/** * Start a editing session or return an existing one * @param string $uid of the user starting a session * @param \OCA\Documents\File $file - file object * @return array * @throws \Exception */ public static function start($uid, $file) { // Create a directory to store genesis $genesis = new Genesis($file); list($ownerView, $path) = $file->getOwnerViewAndPath(); $mimetype = $ownerView->getMimeType($path); if (!Filter::isSupportedMimetype($mimetype)) { throw new \Exception($path . ' is ' . $mimetype . ' and is not supported by Documents app'); } $oldSession = new Db_Session(); $oldSession->loadBy('file_id', $file->getFileId()); //If there is no existing session we need to start a new one if (!$oldSession->hasData()) { $newSession = new Db_Session(array($genesis->getPath(), $genesis->getHash(), $file->getOwner(), $file->getFileId())); if (!$newSession->insert()) { throw new \Exception('Failed to add session into database'); } } $sessionData = $oldSession->loadBy('file_id', $file->getFileId())->getData(); $memberColor = Helper::getMemberColor($uid); $member = new Db_Member(array($sessionData['es_id'], $uid, $memberColor, time(), intval($file->isPublicShare()), $file->getToken())); if ($member->insert()) { // Do we have OC_Avatar in out disposal? if (!class_exists('\\OC_Avatar') || \OC_Config::getValue('enable_avatars', true) !== true) { $imageUrl = ''; } else { $imageUrl = $uid; } $displayName = $file->isPublicShare() ? $uid . ' ' . Db_Member::getGuestPostfix() : \OCP\User::getDisplayName($uid); $sessionData['member_id'] = (string) $member->getLastInsertId(); $op = new Db_Op(); $op->addMember($sessionData['es_id'], $sessionData['member_id'], $displayName, $memberColor, $imageUrl); } else { throw new \Exception('Failed to add member into database'); } $sessionData['title'] = basename($path); $sessionData['permissions'] = $ownerView->getFilePermissions($path); return $sessionData; }
/** * @NoAdminRequired */ public function download($path) { if (!$path) { $response = new JSONResponse(); $response->setStatus(Http::STATUS_BAD_REQUEST); return $response; } $fullPath = '/files' . $path; $fileInfo = \OC\Files\Filesystem::getFileInfo($path); if ($fileInfo) { if ($fileInfo->getMimeType() !== \OCA\Documents\Filter\Office::NATIVE_MIMETYPE) { $file = new File($fileInfo->getId()); $genesis = new Genesis($file); $fullPath = $genesis->getPath(); } } return new DownloadResponse($this->request, $this->uid, $fullPath); }