Exemple #1
    case ReleaseSearch::FULLTEXT:
        $search_description = 'MySQL Full Text Search Rules:<br />
A leading exclamation point(! in place of +) indicates that this word must be present in each row that is returned.<br />
A leading minus sign indicates that this word must not be present in any of the rows that are returned.<br />
By default (when neither + nor - is specified) the word is optional, but the rows that contain it are rated higher.<br />
See <a target="_blank" href=\'http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/fulltext-boolean.html\'>docs</a> for more operators.';
    case ReleaseSearch::LIKE:
        $search_description = 'Include ^ to indicate search must start with term, -- to exclude words.';
    case ReleaseSearch::SPHINX:
        $search_description = 'Sphinx Search Rules:<br />
The search is case insensitive.<br />
All words must be separated by spaces.
Do not seperate words using . or _ or -, sphinx will match a space against those automatically.<br />
Putting | between words makes any of those words optional.<br />
Putting << between words makes the word on the left have to be before the word on the right.<br />
Putting - or ! in front of a word makes that word excluded. Do not add a space between the - or ! and the word.<br />
Quoting all the words using " will look for an exact match.<br />
Putting ^ at the start will limit searches to releases that start with that word.<br />
Putting $ at the end will limit searches to releases that end with that word.<br />
Putting a * after a word will do a partial word search. ie: fish* will match fishing.<br />
If your search is only words seperated by spaces, all those words will be mandatory, the order of the words is not important.<br />
You can enclose words using paranthesis. ie: (^game*|^dex*)s03*(x264<&lt;nogrp$)<br />
You can combine some of these rules, but not all.<br />';
$page->smarty->assign(['sizelist' => [-1 => '--Select--', 1 => '100MB', 2 => '250MB', 3 => '500MB', 4 => '1GB', 5 => '2GB', 6 => '3GB', 7 => '4GB', 8 => '8GB', 9 => '16GB', 10 => '32GB', 11 => '64GB'], 'results' => $results, 'sadvanced' => $searchType != "basic", 'grouplist' => $groups->getGroupsForSelect(), 'catlist' => (new Category(['Settings' => $page->settings]))->getForSelect(), 'search_description' => $search_description, 'pager' => $page->smarty->fetch("pager.tpl")]);
$page->content = $page->smarty->fetch('search.tpl');