Exemple #1
  * Z $findBy prevede do $where v dibi formatu, $findBy vyprazdni.
  * @param BaseDibiCollection
  * @param DibiMapper
  * @param IDatabaseConventional
  * @param array reference
  * @param array reference
  * @param string
  * @param string
  * @see DataSourceCollection::getDataSource
  * @see DibiCollection::__toString
  * @see DibiCollection::join
 public static function dibiProcess(BaseDibiCollection $collection, DibiMapper $mapper, IDatabaseConventional $conventional, array &$where, array &$findBy, $tableAlias, $prefix = NULL)
     foreach ($findBy as $tmp) {
         foreach ($tmp as $key => $value) {
             if ($prefix) {
                 $key = $prefix . '->' . $key;
             if ($join = $mapper->getJoinInfo($key)) {
                 $key = $join->key;
             } else {
                 $key = $conventional->formatEntityToStorage(array($key => NULL));
                 $key = $tableAlias . key($key);
             if ($value instanceof IEntityCollection) {
                 try {
                     $value = $value->fetchPairs(NULL, 'id');
                 } catch (EntityNotPersistedException $e) {
                     $value = $value->fetchAll();
             if ($value instanceof IEntity) {
                 $where[] = array('%n = %s', $key, isset($value->id) ? $value->id : NULL);
                 // `= NULL` never be true
             } else {
                 if (is_array($value)) {
                     $tmp = array();
                     foreach ($value as $v) {
                         if ($v instanceof IEntity) {
                             if (!isset($v->id)) {
                             $v = $v->id;
                         $tmp[] = $v;
                     $where[] = array('%n IN %in', $key, array_unique($tmp));
                 } else {
                     if ($value === NULL) {
                         $where[] = array('%n IS NULL', $key);
                     } else {
                         if ($value instanceof DateTime) {
                             $where[] = array('%n = %t', $key, $value);
                         } else {
                             $where[] = array('%n = %s', $key, $value);
     $findBy = array();
Exemple #2
  * @param string
  * @return array
 private function getInfo($sourceKey)
     if (!isset($this->cache[$sourceKey])) {
         $tmp = array();
         $mappper = $this->mapper;
         $conventional = $this->mapper->getConventional();
         $model = $this->mapper->getModel();
         if (!isset($this->relationships[$sourceKey])) {
             throw new MapperJoinException(get_class($this->mapper->getRepository()) . ": has no joinable relationship on `{$sourceKey}`. It is not possible to execute join.");
         $joinRepository = $model->getRepository($this->relationships[$sourceKey][0]);
         $tmp['mapper'] = $joinRepository->getMapper();
         if (!$tmp['mapper'] instanceof DibiMapper) {
             throw new MapperJoinException(get_class($joinRepository) . " ({$sourceKey}) not using Orm\\DibiMapper. It is not possible to execute join.");
         $tmp['conventional'] = $tmp['mapper']->getConventional();
         $manyToManyJoin = NULL;
         if (isset($this->relationships[$sourceKey][3])) {
             $manyToManyJoin = $this->relationships[$sourceKey][3];
             $manyToManyJoin = array('alias' => 'm2m__' . $sourceKey, 'xConventionalKey' => $this->format($manyToManyJoin[1], $conventional), 'yConventionalKey' => $this->format($manyToManyJoin[2], $tmp['conventional']), 'table' => $manyToManyJoin[0], 'findBy' => array());
         $tmp['table'] = NULL;
         // lazy load v DibiMapper::getJoinInfo() ($tmp['mapper']->getTableName())
         // todo brat table z collection?
         if ($tmp['mapper']->getConnection() !== $this->mapper->getConnection()) {
             // todo porovnavat connection na collection?
             throw new MapperJoinException(get_class($joinRepository) . " ({$sourceKey}) has used different instance of Orm\\DibiConnection than " . get_class($this->mapper->getRepository()) . ". It is not possible to execute join.");
         $tmp['sourceKey'] = $sourceKey;
         $tmp['xConventionalKey'] = $this->format($this->relationships[$sourceKey][1], $conventional, $sourceKey);
         $tmp['yConventionalKey'] = $this->format($this->relationships[$sourceKey][2], $tmp['conventional']);
         $tmp['alias'] = $sourceKey;
         $collection = $tmp['mapper']->findAll();
         if (!$collection instanceof DibiCollection) {
             throw new MapperJoinException(get_class($joinRepository) . " ({$sourceKey}) not using Orm\\DibiCollection. It is not possible to execute join.");
         $collectionArray = (array) $collection;
         // hack
         if ($collectionArray["*where"]) {
             throw new MapperJoinException(get_class($joinRepository) . " ({$sourceKey}) Orm\\DibiCollection has used where() at findAll. It is not possible to execute join.");
         $tmp['findBy'] = $collectionArray["*findBy"];
         $this->cache[$sourceKey] = $manyToManyJoin ? array($manyToManyJoin, $tmp) : array($tmp);
     return $this->cache[$sourceKey];