  * Flush in notification
 protected function flushNotification(Announcement $entity, $title = "Nouvelle Action", $criticity = "success")
     $notification = $this->dm->getRepository('BackBundle:Notifications')->findOneByAid($entity->getId());
     if (!$notification) {
         $notification = new Notifications();
     $redis = new \Redis();
     $redis->connect('', '6379');
     $emitter = new Emitter($redis);
     $now = new \DateTime('now');
     $emitter->emit('notification', ['title' => $title, 'date' => $now->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'author' => $entity->getUser()->getPseudo(), 'objet' => $entity->getTitle(), 'criticity' => $criticity]);
  * The application contains a lot of secure URLs which shouldn't be
  * publicly accessible. This tests ensures that whenever a user tries to
  * access one of those pages, a redirection to the login form is performed.
  * @dataProvider getDatas
 public function testCreate($datas)
     $em = $this->container->get('doctrine.orm.entity_manager');
     $user = $em->getRepository("BackBundle:User")->findOneByPseudo("djscrave");
     $formData = array('title' => $datas, 'price' => 23.55, 'ref' => "BB-5555-A", 'city' => "Paris", 'cp' => "75002", 'address' => "12 rue Mandar", 'country' => "France", 'type' => "apt", 'energyLabel' => "A", 'surface' => 25, 'nbrooms' => 2, 'bedrooms' => 3, 'pricePerMeterSquare' => 100, 'content' => "Description de mon appartement", 'activate' => true, 'user' => $user);
     $announcement = new Announcement();
     $announcement->setPrice((double) $formData['price']);
     $announcement->setNbrooms((int) $formData['nbrooms']);
     $announcement->setBedrooms((int) $formData['bedrooms']);
     $announcement->setPricePerMeterSquare((double) $formData['pricePerMeterSquare']);
     $this->assertEquals($datas, $announcement->getTitle());
     $announcement = $em->getRepository("BackBundle:Announcement")->findOneByTitle($datas);
     $announcement->setTitle("New B");
     $this->assertEquals("New B", $announcement->getTitle());
     $announcement = $em->getRepository("BackBundle:Announcement")->findOneByTitle("New B");
     $this->assertEquals(null, $announcement);
  * SUbmit this form and all attributes
 public function testSubmitValidData()
     $this->markTestSkipped('PHPUnit will skip this test method');
     $formData = array('title' => 'New', 'price' => 23.55, 'ref' => "BB-5555-A", 'city' => "Paris", 'cp' => "75002", 'address' => "12 rue Mandar", 'country' => "France", 'type' => "apt", 'energyLabel' => "A", 'surface' => 25, 'nbrooms' => 2, 'bedrooms' => 3, 'pricePerMeterSquare' => 100, 'content' => "Description de mon appartement", 'activate' => true);
     $announcement = new Announcement();
     $announcement->setPrice((double) $formData['price']);
     $announcement->setNbrooms((int) $formData['nbrooms']);
     $announcement->setBedrooms((int) $formData['bedrooms']);
     $announcement->setPricePerMeterSquare((double) $formData['pricePerMeterSquare']);
     //        $announcement->setUser($formData['user']);
     $form = new AnnouncementType();
     $form = $this->factory->create($form);
     $this->assertEquals($announcement, $form->getData());
     // Ensure the view has all required variables
     $view = $form->createView();
     $children = $view->children;
     foreach (array_keys($formData) as $key) {
         $this->assertArrayHasKey($key, $children);
  * load Announcement
  * @param ObjectManager $manager
 public function load(ObjectManager $manager)
     $formData = array('title' => 'New', 'price' => 23.55, 'ref' => "BB-5555-A", 'city' => "Paris", 'cp' => "75002", 'address' => "12 rue Mandar", 'country' => "France", 'type' => "apt", 'energyLabel' => "A", 'surface' => 25, 'nbrooms' => 2, 'bedrooms' => 3, 'pricePerMeterSquare' => 100, 'content' => "Description de mon appartement", 'activate' => true, 'user' => $this->getReference('user'));
     $announcement = new Announcement();
     $announcement->setPrice((double) $formData['price']);
     $announcement->setNbrooms((int) $formData['nbrooms']);
     $announcement->setBedrooms((int) $formData['bedrooms']);
     $announcement->setPricePerMeterSquare((double) $formData['pricePerMeterSquare']);
 public function activate(Announcement $offer)