Exemple #1
 public function init()
      * Basically, what we want to to is load app's route config
      * */
     $path = path('apps') . $this->app . path('ds') . 'Config' . path('ds') . 'router.php';
     //startMeasure('App RouterProvider: ' . $path);
     $phpProvider = new Php(['file' => $path, 'prefix' => isset($this->config['prefix']) ? $this->config['prefix'] : null]);
     $this->router->addCachedInit(['autoloader' => [path('apps') . $this->app . path('ds') . 'src'], 'view' => [path('apps') . $this->app . path('ds') . 'src' . path('ds')]])->writeCache();
      * And autoloader
      * */
     // @T00D00 - this needs to be called on initialization ...
     $path = path('apps') . $this->app . path('ds') . 'src';
     message('Registering autoloader (App route provider) ' . $path);
     autoloader()->add('', $path);
      * And add to twig?
      * */
     Twig::addDir($path . path('ds'), Twig::PRIORITY_APP);
      * And then you finally realize this should be refactored to some kind of Command or AppInitializator
      * */
     //stopMeasure('App RouterProvider: ' . $path);
Exemple #2
 public function registerAutoloaders($autoloaders, $object = null)
     if (!is_array($autoloaders)) {
         $autoloaders = [$autoloaders];
     foreach ($autoloaders as $autoloader) {
         if (!is_array($autoloader)) {
             $autoloader = [$autoloader];
         foreach ($autoloader as $a) {
             message('Registering autoloader (Registrator) ' . $a);
             autoloader()->add('', $a, $a == path('app_src'));
Exemple #3
 protected function initDev()
     $cache = $this->getCache();
     $data = $cache->get();
     $this->routes = $data['routes'];
     $this->cachedInit = $data['cachedInit'];
     if (isset($this->cachedInit['autoloader'])) {
         foreach ($this->cachedInit['autoloader'] as $dir) {
             message('Register autoloader (Dev Router) ' . $dir);
             autoloader()->add('', $dir);
     if (isset($this->cachedInit['view'])) {
         foreach ($this->cachedInit['view'] as $dir) {
Exemple #4
  * List table records.
  * @param Table  $tableRecord
  * @param Entity $entity
  * @return $this
 public function getViewTableAction(Table $tableRecord, DynamicService $dynamicService, DatabaseEntity $entity = null, $viewType = 'full')
      * Set table.
     if (!$entity) {
         $entity = $tableRecord->createEntity();
         $dir = path('app_src') . implode(path('ds'), array_slice(explode('\\', get_class($entity)), 0, -2)) . path('ds') . 'View' . path('ds');
          * This is needed for table actions.
         Twig::addDir($dir . 'tabelize' . path('ds') . 'recordActions' . path('ds'));
         Twig::addDir($dir . 'tabelize' . path('ds') . 'entityActions' . path('ds'));
      * Apply entity extension.
      * This is used for URLs.
      * Join extensions.
      * Get all relations for fields with type (select).
     $relations = (new Relations())->where('on_table_id', $tableRecord->id)->where('dynamic_relation_type_id', 1)->all();
     foreach ($relations as $relation) {
          * Right table entity is created here.
         $relationEntity = $relation->showTable->createEntity();
          * We need to add relations to select.
          * $tableRecord is for example users.
          * So entity is entity with table users.
          * We will fetch all users and related user_group_id and language_id
          * as user.relation_user_group_id and user.relation_language_id.
         $entity->with((new BelongsTo($entity, $relationEntity))->foreignKey($relation->onField->field)->fill('relation_' . $relation->onField->field)->after(function ($record) use($relation) {
             $record->setRelation('select_relation_' . $relation->onField->field, $relation);
      * Filter records by $_GET['search']
     $groups = $this->dynamic->getGroupService()->getAppliedGroups();
     $records = $entity->count()->all();
     $total = $records->total();
     foreach ($groups as $group) {
         $records = $records->groupBy($group['field']);
     $fieldTransformations = ['tabelizeClass'];
     if (get_class($entity) == Orders::class) {
         $fieldTransformations['bills_payed'] = function (Order $order) {
             return $order->getPayedBillsSum();
      * Transform field type = php
     $tableRecord->listableFields(function (HasMany $relation) {
     })->each(function (Field $field) use(&$fieldTransformations) {
         if ($field->fieldType->slug == 'php') {
             $fieldTransformations[$field->field] = function ($record) use($field) {
                 return $record->{$field->field};
     $tabelize = $this->tabelize()->setTable($tableRecord)->setTitle($tableRecord->getListTitle())->setEntity($entity)->setRecords($records)->setFields($tableRecord->listableFields(function (HasMany $relation) {
     })->reduce(function (Field $field) use($tableRecord) {
         $fields = $_SESSION['pckg']['dynamic']['view']['table_' . $tableRecord->id]['view']['fields'] ?? [];
         return !$fields && $field->visible || in_array($field->field, $fields);
     }))->setPerPage(50)->setPage(1)->setTotal($total)->setGroups($groups ? range(1, count($groups)) : [])->setEntityActions($tableRecord->getEntityActions())->setRecordActions($tableRecord->getRecordActions())->setViews($tableRecord->actions()->keyBy('slug'))->setFieldTransformations($fieldTransformations);
     if ($this->request()->isAjax() && (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/tab/') === false || post('search'))) {
         return ['records' => $tabelize->transformRecords(), 'groups' => $groups];
     $tabelize->getView()->addData('dynamic', $this->dynamic);
     $tabelize->getView()->addData('viewType', $viewType);
     $tabelize->getView()->addData('searchUrl', router()->getUri());
     return $tabelize;
Exemple #5
 * @param       $view
 * @param array $data
 * @return Twig
function view($view, $data = [], $assets = [])
    $view = new Twig($view, $data);
    if ($parent = realpath(dirname(debug_backtrace()[0]['file']) . path('ds') . '..' . path('ds') . 'View' . path('ds'))) {
        if (is_dir($parent)) {
            $view->addDir($parent, Twig::PRIORITY_LAST);
        $calculatedParent = realpath(dirname(debug_backtrace()[0]['file']) . path('ds') . '..' . path('ds') . '..' . path('ds') . '..' . path('ds'));
        if (is_dir($calculatedParent)) {
            $view->addDir($calculatedParent, Twig::PRIORITY_LAST);
    if ($assets) {
    return $view;