Exemple #1
  * Remote upload method
  * Uploads file from given url
  * @param string $upload_url URL pointing to file to upload, for example http://www.foobar.com/example.gif
  * @return filespec $file Object "filespec" is returned, all further operations can be done with this object
  * @access public
 protected function remote_upload($upload_url)
     $upload_ary = array();
     $upload_ary['local_mode'] = true;
     if (!preg_match('#^(https?://).*?\\.(' . implode('|', $this->upload->allowed_extensions) . ')$#i', $upload_url, $match)) {
         return $this->factory->get('filespec')->set_error($this->language->lang($this->upload->error_prefix . 'URL_INVALID'));
     $url = parse_url($upload_url);
     $upload_ary['type'] = 'application/octet-stream';
     $url['path'] = explode('.', $url['path']);
     $ext = array_pop($url['path']);
     $url['path'] = implode('', $url['path']);
     $upload_ary['name'] = utf8_basename($url['path']) . ($ext ? '.' . $ext : '');
     $remote_max_filesize = $this->get_max_file_size();
     $guzzle_options = ['timeout' => $this->upload->upload_timeout, 'connect_timeout' => $this->upload->upload_timeout, 'verify' => !empty($this->config['remote_upload_verify']) ? (bool) $this->config['remote_upload_verify'] : false];
     $client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client($guzzle_options);
     try {
         $response = $client->get($upload_url, $guzzle_options);
     } catch (\GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException $clientException) {
         return $this->factory->get('filespec')->set_error($this->upload->error_prefix . 'URL_NOT_FOUND');
     } catch (\GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException $requestException) {
         if (strpos($requestException->getMessage(), 'cURL error 28') !== false || preg_match('/408|504/', $requestException->getCode())) {
             return $this->factory->get('filespec')->set_error($this->upload->error_prefix . 'REMOTE_UPLOAD_TIMEOUT');
         } else {
             return $this->factory->get('filespec')->set_error($this->language->lang($this->upload->error_prefix . 'NOT_UPLOADED'));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return $this->factory->get('filespec')->set_error($this->language->lang($this->upload->error_prefix . 'NOT_UPLOADED'));
     $content_length = $response->getBody()->getSize();
     if ($remote_max_filesize && $content_length > $remote_max_filesize) {
         $max_filesize = get_formatted_filesize($remote_max_filesize, false);
         return $this->factory->get('filespec')->set_error($this->language->lang($this->upload->error_prefix . 'WRONG_FILESIZE', $max_filesize['value'], $max_filesize['unit']));
     if ($content_length == 0) {
         return $this->factory->get('filespec')->set_error($this->upload->error_prefix . 'EMPTY_REMOTE_DATA');
     $data = $response->getBody();
     $filename = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), unique_id() . '-');
     if (!($fp = @fopen($filename, 'wb'))) {
         return $this->factory->get('filespec')->set_error($this->upload->error_prefix . 'NOT_UPLOADED');
     $upload_ary['size'] = fwrite($fp, $data);
     $upload_ary['tmp_name'] = $filename;
     /** @var filespec $file */
     $file = $this->factory->get('filespec')->set_upload_ary($upload_ary)->set_upload_namespace($this->upload);
     return $file;
Exemple #2
  * Move file from another location to phpBB
  * @param string $source_file Filename of source file
  * @param array|bool $filedata Array with filedata or false
  * @return filespec Object "filespec" is returned, all further operations can be done with this object
 protected function local_upload($source_file, $filedata = false)
     $upload = $this->get_upload_ary($source_file, $filedata);
     /** @var filespec $file */
     $file = $this->factory->get('filespec')->set_upload_ary($upload)->set_upload_namespace($this->upload);
     if ($file->init_error()) {
         $file->error[] = '';
         return $file;
     // PHP Upload file size check
     $file = $this->check_upload_size($file);
     if (sizeof($file->error)) {
         return $file;
     // Not correctly uploaded
     if (!$file->is_uploaded()) {
         $file->error[] = $this->language->lang($this->upload->error_prefix . 'NOT_UPLOADED');
         return $file;
     $this->request->overwrite('local', $upload, request_interface::FILES);
     return $file;
Exemple #3
  * Form upload method
  * Upload file from users harddisk
  * @param string $form_name Form name assigned to the file input field (if it is an array, the key has to be specified)
  * @return filespec $file Object "filespec" is returned, all further operations can be done with this object
  * @access public
 protected function form_upload($form_name)
     $upload = $this->request->file($form_name);
     $result = $this->plupload->handle_upload($form_name);
     if (is_array($result)) {
         $upload = array_merge($upload, $result);
     /** @var filespec $file */
     $file = $this->factory->get('filespec')->set_upload_ary($upload)->set_upload_namespace($this->upload);
     if ($file->init_error()) {
         $file->error[] = '';
         return $file;
     // Error array filled?
     if (isset($upload['error'])) {
         $error = $this->upload->assign_internal_error($upload['error']);
         if ($error !== false) {
             $file->error[] = $error;
             return $file;
     // Check if empty file got uploaded (not catched by is_uploaded_file)
     if (isset($upload['size']) && $upload['size'] == 0) {
         $file->error[] = $this->language->lang($this->upload->error_prefix . 'EMPTY_FILEUPLOAD');
         return $file;
     // PHP Upload file size check
     $file = $this->check_upload_size($file);
     if (sizeof($file->error)) {
         return $file;
     // Not correctly uploaded
     if (!$file->is_uploaded()) {
         $file->error[] = $this->language->lang($this->upload->error_prefix . 'NOT_UPLOADED');
         return $file;
     return $file;
Exemple #4
  * Remote upload method
  * Uploads file from given url
  * @param string $upload_url URL pointing to file to upload, for example http://www.foobar.com/example.gif
  * @return filespec $file Object "filespec" is returned, all further operations can be done with this object
  * @access public
 protected function remote_upload($upload_url)
     $upload_ary = array();
     $upload_ary['local_mode'] = true;
     if (!preg_match('#^(https?://).*?\\.(' . implode('|', $this->upload->allowed_extensions) . ')$#i', $upload_url, $match)) {
         return $this->factory->get('filespec')->set_error($this->language->lang($this->upload->error_prefix . 'URL_INVALID'));
     $url = parse_url($upload_url);
     $host = $url['host'];
     $path = $url['path'];
     $port = !empty($url['port']) ? (int) $url['port'] : 80;
     $upload_ary['type'] = 'application/octet-stream';
     $url['path'] = explode('.', $url['path']);
     $ext = array_pop($url['path']);
     $url['path'] = implode('', $url['path']);
     $upload_ary['name'] = utf8_basename($url['path']) . ($ext ? '.' . $ext : '');
     $filename = $url['path'];
     $filesize = 0;
     $remote_max_filesize = $this->get_max_file_size();
     $errno = 0;
     $errstr = '';
     if (!($fsock = @fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr))) {
         return $this->factory->get('filespec')->set_error($this->language->lang($this->upload->error_prefix . 'NOT_UPLOADED'));
     // Make sure $path not beginning with /
     if (strpos($path, '/') === 0) {
         $path = substr($path, 1);
     fputs($fsock, 'GET /' . $path . " HTTP/1.1\r\n");
     fputs($fsock, "HOST: " . $host . "\r\n");
     fputs($fsock, "Connection: close\r\n\r\n");
     // Set a proper timeout for the socket
     socket_set_timeout($fsock, $this->upload->upload_timeout);
     $get_info = false;
     $data = '';
     $length = false;
     $timer_stop = time() + $this->upload->upload_timeout;
     while ((!$length || $filesize < $length) && !@feof($fsock)) {
         if ($get_info) {
             if ($length) {
                 // Don't attempt to read past end of file if server indicated length
                 $block = @fread($fsock, min($length - $filesize, 1024));
             } else {
                 $block = @fread($fsock, 1024);
             $filesize += strlen($block);
             if ($remote_max_filesize && $filesize > $remote_max_filesize) {
                 $max_filesize = get_formatted_filesize($remote_max_filesize, false);
                 return $this->factory->get('filespec')->set_error($this->language->lang($this->upload->error_prefix . 'WRONG_FILESIZE', $max_filesize['value'], $max_filesize['unit']));
             $data .= $block;
         } else {
             $line = @fgets($fsock, 1024);
             if ($line == "\r\n") {
                 $get_info = true;
             } else {
                 if (stripos($line, 'content-type: ') !== false) {
                     $upload_ary['type'] = rtrim(str_replace('content-type: ', '', strtolower($line)));
                 } else {
                     if ($this->upload->max_filesize && stripos($line, 'content-length: ') !== false) {
                         $length = (int) str_replace('content-length: ', '', strtolower($line));
                         if ($remote_max_filesize && $length && $length > $remote_max_filesize) {
                             $max_filesize = get_formatted_filesize($remote_max_filesize, false);
                             return $this->factory->get('filespec')->set_error($this->language->lang($this->upload->error_prefix . 'WRONG_FILESIZE', $max_filesize['value'], $max_filesize['unit']));
                     } else {
                         if (stripos($line, '404 not found') !== false) {
                             return $this->factory->get('filespec')->set_error($this->upload->error_prefix . 'URL_NOT_FOUND');
         $stream_meta_data = stream_get_meta_data($fsock);
         // Cancel upload if we exceed timeout
         if (!empty($stream_meta_data['timed_out']) || time() >= $timer_stop) {
             return $this->factory->get('filespec')->set_error($this->upload->error_prefix . 'REMOTE_UPLOAD_TIMEOUT');
     if (empty($data)) {
         return $this->factory->get('filespec')->set_error($this->upload->error_prefix . 'EMPTY_REMOTE_DATA');
     $filename = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), unique_id() . '-');
     if (!($fp = @fopen($filename, 'wb'))) {
         return $this->factory->get('filespec')->set_error($this->upload->error_prefix . 'NOT_UPLOADED');
     $upload_ary['size'] = fwrite($fp, $data);
     $upload_ary['tmp_name'] = $filename;
     /** @var filespec $file */
     $file = $this->factory->get('filespec')->set_upload_ary($upload_ary)->set_upload_namespace($this->upload);
     return $file;