Exemple #1
  * Note, there is no $timeout (time to live) parameter. Currently,
  * OKAPI will delete every old file after certain amount of time.
  * See CacheCleanupCronJob for details.
 public static function set($key, $value)
     $filename = Okapi::get_var_dir() . "/okapi_filecache_" . md5($key);
     file_put_contents($filename, $value);
     return $filename;
Exemple #2
 public function execute()
     # Delete all expired elements.
     Db::execute("\n            delete from okapi_cache\n            where expires < now()\n        ");
     # Update the "score" stats.
     $multiplier = 0.9;
     # Every hour, all scores are multiplied by this.
     $limit = 0.01;
     # When a score reaches this limit, the entry is deleted.
     # Every time the entry is read, its score is incread by 1. If an entry
     # is saved, but never read, it will be deleted after log(L,M) hours
     # (log(0.01, 0.9) = 43h). If an entry is read 1000000 times and then
     # never read anymore, it will be deleted after log(1000000/L, 1/M)
     # hours (log(1000000/0.01, 1/0.9) = 174h = 7 days).
     Db::execute("\n            update okapi_cache\n            set score = score * '" . mysql_real_escape_string($multiplier) . "'\n            where score is not null\n        ");
     Db::execute("\n            update\n                okapi_cache c,\n                (\n                    select cache_key, count(*) as count\n                    from okapi_cache_reads\n                    group by cache_key\n                ) cr\n            set c.score = c.score + cr.count\n            where\n                c.`key` = cr.cache_key\n                and c.score is not null\n        ");
     Db::execute("truncate okapi_cache_reads");
     # Delete elements with the lowest score. Entries which have been set
     # but never read will be removed after 36 hours (0.9^36 < 0.02 < 0.9^35).
     Db::execute("\n            delete from okapi_cache\n            where\n                score is not null\n                and score < '" . mysql_real_escape_string($limit) . "'\n        ");
     Db::query("optimize table okapi_cache");
     # FileCache does not have an expiry date. We will delete all files older
     # than 24 hours.
     $dir = Okapi::get_var_dir();
     if ($dh = opendir($dir)) {
         while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
             if (strpos($file, "okapi_filecache_") === 0) {
                 if (filemtime("{$dir}/{$file}") < time() - 86400) {
Exemple #3
  * Publish a new log entry and return log entry uuid. Throws
  * CannotPublishException or BadRequest on errors.
 private static function _call(OkapiRequest $request)
     # Developers! Please notice the fundamental difference between throwing
     # CannotPublishException and standard BadRequest/InvalidParam exceptions!
     # Notice, that this is "_call" method, not the usual "call" (see below
     # for "call").
     $cache_code = $request->get_parameter('cache_code');
     if (!$cache_code) {
         throw new ParamMissing('cache_code');
     $logtype = $request->get_parameter('logtype');
     if (!$logtype) {
         throw new ParamMissing('logtype');
     if (!in_array($logtype, array('Found it', "Didn't find it", 'Comment', 'Will attend', 'Attended'))) {
         throw new InvalidParam('logtype', "'{$logtype}' in not a valid logtype code.");
     $comment = $request->get_parameter('comment');
     if (!$comment) {
         $comment = "";
     $comment_format = $request->get_parameter('comment_format');
     if (!$comment_format) {
         $comment_format = "auto";
     if (!in_array($comment_format, array('auto', 'html', 'plaintext'))) {
         throw new InvalidParam('comment_format', $comment_format);
     $tmp = $request->get_parameter('when');
     if ($tmp) {
         $when = strtotime($tmp);
         if (!$when) {
             throw new InvalidParam('when', "'{$tmp}' is not in a valid format or is not a valid date.");
         if ($when > time() + 5 * 60) {
             throw new CannotPublishException(_("You are trying to publish a log entry with a date in future. " . "Cache log entries are allowed to be published in the past, but NOT in the future."));
     } else {
         $when = time();
     $on_duplicate = $request->get_parameter('on_duplicate');
     if (!$on_duplicate) {
         $on_duplicate = "silent_success";
     if (!in_array($on_duplicate, array('silent_success', 'user_error', 'continue'))) {
         throw new InvalidParam('on_duplicate', "Unknown option: '{$on_duplicate}'.");
     $rating = $request->get_parameter('rating');
     if ($rating !== null && !in_array($rating, array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))) {
         throw new InvalidParam('rating', "If present, it must be an integer in the 1..5 scale.");
     if ($rating && $logtype != 'Found it' && $logtype != 'Attended') {
         throw new BadRequest("Rating is allowed only for 'Found it' and 'Attended' logtypes.");
     if ($rating !== null && Settings::get('OC_BRANCH') == 'oc.de') {
         # We will remove the rating request and change the success message
         # (which will be returned IF the rest of the query will meet all the
         # requirements).
         self::$success_message .= " " . sprintf(_("However, your cache rating was ignored, because %s does not have a rating system."), Okapi::get_normalized_site_name());
         $rating = null;
     $recommend = $request->get_parameter('recommend');
     if (!$recommend) {
         $recommend = 'false';
     if (!in_array($recommend, array('true', 'false'))) {
         throw new InvalidParam('recommend', "Unknown option: '{$recommend}'.");
     $recommend = $recommend == 'true';
     if ($recommend && $logtype != 'Found it') {
         if ($logtype != 'Attended') {
             throw new BadRequest("Recommending is allowed only for 'Found it' and 'Attended' logs.");
         } else {
             if (Settings::get('OC_BRANCH') == 'oc.pl') {
                 # We will remove the recommendation request and change the success message
                 # (which will be returned IF the rest of the query will meet all the
                 # requirements).
                 self::$success_message .= " " . sprintf(_("However, your cache recommendation was ignored, because %s does not allow recommending event caches."), Okapi::get_normalized_site_name());
                 $recommend = null;
     $needs_maintenance = $request->get_parameter('needs_maintenance');
     if (!$needs_maintenance) {
         $needs_maintenance = 'false';
     if (!in_array($needs_maintenance, array('true', 'false'))) {
         throw new InvalidParam('needs_maintenance', "Unknown option: '{$needs_maintenance}'.");
     $needs_maintenance = $needs_maintenance == 'true';
     if ($needs_maintenance && !Settings::get('SUPPORTS_LOGTYPE_NEEDS_MAINTENANCE')) {
         # If not supported, just ignore it.
         self::$success_message .= " " . sprintf(_("However, your \"needs maintenance\" flag was ignored, because %s does not support this feature."), Okapi::get_normalized_site_name());
         $needs_maintenance = false;
     # Check if cache exists and retrieve cache internal ID (this will throw
     # a proper exception on invalid cache_code). Also, get the user object.
     $cache = OkapiServiceRunner::call('services/caches/geocache', new OkapiInternalRequest($request->consumer, null, array('cache_code' => $cache_code, 'fields' => 'internal_id|status|owner|type|req_passwd')));
     $user = OkapiServiceRunner::call('services/users/by_internal_id', new OkapiInternalRequest($request->consumer, $request->token, array('internal_id' => $request->token->user_id, 'fields' => 'is_admin|uuid|internal_id|caches_found|rcmds_given')));
     # Various integrity checks.
     if ($cache['type'] == 'Event') {
         if (!in_array($logtype, array('Will attend', 'Attended', 'Comment'))) {
             throw new CannotPublishException(_('This cache is an Event cache. You cannot "Find" it (but you can attend it, or comment on it)!'));
     } else {
         if (in_array($logtype, array('Will attend', 'Attended'))) {
             throw new CannotPublishException(_('This cache is NOT an Event cache. You cannot "Attend" it (but you can find it, or comment on it)!'));
         } else {
             if (!in_array($logtype, array('Found it', "Didn't find it", 'Comment'))) {
                 throw new Exception("Unknown log entry - should be documented here.");
     if ($logtype == 'Comment' && strlen(trim($comment)) == 0) {
         throw new CannotPublishException(_("Your have to supply some text for your comment."));
     # Password check.
     if (($logtype == 'Found it' || $logtype == 'Attended') && $cache['req_passwd']) {
         $valid_password = Db::select_value("\n                select logpw\n                from caches\n                where cache_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($cache['internal_id']) . "'\n            ");
         $supplied_password = $request->get_parameter('password');
         if (!$supplied_password) {
             throw new CannotPublishException(_("This cache requires a password. You didn't provide one!"));
         if (strtolower($supplied_password) != strtolower($valid_password)) {
             throw new CannotPublishException(_("Invalid password!"));
     # Prepare our comment to be inserted into the database. This may require
     # some reformatting which depends on the current OC installation.
     if (Settings::get('OC_BRANCH') == 'oc.de') {
         # OCDE stores all comments in HTML format, while the 'text_html' field
         # indicates their *original* format as delivered by the user. This
         # allows processing the 'text' field contents without caring about the
         # original format, while still being able to re-create the comment in
         # its original form. It requires us to HTML-encode plaintext comments
         # and to indicate this by setting 'html_text' to FALSE.
         # For user-supplied HTML comments, OCDE requires us to do additional
         # HTML purification prior to the insertion into the database.
         if ($comment_format == 'plaintext') {
             $formatted_comment = htmlspecialchars($comment, ENT_QUOTES);
             $formatted_comment = nl2br($formatted_comment);
             $value_for_text_html_field = 0;
         } else {
             if ($comment_format == 'auto') {
                 # 'Auto' is for backward compatibility. Before the "comment_format"
                 # was introduced, OKAPI used a weird format in between (it allowed
                 # HTML, but applied nl2br too).
                 $formatted_comment = nl2br($comment);
             } else {
                 $formatted_comment = $comment;
             # NOTICE: We are including EXTERNAL OCDE library here! This
             # code does not belong to OKAPI!
             $opt['rootpath'] = $GLOBALS['rootpath'];
             $opt['html_purifier'] = Settings::get('OCDE_HTML_PURIFIER_SETTINGS');
             require_once $GLOBALS['rootpath'] . 'lib2/OcHTMLPurifier.class.php';
             $purifier = new \OcHTMLPurifier($opt);
             $formatted_comment = $purifier->purify($formatted_comment);
             $value_for_text_html_field = 1;
     } else {
         # OCPL is even weirder. It also stores HTML-lized comments in the database
         # (it doesn't really matter if 'text_html' field is set to FALSE). OKAPI must
         # save it in HTML either way. However, escaping plain-text doesn't work!
         # If we put "&lt;b&gt;" in, it still gets converted to "<b>" before display!
         # NONE of this process is documented within OCPL code. OKAPI uses a dirty
         # "hack" to save PLAINTEXT comments (let us hope the hack will remain valid).
         # OCPL doesn't require HTML purification prior to the database insertion.
         # HTML seems to be purified dynamically, before it is displayed.
         if ($comment_format == 'plaintext') {
             $formatted_comment = htmlspecialchars($comment, ENT_QUOTES);
             $formatted_comment = nl2br($formatted_comment);
             $formatted_comment = str_replace("&amp;", "&amp;#38;", $formatted_comment);
             $formatted_comment = str_replace("&lt;", "&amp;#60;", $formatted_comment);
             $formatted_comment = str_replace("&gt;", "&amp;#62;", $formatted_comment);
             $value_for_text_html_field = 0;
             // WRTODO: get rid of
         } elseif ($comment_format == 'auto') {
             $formatted_comment = nl2br($comment);
             $value_for_text_html_field = 1;
         } else {
             $formatted_comment = $comment;
             $value_for_text_html_field = 1;
     # Duplicate detection.
     if ($on_duplicate != 'continue') {
         # Attempt to find a log entry made by the same user, for the same cache, with
         # the same date, type, comment, etc. Note, that these are not ALL the fields
         # we could check, but should work ok in most cases. Also note, that we
         # DO NOT guarantee that duplicate detection will succeed. If it doesn't,
         # nothing bad happens (user will just post two similar log entries).
         # Keep this simple!
         $duplicate_uuid = Db::select_value("\n                select uuid\n                from cache_logs\n                where\n                    user_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($request->token->user_id) . "'\n                    and cache_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($cache['internal_id']) . "'\n                    and type = '" . mysql_real_escape_string(Okapi::logtypename2id($logtype)) . "'\n                    and date = from_unixtime('" . mysql_real_escape_string($when) . "')\n                    and text = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($formatted_comment) . "'\n                    " . (Settings::get('OC_BRANCH') == 'oc.pl' ? "and deleted = 0" : "") . "\n                limit 1\n            ");
         if ($duplicate_uuid != null) {
             if ($on_duplicate == 'silent_success') {
                 # Act as if the log has been submitted successfully.
                 return $duplicate_uuid;
             } elseif ($on_duplicate == 'user_error') {
                 throw new CannotPublishException(_("You have already submitted a log entry with exactly the same contents."));
     # Check if already found it (and make sure the user is not the owner).
     # OCPL forbids logging 'Found it' or "Didn't find" for an already found cache,
     # while OCDE allows all kinds of duplicate logs.
     if (Settings::get('OC_BRANCH') == 'oc.pl' && ($logtype == 'Found it' || $logtype == "Didn't find it")) {
         $has_already_found_it = Db::select_value("\n                select 1\n                from cache_logs\n                where\n                    user_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($user['internal_id']) . "'\n                    and cache_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($cache['internal_id']) . "'\n                    and type = '" . mysql_real_escape_string(Okapi::logtypename2id("Found it")) . "'\n                    and " . (Settings::get('OC_BRANCH') == 'oc.pl' ? "deleted = 0" : "true") . "\n            ");
         if ($has_already_found_it) {
             throw new CannotPublishException(_("You have already submitted a \"Found it\" log entry once. Now you may submit \"Comments\" only!"));
         if ($user['uuid'] == $cache['owner']['uuid']) {
             throw new CannotPublishException(_("You are the owner of this cache. You may submit \"Comments\" only!"));
     # Check if the user has already rated the cache. BTW: I don't get this one.
     # If we already know, that the cache was NOT found yet, then HOW could the
     # user submit a rating for it? Anyway, I will stick to the procedure
     # found in log.php. On the bright side, it's fail-safe.
     if ($rating) {
         $has_already_rated = Db::select_value("\n                select 1\n                from scores\n                where\n                    user_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($user['internal_id']) . "'\n                    and cache_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($cache['internal_id']) . "'\n            ");
         if ($has_already_rated) {
             throw new CannotPublishException(_("You have already rated this cache once. Your rating cannot be changed."));
     # If user wants to recommend...
     if ($recommend) {
         # Do the same "fail-safety" check as we did for the rating.
         $already_recommended = Db::select_value("\n                select 1\n                from cache_rating\n                where\n                    user_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($user['internal_id']) . "'\n                    and cache_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($cache['internal_id']) . "'\n            ");
         if ($already_recommended) {
             throw new CannotPublishException(_("You have already recommended this cache once."));
         # Check the number of recommendations.
         $founds = $user['caches_found'] + 1;
         // +1, because he'll find THIS ONE in a moment, right?
         # Note: caches_found includes event attendance on both, OCDE and OCPL.
         # Though OCPL does not allow recommending events, for each 10 event
         # attendances the user may recommend a non-event cache.
         $rcmds_left = floor($founds / 10.0) - $user['rcmds_given'];
         if ($rcmds_left <= 0) {
             throw new CannotPublishException(_("You don't have any recommendations to give. Find more caches first!"));
     # If user checked the "needs_maintenance" flag, we will shuffle things a little...
     if ($needs_maintenance) {
         # If we're here, then we also know that the "Needs maintenance" log type is supported
         # by this OC site. However, it's a separate log type, so we might have to submit
         # two log types together:
         if ($logtype == 'Comment') {
             # If user submits a "Comment", we'll just change its type to "Needs maintenance".
             # Only one log entry will be issued.
             $logtype = 'Needs maintenance';
             $second_logtype = null;
             $second_formatted_comment = null;
         } elseif ($logtype == 'Found it') {
             # If "Found it", then we'll issue two log entries: one "Found it" with the
             # original comment, and second one "Needs maintenance" with empty comment.
             $second_logtype = 'Needs maintenance';
             $second_formatted_comment = "";
         } elseif ($logtype == "Didn't find it") {
             # If "Didn't find it", then we'll issue two log entries, but this time
             # we'll do this the other way around. The first "Didn't find it" entry
             # will have an empty comment. We will move the comment to the second
             # "Needs maintenance" log entry. (It's okay for this behavior to change
             # in the future, but it seems natural to me.)
             $second_logtype = 'Needs maintenance';
             $second_formatted_comment = $formatted_comment;
             $formatted_comment = "";
         } else {
             if ($logtype == 'Will attend' || $logtype == 'Attended') {
                 # OC branches which know maintenance logs do not allow them on event caches.
                 throw new CannotPublishException(_("Event caches cannot \"need maintenance\"."));
             } else {
                 throw new Exception();
     } else {
         # User didn't check the "Needs maintenance" flag OR "Needs maintenance" log type
         # isn't supported by this server.
         $second_logtype = null;
         $second_formatted_comment = null;
     # Finally! Insert the rows into the log entries table. Update
     # cache stats and user stats.
     $log_uuid = self::insert_log_row($request->consumer->key, $cache['internal_id'], $user['internal_id'], $logtype, $when, $formatted_comment, $value_for_text_html_field);
     self::increment_cache_stats($cache['internal_id'], $when, $logtype);
     self::increment_user_stats($user['internal_id'], $logtype);
     if ($second_logtype != null) {
         # Reminder: This will never be called while SUPPORTS_LOGTYPE_NEEDS_MAINTENANCE is off.
         self::insert_log_row($request->consumer->key, $cache['internal_id'], $user['internal_id'], $second_logtype, $when + 1, $second_formatted_comment, $value_for_text_html_field);
         self::increment_cache_stats($cache['internal_id'], $when + 1, $second_logtype);
         self::increment_user_stats($user['internal_id'], $second_logtype);
     # Save the rating.
     if ($rating) {
         # This code will be called for OCPL branch only. Earlier, we made sure,
         # to set $rating to null, if we're running on OCDE.
         # OCPL has a little strange way of storing cumulative rating. Instead
         # of storing the sum of all ratings, OCPL stores the computed average
         # and update it using multiple floating-point operations. Moreover,
         # the "score" field in the database is on the -3..3 scale (NOT 1..5),
         # and the translation made at retrieval time is DIFFERENT than the
         # one made here (both of them are non-linear). Also, once submitted,
         # the rating can never be changed. It surely feels quite inconsistent,
         # but presumably has some deep logic into it. See also here (Polish):
         # http://wiki.opencaching.pl/index.php/Oceny_skrzynek
         switch ($rating) {
             case 1:
                 $db_score = -2.0;
             case 2:
                 $db_score = -0.5;
             case 3:
                 $db_score = 0.7;
             case 4:
                 $db_score = 1.7;
             case 5:
                 $db_score = 3.0;
                 throw new Exception();
         Db::execute("\n                update caches\n                set\n                    score = (score*votes + '" . mysql_real_escape_string($db_score) . "')/(votes + 1),\n                    votes = votes + 1\n                where cache_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($cache['internal_id']) . "'\n            ");
         Db::execute("\n                insert into scores (user_id, cache_id, score)\n                values (\n                    '" . mysql_real_escape_string($user['internal_id']) . "',\n                    '" . mysql_real_escape_string($cache['internal_id']) . "',\n                    '" . mysql_real_escape_string($db_score) . "'\n                );\n            ");
     # Save recommendation.
     if ($recommend) {
         if (Db::field_exists('cache_rating', 'rating_date')) {
             Db::execute("\n                    insert into cache_rating (user_id, cache_id, rating_date)\n                    values (\n                        '" . mysql_real_escape_string($user['internal_id']) . "',\n                        '" . mysql_real_escape_string($cache['internal_id']) . "',\n                        from_unixtime('" . mysql_real_escape_string($when) . "')\n                    );\n                ");
         } else {
             Db::execute("\n                    insert into cache_rating (user_id, cache_id)\n                    values (\n                        '" . mysql_real_escape_string($user['internal_id']) . "',\n                        '" . mysql_real_escape_string($cache['internal_id']) . "'\n                    );\n                ");
     # We need to delete the copy of stats-picture for this user. Otherwise,
     # the legacy OC code won't detect that the picture needs to be refreshed.
     $filepath = Okapi::get_var_dir() . '/images/statpics/statpic' . $user['internal_id'] . '.jpg';
     if (file_exists($filepath)) {
     # Success. Return the uuid.
     return $log_uuid;
  * Generate a new fulldump file and put it into the OKAPI cache table.
  * Return the cache key.
 public static function generate_fulldump()
     # First we will create temporary files, then compress them in the end.
     $revision = self::get_revision();
     $generated_at = date('c', time());
     $dir = Okapi::get_var_dir() . "/okapi-db-dump";
     $i = 1;
     $json_files = array();
     # Cleanup (from a previous, possibly unsuccessful, execution)
     shell_exec("rm -f {$dir}/*");
     shell_exec("rmdir {$dir}");
     shell_exec("mkdir {$dir}");
     shell_exec("chmod 777 {$dir}");
     # Geocaches
     $cache_codes = Db::select_column("select wp_oc from caches");
     $cache_code_groups = Okapi::make_groups($cache_codes, self::$chunk_size);
     foreach ($cache_code_groups as $cache_codes) {
         $basename = "part" . str_pad($i, 5, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
         $json_files[] = $basename . ".json";
         $entries = self::generate_changelog_entries('services/caches/geocaches', 'geocache', 'cache_codes', 'code', $cache_codes, self::$logged_cache_fields, true, false);
         $filtered = array();
         foreach ($entries as $entry) {
             if ($entry['change_type'] == 'replace') {
                 $filtered[] = $entry;
         file_put_contents("{$dir}/{$basename}.json", json_encode($filtered));
     # Log entries. We cannot load all the uuids at one time, this would take
     # too much memory. Hence the offset/limit loop.
     $offset = 0;
     while (true) {
         $log_uuids = Db::select_column("\n                select uuid\n                from cache_logs\n                where " . (Settings::get('OC_BRANCH') == 'oc.pl' ? "deleted = 0" : "true") . "\n                order by uuid\n                limit {$offset}, 10000\n            ");
         if (count($log_uuids) == 0) {
         $offset += 10000;
         $log_uuid_groups = Okapi::make_groups($log_uuids, 500);
         foreach ($log_uuid_groups as $log_uuids) {
             $basename = "part" . str_pad($i, 5, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
             $json_files[] = $basename . ".json";
             $entries = self::generate_changelog_entries('services/logs/entries', 'log', 'log_uuids', 'uuid', $log_uuids, self::$logged_log_entry_fields, true, false);
             $filtered = array();
             foreach ($entries as $entry) {
                 if ($entry['change_type'] == 'replace') {
                     $filtered[] = $entry;
             file_put_contents("{$dir}/{$basename}.json", json_encode($filtered));
     # Package data.
     $metadata = array('revision' => $revision, 'data_files' => $json_files, 'meta' => array('site_name' => Okapi::get_normalized_site_name(), 'okapi_version_number' => Okapi::$version_number, 'okapi_revision' => Okapi::$version_number, 'okapi_git_revision' => Okapi::$git_revision, 'generated_at' => $generated_at));
     file_put_contents("{$dir}/index.json", json_encode($metadata));
     # Compute uncompressed size.
     $size = filesize("{$dir}/index.json");
     foreach ($json_files as $filename) {
         $size += filesize("{$dir}/{$filename}");
     # Create JSON archive. We use tar options: -j for bzip2, -z for gzip
     # (bzip2 is MUCH slower).
     $use_bzip2 = true;
     $dumpfilename = "okapi-dump.tar." . ($use_bzip2 ? "bz2" : "gz");
     shell_exec("tar --directory {$dir} -c" . ($use_bzip2 ? "j" : "z") . "f {$dir}/{$dumpfilename} index.json " . implode(" ", $json_files) . " 2>&1");
     # Delete temporary files.
     shell_exec("rm -f {$dir}/*.json");
     # Move the archive one directory upwards, replacing the previous one.
     # Remove the temporary directory.
     shell_exec("mv -f {$dir}/{$dumpfilename} " . Okapi::get_var_dir());
     shell_exec("rmdir {$dir}");
     # Update the database info.
     $metadata['meta']['filepath'] = Okapi::get_var_dir() . '/' . $dumpfilename;
     $metadata['meta']['content_type'] = $use_bzip2 ? "application/octet-stream" : "application/x-gzip";
     $metadata['meta']['public_filename'] = 'okapi-dump-r' . $metadata['revision'] . '.tar.' . ($use_bzip2 ? "bz2" : "gz");
     $metadata['meta']['uncompressed_size'] = $size;
     $metadata['meta']['compressed_size'] = filesize($metadata['meta']['filepath']);
     Cache::set("last_fulldump", $metadata, 10 * 86400);
Exemple #5
  * Publish a new log entry and return log entry uuid. Throws
  * CannotPublishException or BadRequest on errors.
 private static function _call(OkapiRequest $request)
     # Developers! Please notice the fundamental difference between throwing
     # CannotPublishException and the "standard" BadRequest/InvalidParam
     # exceptions. You're reading the "_call" method now (see below for
     # "call").
     $cache_code = $request->get_parameter('cache_code');
     if (!$cache_code) {
         throw new ParamMissing('cache_code');
     $logtype = $request->get_parameter('logtype');
     if (!$logtype) {
         throw new ParamMissing('logtype');
     if (!in_array($logtype, array('Found it', "Didn't find it", 'Comment', 'Will attend', 'Attended'))) {
         throw new InvalidParam('logtype', "'{$logtype}' in not a valid logtype code.");
     $comment = $request->get_parameter('comment');
     if (!$comment) {
         $comment = "";
     $comment_format = $request->get_parameter('comment_format');
     if (!$comment_format) {
         $comment_format = "auto";
     if (!in_array($comment_format, array('auto', 'html', 'plaintext'))) {
         throw new InvalidParam('comment_format', $comment_format);
     $tmp = $request->get_parameter('when');
     if ($tmp) {
         $when = strtotime($tmp);
         if ($when < 1) {
             throw new InvalidParam('when', "'{$tmp}' is not in a valid format or is not a valid date.");
         if ($when > time() + 5 * 60) {
             throw new CannotPublishException(_("You are trying to publish a log entry with a date in " . "future. Cache log entries are allowed to be published in " . "the past, but NOT in the future."));
     } else {
         $when = time();
     $on_duplicate = $request->get_parameter('on_duplicate');
     if (!$on_duplicate) {
         $on_duplicate = "silent_success";
     if (!in_array($on_duplicate, array('silent_success', 'user_error', 'continue'))) {
         throw new InvalidParam('on_duplicate', "Unknown option: '{$on_duplicate}'.");
     $rating = $request->get_parameter('rating');
     if ($rating !== null && !in_array($rating, array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))) {
         throw new InvalidParam('rating', "If present, it must be an integer in the 1..5 scale.");
     if ($rating && $logtype != 'Found it' && $logtype != 'Attended') {
         throw new BadRequest("Rating is allowed only for 'Found it' and 'Attended' logtypes.");
     if ($rating !== null && Settings::get('OC_BRANCH') == 'oc.de') {
         # We will remove the rating request and change the success message
         # (which will be returned IF the rest of the query will meet all the
         # requirements).
         self::$success_message .= " " . sprintf(_("However, your cache rating was ignored, because %s does not " . "have a rating system."), Okapi::get_normalized_site_name());
         $rating = null;
     $recommend = $request->get_parameter('recommend');
     if (!$recommend) {
         $recommend = 'false';
     if (!in_array($recommend, array('true', 'false'))) {
         throw new InvalidParam('recommend', "Unknown option: '{$recommend}'.");
     $recommend = $recommend == 'true';
     if ($recommend && $logtype != 'Found it') {
         if ($logtype != 'Attended') {
             throw new BadRequest("Recommending is allowed only for 'Found it' and 'Attended' logs.");
         } else {
             if (Settings::get('OC_BRANCH') == 'oc.pl') {
                 # We will remove the recommendation request and change the success message
                 # (which will be returned IF the rest of the query will meet all the
                 # requirements).
                 self::$success_message .= " " . sprintf(_("However, your cache recommendation was ignored, because " . "%s does not allow recommending event caches."), Okapi::get_normalized_site_name());
                 $recommend = null;
     # We'll parse both 'needs_maintenance' and 'needs_maintenance2' here, but
     # we'll use only the $needs_maintenance2 variable afterwards.
     $needs_maintenance = $request->get_parameter('needs_maintenance');
     $needs_maintenance2 = $request->get_parameter('needs_maintenance2');
     if ($needs_maintenance && $needs_maintenance2) {
         throw new BadRequest("You cannot use both of these parameters at the same time: " . "needs_maintenance and needs_maintenance2.");
     if (!$needs_maintenance2) {
         $needs_maintenance2 = 'null';
     # Parse $needs_maintenance and get rid of it.
     if ($needs_maintenance) {
         if ($needs_maintenance == 'true') {
             $needs_maintenance2 = 'true';
         } else {
             if ($needs_maintenance == 'false') {
                 $needs_maintenance2 = 'null';
             } else {
                 throw new InvalidParam('needs_maintenance', "Unknown option: '{$needs_maintenance}'.");
     # At this point, $needs_maintenance2 is set exactly as the user intended
     # it to be set.
     if (!in_array($needs_maintenance2, array('null', 'true', 'false'))) {
         throw new InvalidParam('needs_maintenance2', "Unknown option: '{$needs_maintenance2}'.");
     if ($needs_maintenance2 == 'false' && Settings::get('OC_BRANCH') == 'oc.pl') {
         # If not supported, just ignore it.
         self::$success_message .= " " . sprintf(_("However, your \"does not need maintenance\" flag was ignored, because " . "%s does not yet support this feature."), Okapi::get_normalized_site_name());
         $needs_maintenance2 = 'null';
     # Check if cache exists and retrieve cache internal ID (this will throw
     # a proper exception on invalid cache_code). Also, get the user object.
     $cache = OkapiServiceRunner::call('services/caches/geocache', new OkapiInternalRequest($request->consumer, null, array('cache_code' => $cache_code, 'fields' => 'internal_id|status|owner|type|req_passwd')));
     $user = OkapiServiceRunner::call('services/users/by_internal_id', new OkapiInternalRequest($request->consumer, $request->token, array('internal_id' => $request->token->user_id, 'fields' => 'is_admin|uuid|internal_id|caches_found|rcmds_given')));
     # Various integrity checks.
     if ($cache['type'] == 'Event') {
         if (!in_array($logtype, array('Will attend', 'Attended', 'Comment'))) {
             throw new CannotPublishException(_('This cache is an Event cache. You cannot "Find" it (but ' . 'you can attend it, or comment on it)!'));
     } else {
         if (in_array($logtype, array('Will attend', 'Attended'))) {
             throw new CannotPublishException(_('This cache is NOT an Event cache. You cannot "Attend" it ' . '(but you can find it, or comment on it)!'));
         } else {
             if (!in_array($logtype, array('Found it', "Didn't find it", 'Comment'))) {
                 throw new Exception("Unknown log entry - should be documented here.");
     if ($logtype == 'Comment' && strlen(trim($comment)) == 0) {
         throw new CannotPublishException(_("Your have to supply some text for your comment."));
     # Password check.
     if (($logtype == 'Found it' || $logtype == 'Attended') && $cache['req_passwd']) {
         $valid_password = Db::select_value("\n                select logpw\n                from caches\n                where cache_id = '" . Db::escape_string($cache['internal_id']) . "'\n            ");
         $supplied_password = $request->get_parameter('password');
         if (!$supplied_password) {
             throw new CannotPublishException(_("This cache requires a password. You didn't provide one!"));
         if (strtolower($supplied_password) != strtolower($valid_password)) {
             throw new CannotPublishException(_("Invalid password!"));
     # Prepare our comment to be inserted into the database. This may require
     # some reformatting which depends on the current OC installation.
     # OC sites store all comments in HTML format, while the 'text_html' field
     # indicates their *original* format as delivered by the user. This
     # allows processing the 'text' field contents without caring about the
     # original format, while still being able to re-create the comment in
     # its original form.
     if ($comment_format == 'plaintext') {
         # This code is identical to the plaintext processing in OC code,
         # including a space handling bug: Multiple consecutive spaces will
         # get semantically lost in the generated HTML.
         $formatted_comment = htmlspecialchars($comment, ENT_COMPAT);
         $formatted_comment = nl2br($formatted_comment);
         if (Settings::get('OC_BRANCH') == 'oc.de') {
             $value_for_text_html_field = 0;
         } else {
             # 'text_html' = 0 (false) is broken in OCPL code and has been
             # deprecated; OCPL code was changed to always set it to 1 (true).
             # For OKAPI, the value has been changed from 0 to 1 with commit
             # cb7d222, after an email discussion with Harrie Klomp. This is
             # an ID of the appropriate email thread:
             # Message-ID: <*****@*****.**>
             $value_for_text_html_field = 1;
     } elseif ($comment_format == 'auto') {
         # 'Auto' is for backward compatibility. Before the "comment_format"
         # was introduced, OKAPI used a weird format in between (it allowed
         # HTML, but applied nl2br too).
         $formatted_comment = nl2br($comment);
         $value_for_text_html_field = 1;
     } else {
         $formatted_comment = $comment;
         # For user-supplied HTML comments, OC sites require us to do
         # additional HTML purification prior to the insertion into the
         # database.
         if (Settings::get('OC_BRANCH') == 'oc.de') {
             # NOTICE: We are including EXTERNAL OCDE library here! This
             # code does not belong to OKAPI!
             $opt['rootpath'] = $GLOBALS['rootpath'];
             $opt['html_purifier'] = Settings::get('OCDE_HTML_PURIFIER_SETTINGS');
             require_once $GLOBALS['rootpath'] . 'lib2/OcHTMLPurifier.class.php';
             $purifier = new \OcHTMLPurifier($opt);
             $formatted_comment = $purifier->purify($formatted_comment);
         } else {
             # TODO: Add OCPL HTML filtering.
             # See https://github.com/opencaching/okapi/issues/412.
         $value_for_text_html_field = 1;
     if (Settings::get('OC_BRANCH') == 'oc.pl') {
         # The HTML processing in OCPL code is broken. Effectively, it
         # will decode &lt; &gt; and &amp; (and maybe other things?)
         # before display so that text contents may be interpreted as HTML.
         # We work around this by applying a double-encoding for & < >:
         $formatted_comment = str_replace("&amp;", "&amp;#38;", $formatted_comment);
         $formatted_comment = str_replace("&lt;", "&amp;#60;", $formatted_comment);
         $formatted_comment = str_replace("&gt;", "&amp;#62;", $formatted_comment);
         # Note: This problem also exists when submitting logs on OCPL websites.
         # If you e.g. enter "<text>" in the editor, it will get lost.
         # See https://github.com/opencaching/opencaching-pl/issues/469.
     # Prevent bug #367. Start the transaction and lock all the rows of this
     # (user, cache) pair. In theory, we want to lock even smaller number of
     # rows here (user, cache, type=1), but this wouldn't work, because there's
     # no index for this.
     # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17068686/
     Db::execute("start transaction");
     Db::select_column("\n            select 1\n            from cache_logs\n            where\n                user_id = '" . Db::escape_string($request->token->user_id) . "'\n                and cache_id = '" . Db::escape_string($cache['internal_id']) . "'\n            for update\n        ");
     # Duplicate detection.
     if ($on_duplicate != 'continue') {
         # Attempt to find a log entry made by the same user, for the same cache, with
         # the same date, type, comment, etc. Note, that these are not ALL the fields
         # we could check, but should work ok in most cases. Also note, that we
         # DO NOT guarantee that duplicate detection will succeed. If it doesn't,
         # nothing bad happens (user will just post two similar log entries).
         # Keep this simple!
         $duplicate_uuid = Db::select_value("\n                select uuid\n                from cache_logs\n                where\n                    user_id = '" . Db::escape_string($request->token->user_id) . "'\n                    and cache_id = '" . Db::escape_string($cache['internal_id']) . "'\n                    and type = '" . Db::escape_string(Okapi::logtypename2id($logtype)) . "'\n                    and date = from_unixtime('" . Db::escape_string($when) . "')\n                    and text = '" . Db::escape_string($formatted_comment) . "'\n                    " . (Settings::get('OC_BRANCH') == 'oc.pl' ? "and deleted = 0" : "") . "\n                limit 1\n            ");
         if ($duplicate_uuid != null) {
             if ($on_duplicate == 'silent_success') {
                 # Act as if the log has been submitted successfully.
                 return $duplicate_uuid;
             } elseif ($on_duplicate == 'user_error') {
                 throw new CannotPublishException(_("You have already submitted a log entry with exactly " . "the same contents."));
     # Check if already found it (and make sure the user is not the owner).
     # OCPL forbids logging 'Found it' or "Didn't find" for an already found cache,
     # while OCDE allows all kinds of duplicate logs.
     if (Settings::get('OC_BRANCH') == 'oc.pl' && ($logtype == 'Found it' || $logtype == "Didn't find it")) {
         $has_already_found_it = Db::select_value("\n                select 1\n                from cache_logs\n                where\n                    user_id = '" . Db::escape_string($user['internal_id']) . "'\n                    and cache_id = '" . Db::escape_string($cache['internal_id']) . "'\n                    and type = '" . Db::escape_string(Okapi::logtypename2id("Found it")) . "'\n                    and " . (Settings::get('OC_BRANCH') == 'oc.pl' ? "deleted = 0" : "true") . "\n            ");
         if ($has_already_found_it) {
             throw new CannotPublishException(_("You have already submitted a \"Found it\" log entry once. " . "Now you may submit \"Comments\" only!"));
         if ($user['uuid'] == $cache['owner']['uuid']) {
             throw new CannotPublishException(_("You are the owner of this cache. You may submit " . "\"Comments\" only!"));
     # Check if the user has already rated the cache. BTW: I don't get this one.
     # If we already know, that the cache was NOT found yet, then HOW could the
     # user submit a rating for it? Anyway, I will stick to the procedure
     # found in log.php. On the bright side, it's fail-safe.
     if ($rating) {
         $has_already_rated = Db::select_value("\n                select 1\n                from scores\n                where\n                    user_id = '" . Db::escape_string($user['internal_id']) . "'\n                    and cache_id = '" . Db::escape_string($cache['internal_id']) . "'\n            ");
         if ($has_already_rated) {
             throw new CannotPublishException(_("You have already rated this cache once. Your rating " . "cannot be changed."));
     # If user wants to recommend...
     if ($recommend) {
         # Do the same "fail-safety" check as we did for the rating.
         $already_recommended = Db::select_value("\n                select 1\n                from cache_rating\n                where\n                    user_id = '" . Db::escape_string($user['internal_id']) . "'\n                    and cache_id = '" . Db::escape_string($cache['internal_id']) . "'\n            ");
         if ($already_recommended) {
             throw new CannotPublishException(_("You have already recommended this cache once."));
         # Check the number of recommendations.
         $founds = $user['caches_found'] + 1;
         // +1, because he'll find THIS ONE in a moment
         # Note: caches_found includes the number of attended events (both on
         # OCDE and OCPL). OCPL does not allow recommending events, but the
         # number of attended events influences $rcmds_left the same way a
         # normal "Fount it" log does.
         $rcmds_left = floor($founds / 10.0) - $user['rcmds_given'];
         if ($rcmds_left <= 0) {
             throw new CannotPublishException(_("You don't have any recommendations to give. Find more " . "caches first!"));
     # If user checked the "needs_maintenance(2)" flag for OCPL, we will shuffle things
     # a little...
     if (Settings::get('OC_BRANCH') == 'oc.pl' && $needs_maintenance2 == 'true') {
         # If we're here, then we also know that the "Needs maintenance" log
         # type is supported by this OC site. However, it's a separate log
         # type, so we might have to submit two log types together:
         if ($logtype == 'Comment') {
             # If user submits a "Comment", we'll just change its type to
             # "Needs maintenance". Only one log entry will be issued.
             $logtype = 'Needs maintenance';
             $second_logtype = null;
             $second_formatted_comment = null;
         } elseif ($logtype == 'Found it') {
             # If "Found it", then we'll issue two log entries: one "Found
             # it" with the original comment, and second one "Needs
             # maintenance" with empty comment.
             $second_logtype = 'Needs maintenance';
             $second_formatted_comment = "";
         } elseif ($logtype == "Didn't find it") {
             # If "Didn't find it", then we'll issue two log entries, but this time
             # we'll do this the other way around. The first "Didn't find it" entry
             # will have an empty comment. We will move the comment to the second
             # "Needs maintenance" log entry. (It's okay for this behavior to change
             # in the future, but it seems natural to me.)
             $second_logtype = 'Needs maintenance';
             $second_formatted_comment = $formatted_comment;
             $formatted_comment = "";
         } else {
             if ($logtype == 'Will attend' || $logtype == 'Attended') {
                 # OC branches which allow maintenance logs, still don't allow them on
                 # event caches.
                 throw new CannotPublishException(_("Event caches cannot \"need maintenance\"."));
             } else {
                 throw new Exception();
     } else {
         # User didn't check the "Needs maintenance" flag OR "Needs maintenance"
         # log type isn't supported by this server.
         $second_logtype = null;
         $second_formatted_comment = null;
     # Finally! Insert the rows into the log entries table. Update
     # cache stats and user stats.
     $log_uuids = array(self::insert_log_row($request->consumer->key, $cache['internal_id'], $user['internal_id'], $logtype, $when, $formatted_comment, $value_for_text_html_field, $needs_maintenance2));
     self::increment_cache_stats($cache['internal_id'], $when, $logtype);
     self::increment_user_stats($user['internal_id'], $logtype);
     if ($second_logtype != null) {
         # Reminder: This will only be called for OCPL branch.
         $log_uuids[] = self::insert_log_row($request->consumer->key, $cache['internal_id'], $user['internal_id'], $second_logtype, $when + 1, $second_formatted_comment, $value_for_text_html_field, 'null');
         self::increment_cache_stats($cache['internal_id'], $when + 1, $second_logtype);
         self::increment_user_stats($user['internal_id'], $second_logtype);
     # Save the rating.
     if ($rating) {
         # This code will be called for OCPL branch only. Earlier, we made sure,
         # to set $rating to null, if we're running on OCDE.
         # OCPL has a little strange way of storing cumulative rating. Instead
         # of storing the sum of all ratings, OCPL stores the computed average
         # and update it using multiple floating-point operations. Moreover,
         # the "score" field in the database is on the -3..3 scale (NOT 1..5),
         # and the translation made at retrieval time is DIFFERENT than the
         # one made here (both of them are non-linear). Also, once submitted,
         # the rating can never be changed. It surely feels quite inconsistent,
         # but presumably has some deep logic into it. See also here (Polish):
         # http://wiki.opencaching.pl/index.php/Oceny_skrzynek
         switch ($rating) {
             case 1:
                 $db_score = -2.0;
             case 2:
                 $db_score = -0.5;
             case 3:
                 $db_score = 0.7;
             case 4:
                 $db_score = 1.7;
             case 5:
                 $db_score = 3.0;
                 throw new Exception();
         Db::execute("\n                update caches\n                set\n                    score = (\n                        score*votes + '" . Db::escape_string($db_score) . "'\n                    ) / (votes + 1),\n                    votes = votes + 1\n                where cache_id = '" . Db::escape_string($cache['internal_id']) . "'\n            ");
         Db::execute("\n                insert into scores (user_id, cache_id, score)\n                values (\n                    '" . Db::escape_string($user['internal_id']) . "',\n                    '" . Db::escape_string($cache['internal_id']) . "',\n                    '" . Db::escape_string($db_score) . "'\n                );\n            ");
     # Save recommendation.
     if ($recommend) {
         if (Db::field_exists('cache_rating', 'rating_date')) {
             Db::execute("\n                    insert into cache_rating (user_id, cache_id, rating_date)\n                    values (\n                        '" . Db::escape_string($user['internal_id']) . "',\n                        '" . Db::escape_string($cache['internal_id']) . "',\n                        from_unixtime('" . Db::escape_string($when) . "')\n                    );\n                ");
         } else {
             Db::execute("\n                    insert into cache_rating (user_id, cache_id)\n                    values (\n                        '" . Db::escape_string($user['internal_id']) . "',\n                        '" . Db::escape_string($cache['internal_id']) . "'\n                    );\n                ");
     # Finalize the transaction.
     # We need to delete the copy of stats-picture for this user. Otherwise,
     # the legacy OC code won't detect that the picture needs to be refreshed.
     $filepath = Okapi::get_var_dir() . '/images/statpics/statpic' . $user['internal_id'] . '.jpg';
     if (file_exists($filepath)) {
     # Success. Return the uuids.
     return $log_uuids;