', $output); $this->phpci->logExecOutput(true); return $success; }
/** * Runs PHP Spec tests. */ public function execute() { $curdir = getcwd(); chdir($this->phpci->buildPath); $phpspec = $this->phpci->findBinary(array('phpspec', 'phpspec.php')); if (!$phpspec) { $this->phpci->logFailure('Could not find phpspec.'); return false; } $success = $this->phpci->executeCommand($phpspec . ' --format=pretty --no-code-generation run'); chdir($curdir); return $success; }
/** * Connects to SQLite and runs a specified set of queries. * @return boolean */ public function execute() { try { $opts = array(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); $pdo = new PDO('sqlite:' . $this->path, $opts); foreach ($this->queries as $query) { $pdo->query($query); } } catch (\Exception $ex) { $this->phpci->logFailure($ex->getMessage()); return false; } return true; }
/** * Connects to PgSQL and runs a specified set of queries. * @return boolean */ public function execute() { try { $opts = array(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); $pdo = new PDO('pgsql:host=' . $this->host, $this->user, $this->pass, $opts); foreach ($this->queries as $query) { $pdo->query($this->phpci->interpolate($query)); } } catch (\Exception $ex) { $this->phpci->logFailure($ex->getMessage()); return false; } return true; }
public function execute() { $curdir = getcwd(); chdir($this->workingdir); $phpcsfixer = $this->phpci->findBinary('php-cs-fixer'); if (!$phpcsfixer) { $this->phpci->logFailure('Could not find php-cs-fixer.'); return false; } $cmd = $phpcsfixer . ' fix . %s %s %s'; $success = $this->phpci->executeCommand($cmd, $this->verbose, $this->diff, $this->level); chdir($curdir); return $success; }
/** * Triggers Jenkins Build for the project */ public function execute() { $success = true; if ($this->build->isSuccessful()) { // Builds the Jenkins trigger $jenkins = $this->jenkinsUrl . '/job/' . rawurlencode($this->jenkinsProject) . '/build?delay=0sec'; if ($this->jenkinsToken && !empty($this->jenkinsToken)) { $jenkins .= '&token=%s'; } $jenkins = sprintf($jenkins, rawurlencode($this->jenkinsProject), $this->jenkinsToken); $this->phpci->log($jenkins); $curlHandler = curl_init($jenkins); curl_setopt($curlHandler, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_exec($curlHandler); $status = curl_getinfo($curlHandler, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); $curlUrl = curl_getinfo($curlHandler, CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL); curl_close($curlHandler); if ($status != '200') { $this->phpci->logFailure($curlUrl . ' return with status code ' . $status); return false; } } else { $this->phpci->log('Skipping due to failed Build'); } return $success; }
/** * Runs PHP Code Sniffer in a specified directory, to a specified standard. */ public function execute() { list($ignore, $standard, $suffixes) = $this->getFlags(); $phpcs = $this->phpci->findBinary('phpcs'); if (!$phpcs) { $this->phpci->logFailure('Could not find phpcs.'); return false; } $this->phpci->logExecOutput(false); $cmd = $phpcs . ' --report=json %s %s %s %s %s "%s"'; $this->phpci->executeCommand($cmd, $standard, $suffixes, $ignore, $this->tab_width, $this->encoding, $this->phpci->buildPath . $this->path); $output = $this->phpci->getLastOutput(); list($errors, $warnings, $data) = $this->processReport($output); $this->phpci->logExecOutput(true); $success = true; $this->build->storeMeta('phpcs-warnings', $warnings); $this->build->storeMeta('phpcs-errors', $errors); $this->build->storeMeta('phpcs-data', $data); if ($this->allowed_warnings != -1 && $warnings > $this->allowed_warnings) { $success = false; } if ($this->allowed_errors != -1 && $errors > $this->allowed_errors) { $success = false; } return $success; }
/** * Run tests from a Codeception config file. * @param $configPath * @return bool|mixed * @throws \Exception */ protected function runConfigFile($configPath) { $this->phpci->logExecOutput(false); $codecept = $this->phpci->findBinary('codecept'); if (!$codecept) { $this->phpci->logFailure(Lang::get('could_not_find', 'codecept')); return false; } $cmd = 'cd "%s" && ' . $codecept . ' run -c "%s" --xml ' . $this->args; if (IS_WIN) { $cmd = 'cd /d "%s" && ' . $codecept . ' run -c "%s" --xml ' . $this->args; } $configPath = $this->phpci->buildPath . $configPath; $success = $this->phpci->executeCommand($cmd, $this->phpci->buildPath, $configPath); $this->phpci->log('Codeception XML path: ' . $this->phpci->buildPath . $this->path . 'report.xml', Loglevel::DEBUG); $xml = file_get_contents($this->phpci->buildPath . $this->path . 'report.xml', false); $parser = new Parser($this->phpci, $xml); $output = $parser->parse(); $meta = array('tests' => $parser->getTotalTests(), 'timetaken' => $parser->getTotalTimeTaken(), 'failures' => $parser->getTotalFailures()); $this->build->storeMeta('codeception-meta', $meta); $this->build->storeMeta('codeception-data', $output); $this->build->storeMeta('codeception-errors', $parser->getTotalFailures()); $this->phpci->logExecOutput(true); return $success; }
/** * Connects to PgSQL and runs a specified set of queries. * @return boolean */ public function execute() { try { $opts = array(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); $pdo = new PDO('pgsql:host=' . $this->host, $this->user, $this->pass, $opts); foreach ($this->queries as $query) { if (!is_array($query)) { // Simple query $pdo->query($this->phpci->interpolate($query)); } elseif (isset($query['queries'])) { foreach ($query['queries'] as $query_stm) { // Simple query $pdo->query($this->phpci->interpolate($query_stm)); } } elseif (isset($query['import'])) { // SQL file execution $this->executeFile($query['import']); } else { throw new \Exception(Lang::get('invalid_command')); } } } catch (\Exception $ex) { $this->phpci->logFailure($ex->getMessage()); return false; } return true; }
/** * Executes parallel lint */ public function execute() { list($ignore) = $this->getFlags(); $phplint = $this->phpci->findBinary('parallel-lint'); if (!$phplint) { $this->phpci->logFailure(Lang::get('could_not_find', 'parallel-lint')); return false; } $cmd = $phplint . ' %s "%s"'; $success = $this->phpci->executeCommand($cmd, $ignore, $this->directory); $output = $this->phpci->getLastOutput(); $matches = array(); if (preg_match_all('/Parse error\\:/', $output, $matches)) { $this->build->storeMeta('phplint-errors', count($matches[0])); } return $success; }
protected function runConfigFile($configPath) { if (is_array($configPath)) { return $this->recurseArg($configPath, array($this, "runConfigFile")); } else { $codecept = $this->phpci->findBinary('codecept'); if (!$codecept) { $this->phpci->logFailure('Could not find codeception.'); return false; } $cmd = 'cd "%s" && ' . $codecept . ' run -c "%s" ' . $this->args; if (IS_WIN) { $cmd = 'cd /d "%s" && ' . $codecept . ' run -c "%s" ' . $this->args; } $configPath = $this->phpci->buildPath . $configPath; $success = $this->phpci->executeCommand($cmd, $this->phpci->buildPath, $configPath); return $success; } }
/** * Runs the copy command. * * @return bool */ public function execute() { $destinationFilename = $this->phpci->buildPath . '/' . $this->envFilename; $this->phpci->log(sprintf('Copy external environment file %s for the %s branch to build directory', $this->envFilepath, $this->branch)); if (!copy($this->envFilepath, $destinationFilename)) { $this->phpci->logFailure('Copy error environment file to build directory!'); return false; } $this->phpci->logSuccess('External environment file successful copied.'); return true; }
protected function handleSymlink(Builder $builder, $reference, $buildPath) { if (is_link($buildPath) && is_file($buildPath)) { unlink($buildPath); } $builder->log(sprintf('Symlinking: %s to %s', $reference, $buildPath)); if (!symlink($reference, $buildPath)) { $builder->logFailure('Failed to symlink.'); return false; } return true; }
/** * Runs PHP Mess Detector in a specified directory. */ public function execute() { // Check that the binary exists: $checker = $this->phpci->findBinary('phpdoccheck'); if (!$checker) { $this->phpci->logFailure('Could not find phpdoccheck.'); return false; } // Build ignore string: $ignore = ''; if (count($this->ignore)) { $ignore = ' --exclude="' . implode(',', $this->ignore) . '"'; } // Are we skipping any checks? $add = ''; if ($this->skipClasses) { $add .= ' --skip-classes'; } if ($this->skipMethods) { $add .= ' --skip-methods'; } // Build command string: $path = $this->phpci->buildPath . $this->path; $cmd = $checker . ' --json --directory="%s"%s%s'; // Disable exec output logging, as we don't want the XML report in the log: $this->phpci->logExecOutput(false); // Run checker: $this->phpci->executeCommand($cmd, $path, $ignore, $add); // Re-enable exec output logging: $this->phpci->logExecOutput(true); $output = json_decode($this->phpci->getLastOutput()); $errors = count($output); $success = true; $this->build->storeMeta('phpdoccheck-warnings', $errors); $this->build->storeMeta('phpdoccheck-data', $output); if ($this->allowed_warnings != -1 && $errors > $this->allowed_warnings) { $success = false; } return $success; }
/** * Try and process the rules parameter from phpci.yml. * @return bool */ protected function tryAndProcessRules() { if (!empty($this->rules) && !is_array($this->rules)) { $this->phpci->logFailure('The "rules" option must be an array.'); return false; } foreach ($this->rules as &$rule) { if (strpos($rule, '/') !== false) { $rule = $this->phpci->buildPath . $rule; } } return true; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function execute() { $curdir = getcwd(); chdir($this->phpci->buildPath); if (!is_file($this->configFile)) { $this->phpci->logFailure(sprintf('The Atoum config file "%s" is missing.', $this->configFile)); chdir($curdir); return false; } $this->phpci->logExecOutput(false); $status = $this->phpci->executeCommand('php %s -c %s -ft -utr', $this->executable, $this->configFile); $this->phpci->logExecOutput(true); try { $parser = new TapParser(mb_convert_encoding('TAP version 13' . PHP_EOL . $this->phpci->getLastOutput(), 'UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1')); $data = $parser->parse(); $this->reportErrors($data); } catch (\Exception $exception) { $status = false; $this->phpci->logFailure('Impossible to parse the Atoum output.', $exception); } chdir($curdir); return $status; }
/** * Calls the deployment url. * * @param string $deployUrl * @param string $method * * @return bool */ protected function callDeploymentUrl($deployUrl, $method = 'get') { $curl = $this->getCurl(); $this->phpci->log(sprintf('Calling remote deployment url %s with method (%s) on the %s branch', $deployUrl, $method, $this->branch)); if ($method == 'GET') { $curl->get($deployUrl); } if ($method == 'POST') { $curl->post($deployUrl); } if ($curl->error) { $this->phpci->logFailure(sprintf('%s request to remote deployment url %s failed.', $method, $deployUrl)); return false; } $this->phpci->logSuccess('Remote deployment request was successful.'); return true; }
/** * @param array $configuration * @return bool * @throws \Exception */ private function _validateDeployerOptions($configuration = []) { if (empty($configuration)) { $configuration = $this->_getConfigurationForCurrentBranch(); } if (empty($configuration['repository'])) { $this->phpci->logFailure('Deployer needs the repository variable set, this should be done automatically'); return false; } if (empty($configuration['user'])) { $this->phpci->logFailure('Deployer needs the user variable set'); return false; } if (empty($configuration['server'])) { $this->phpci->logFailure('Deployer needs the server variable set'); return false; } if (empty($configuration['deploy_path'])) { $this->phpci->logFailure('Deployer needs the deploy_path variable set'); return false; } if (isset($configuration['shared_dirs']) && !is_array($configuration['shared_dirs'])) { $this->phpci->logFailure('`shared_dirs` variable must be an array...'); return false; } if (isset($configuration['writable_dirs']) && !is_array($configuration['writable_dirs'])) { $this->phpci->logFailure('`writable_dirs` variable must be an array...'); return false; } $output = ''; if (isset($this->options['deployFile'])) { $output .= '<b>Deploy file:</b> ' . $this->options['deployFile'] . PHP_EOL; } foreach ($configuration as $key => $value) { $output .= '<b>' . $key . ':</b> '; $output .= is_array($value) ? implode(PHP_EOL, $value) . PHP_EOL : $value . PHP_EOL; } $this->phpci->log('Using the following configuration:' . PHP_EOL . $output); return true; }