public function getPostPage(APIClient $client) { $posts = $client->retrieveRecentPosts(200); $topPosts = array(); foreach ($posts as $p) { // Calculate value: replies * 20 + reposts * 15 + stars * 10 $value = $p->get('num_replies') * 20 + $p->get('num_reposts') * 15 + $p->get('num_stars') * 10; // Must be at least 10 to be considered if ($value < 10) { continue; } $p->setMetaField('topposts.value', $value); $p->setMetaField('topposts.temperature', round(35 + $value * 0.05, 1) . "°C"); $topPosts[] = $p; } usort($topPosts, function ($a, $b) { return $b->getMetaField('topposts.value') - $a->getMetaField('topposts.value'); }); // Use only top 10 posts $top10Posts = new PostPage(); for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) { if (isset($topPosts[$i])) { $top10Posts->add($topPosts[$i]); } } return $top10Posts; }
public function getPostPage(APIClient $client) { $posts = $client->retrievePostsWithHashtag('adnblog'); $longposts = new PostPage(); foreach ($posts as $p) { if ($p->hasAnnotation(LongpostsPlugin::ANNOTATION_TYPE)) { $longposts->add($p); } } return $longposts; }
public static function handleWebmention(Request $r, $domain, APIClient $client) { $source = $r->request->get('source'); $target = $r->request->get('target'); if (!isset($source) || !isset($target)) { return new Response('source and target parameters required.', 400); } if (strpos($target, $domain) === false) { return new Response('Webmention endpoint not reponsible for target.', 400); } try { $externalPost = Parser::parse($source, $target); } catch (\Exception $e) { return new Response('Exception caught: ' . $e->getMessage(), 500); } $text = 'Received a ' . $externalPost->getType() . ' from ' . $externalPost->getAuthorName() . '.'; $post = array('text' => $text, 'reply_to' => (int) substr($target, strrpos($target, '/') + 1), 'entities' => array('links' => array(array('pos' => 0, 'len' => strlen($text), 'url' => $source))), 'annotations' => array(array('type' => '', 'value' => array('canonical_url' => $source)), array('type' => 'com.indiewebcamp.webmentions-reaction', 'value' => array('author' => $externalPost->getAuthorName(), 'type' => $externalPost->getType())))); $client->createPost($post); return new Response('', 202); }