Exemple #1
  * Content plugins callback.
  * @param ContentEvent $event
 public function onContentPlugins(ContentEvent $event)
     $content = preg_split('/\\[readmore\\]/i', $event->getContent());
     if ($event['readmore'] && count($content) > 1) {
         $event['post']->readmore = true;
     } else {
         $event->setContent(implode('', $content));
  * Content plugins callback.
  * @param ContentEvent $event
 public function onContentPlugins(ContentEvent $event)
     if (true != $event['comment']) {
     // remove all html tags or escape if in [code] tag
     $content = preg_replace_callback('/\\[code\\](.+?)\\[\\/code\\]/is', function ($matches) {
         return htmlspecialchars($matches[0]);
     }, $event->getContent());
     $content = strip_tags($content);
     $content = ' ' . $content . ' ';
     $content = preg_replace_callback('/(?:(?:https?|ftp|file):\\/\\/|www\\.|ftp\\.)(?:\\([-A-Z0-9+&@#\\/%=~_|$?!:;,.]*\\)|[-A-Z0-9+&@#\\/%=~_|$?!:;,.])*(?:\\([-A-Z0-9+&@#\\/%=~_|$?!:;,.]*\\)|[A-Z0-9+&@#\\/%=~_|$])/ix', function ($matches) {
         $url = $original_url = $matches[0];
         if (empty($url)) {
             return $url;
         // Prepend scheme if URL appears to contain no scheme (unless a relative link starting with / or a php file).
         if (strpos($url, ':') === false && substr($url, 0, 1) != '/' && substr($url, 0, 1) != '#' && !preg_match('/^[a-z0-9-]+?\\.php/i', $url)) {
             $url = 'http://' . $url;
         return " <a href=\"{$url}\" rel=\"nofollow\">{$original_url}</a>";
     }, $content);
     $content = preg_replace("/\\s([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\\_\\.\\-]*[a-zA-Z]*\\@[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\\_\\.\\-]*[a-zA-Z]{2,6})([\\s|\\.|\\,])/i", " <a href=\"mailto:\$1\" rel=\"nofollow\">\$1</a>\$2", $content);
     $content = substr($content, 1);
     $content = substr($content, 0, -1);
  * Content plugins callback.
  * @param ContentEvent $event
 public function onContentPlugins(ContentEvent $event)
     if (!$event['markdown']) {
     $content = $event->getContent();
     $content = App::markdown()->parse($content, is_array($event['markdown']) ? $event['markdown'] : []);
  * Content plugins callback.
  * @param ContentEvent $event
 public function onContentPlugins(ContentEvent $event)
     $content = preg_replace_callback(self::PLUGIN_CODE, function ($matches) use($event) {
         $options = isset($matches[2]) ? json_decode($matches[2], true) : [];
         if ($callback = $event->getPlugin($matches[1])) {
             return call_user_func($callback, (array) $options);
     }, $event->getContent());