function categorizeRelease($where, $update = true, $echooutput = false) { global $pdo; $cat = new Categorize(['Settings' => $pdo]); $pdo->log = new ColorCLI(); $consoletools = new ConsoleTools(['ColorCLI' => $pdo->log]); $relcount = $chgcount = 0; echo $pdo->log->primary("SELECT id, searchname, group_id, categoryid FROM releases " . $where); $resrel = $pdo->queryDirect("SELECT id, searchname, group_id, categoryid FROM releases " . $where); $total = $resrel->rowCount(); if ($total > 0) { foreach ($resrel as $rowrel) { $catId = $cat->determineCategory($rowrel['group_id'], $rowrel['searchname']); if ($rowrel['categoryid'] != $catId) { if ($update === true) { $pdo->queryExec(sprintf("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tUPDATE releases\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSET iscategorized = 1,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvideos_id = 0,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttv_episodes_id = 0,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\timdbid = NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tmusicinfoid = NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tconsoleinfoid = NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tgamesinfo_id = 0,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tbookinfoid = NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tanidbid = NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\txxxinfo_id = 0,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcategoryid = %d\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE id = %d", $catId, $rowrel['id'])); } $chgcount++; } $relcount++; if ($echooutput) { $consoletools->overWritePrimary("Re-Categorized: [" . number_format($chgcount) . "] " . $consoletools->percentString($relcount, $total)); } } } if ($echooutput !== false && $relcount > 0) { echo "\n"; } return $chgcount; }
function getPreName($argv) { global $pdo; $timestart = time(); $consoletools = new ConsoleTools(['ColorCLI' => $pdo->log]); $namefixer = new NameFixer(['Settings' => $pdo, 'ConsoleTools' => $consoletools]); $res = false; if (isset($argv[1]) && $argv[1] === "all") { $res = $pdo->queryDirect('SELECT id AS releaseid, name, searchname, group_id, categoryid, dehashstatus FROM releases WHERE preid = 0 AND ishashed = 1'); } else { if (isset($argv[1]) && $argv[1] === "full") { $res = $pdo->queryDirect('SELECT id AS releaseid, name, searchname, group_id, categoryid, dehashstatus FROM releases WHERE categoryid = 7020 AND ishashed = 1 AND dehashstatus BETWEEN -6 AND 0'); } else { if (isset($argv[1]) && is_numeric($argv[1])) { $res = $pdo->queryDirect('SELECT id AS releaseid, name, searchname, group_id, categoryid, dehashstatus FROM releases WHERE categoryid = 7020 AND ishashed = 1 AND dehashstatus BETWEEN -6 AND 0 ORDER BY postdate DESC LIMIT ' . $argv[1]); } } } $counter = $counted = $total = 0; if ($res !== false) { $total = $res->rowCount(); } $show = !isset($argv[2]) || $argv[2] !== 'show' ? 0 : 1; if ($total > 0) { echo $pdo->log->header("\n" . number_format($total) . ' releases to process.'); sleep(2); foreach ($res as $row) { $success = 0; if (preg_match('/[a-fA-F0-9]{32,40}/i', $row['name'], $matches)) { $success = $namefixer->matchPredbHash($matches[0], $row, 1, 1, true, $show); } else { if (preg_match('/[a-fA-F0-9]{32,40}/i', $row['searchname'], $matches)) { $success = $namefixer->matchPredbHash($matches[0], $row, 1, 1, true, $show); } } if ($success === 0) { $pdo->queryDirect(sprintf('UPDATE releases SET dehashstatus = dehashstatus - 1 WHERE id = %d', $row['releaseid'])); } else { $counted++; } if ($show === 0) { $consoletools->overWritePrimary("Renamed Releases: [" . number_format($counted) . "] " . $consoletools->percentString(++$counter, $total)); } } } if ($total > 0) { echo $pdo->log->header("\nRenamed " . $counted . " releases in " . $consoletools->convertTime(TIME() - $timestart) . "."); } else { echo $pdo->log->info("\nNothing to do."); } }
/** * Categorizes releases. * * @param string $type name or searchname | Categorize using the search name or subject. * @param string $where Optional "where" query parameter. * * @return int Quantity of categorized releases. * @access public */ public function categorizeRelease($type, $where = '') { $cat = new Categorize(['Settings' => $this->pdo]); $categorized = $total = 0; $releases = $this->pdo->queryDirect(sprintf('SELECT id, %s, group_id FROM releases %s', $type, $where)); if ($releases && $releases->rowCount()) { $total = $releases->rowCount(); foreach ($releases as $release) { $catId = $cat->determineCategory($release['group_id'], $release[$type]); $this->pdo->queryExec(sprintf('UPDATE releases SET categoryid = %d, iscategorized = 1 WHERE id = %d', $catId, $release['id'])); $categorized++; if ($this->echoCLI) { $this->consoleTools->overWritePrimary('Categorizing: ' . $this->consoleTools->percentString($categorized, $total)); } } } if ($this->echoCLI !== false && $categorized > 0) { echo PHP_EOL; } return $categorized; }
if ($titles instanceof \Traversable) { foreach ($titles as $row) { $matched = 0; $searched = 0; $matched = $namefixer->matchPredbFT($row, 1, 1, true, $show); //echo "Pre Title " . $row['title'] . " is translated to search string: "; //echo $pdo->log->header($matched); if ($matched > 0) { $searched = 1; $counted++; } elseif ($matched < 0) { $searched = -6; echo "*"; } else { $searched = $row['searched'] - 1; echo "."; } $pdo->queryExec(sprintf("UPDATE predb SET searched = %d WHERE id = %d", $searched, $row['preid'])); if (!isset($argv[2]) || $argv[2] !== 'show') { $consoletools->overWritePrimary("Renamed Releases: [" . number_format($counted) . "] " . $consoletools->percentString(++$counter, $total)); } } } if ($total > 0) { echo $pdo->log->header("\nRenamed " . number_format($counted) . " releases in " . $consoletools->convertTime(TIME() - $timestart) . "."); } else { echo $pdo->log->info("\nNothing to do."); } } else { echo $pdo->log->info("No work to process.\n"); }
$pdo->queryExec("TRUNCATE TABLE movieinfo"); $pdo->queryExec("TRUNCATE TABLE video_data"); $pdo->queryExec("TRUNCATE TABLE musicinfo"); $pdo->queryExec("TRUNCATE TABLE bookinfo"); $pdo->queryExec("TRUNCATE TABLE release_nfos"); $pdo->queryExec("TRUNCATE TABLE releaseextrafull"); $pdo->queryExec("TRUNCATE TABLE xxxinfo"); } echo $pdo->log->header("Resetting all postprocessing"); $qry = $pdo->queryDirect("SELECT id FROM releases"); $affected = 0; if ($qry instanceof \Traversable) { $total = $qry->rowCount(); foreach ($qry as $releases) { $pdo->queryExec(sprintf("\n\t\t\t\t\t\tUPDATE releases\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSET consoleinfoid = NULL, gamesinfo_id = 0, imdbid = NULL, musicinfoid = NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tbookinfoid = NULL, rageid = -1, xxxinfo_id = 0, passwordstatus = -1, haspreview = -1,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tjpgstatus = 0, videostatus = 0, audiostatus = 0, nfostatus = -1\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE id = %d", $releases['id'])); $consoletools->overWritePrimary("Resetting Releases: " . $consoletools->percentString(++$affected, $total)); } } } } if (isset($argv[1]) && ($argv[1] === "consoles" || $argv[1] === "all")) { $ran = true; if (isset($argv[3]) && $argv[3] === "truncate") { $pdo->queryExec("TRUNCATE TABLE consoleinfo"); } if (isset($argv[2]) && $argv[2] === "true") { echo $pdo->log->header("Resetting all Console postprocessing"); $where = ' WHERE consoleinfoid IS NOT NULL'; } else { echo $pdo->log->header("Resetting all failed Console postprocessing"); $where = " WHERE consoleinfoid IN (-2, 0) AND categoryid BETWEEN 1000 AND 1999";
public function getPreFileNames($args = []) { $timestart = time(); $counter = $counted = 0; $limit = $orderby = ''; $show = isset($args[2]) && $args[2] === 'show' ? 1 : 0; if (isset($args[1]) && is_numeric($args[1])) { $orderby = "ORDER BY DESC"; $limit = "LIMIT " . $args[1]; } echo $this->pdo->log->header("\nMatch PreFiles ({$args[1]}) Started at " . date('g:i:s')); echo $this->pdo->log->primary("Matching predb filename to cleaned\n"); $query = $this->pdo->queryDirect(sprintf(' SELECT AS releaseid,, r.searchname, r.group_id, r.categoryid, AS filename FROM releases r INNER JOIN release_files rf ON = rf.releaseid AND IS NOT NULL WHERE r.preid = 0 GROUP BY %s %s', $orderby, $limit)); if ($query !== false) { $total = $query->rowCount(); if ($total > 0 && $query instanceof \Traversable) { echo $this->pdo->log->header("\n" . number_format($total) . ' releases to process.'); foreach ($query as $row) { $success = $this->matchPredbFiles($row, 1, 1, true, $show); if ($success === 1) { $counted++; } if ($show === 0) { $this->consoletools->overWritePrimary("Renamed Releases: [" . number_format($counted) . "] " . $this->consoletools->percentString(++$counter, $total)); } } echo $this->pdo->log->header("\nRenamed " . number_format($counted) . " releases in " . $this->consoletools->convertTime(TIME() - $timestart) . "."); } else { echo $this->pdo->log->info("\nNothing to do."); } } }
exit($pdo->log->error("\nMandatory argument missing\n\n" . "This script will allow you to move from single collections/binaries/parts tables to TPG without having to run reset_truncate.\n" . "Please STOP all update scripts before running this script.\n\n" . "Use the following options to run:\n" . "php {$argv['0']} true ...: Convert c/b/p to tpg leaving current collections/binaries/parts tables in-tact.\n" . "php {$argv['0']} true delete ...: Convert c/b/p to tpg and TRUNCATE current collections/binaries/parts tables.\n")); } $clen = $pdo->queryOneRow('SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM collections;'); $cdone = 0; $ccount = 1; $gdone = 1; $actgroups = $groups->getActive(); $glen = count($actgroups); $newtables = $glen * 3; $begintime = time(); echo "Creating new collections, binaries, and parts tables for each active group...\n"; foreach ($actgroups as $group) { if ($groups->createNewTPGTables($group['id']) === false) { exit($pdo->log->error("There is a problem creating new parts/files tables for group {$group['name']}.")); } $consoletools->overWrite("Tables Created: " . $consoletools->percentString($gdone * 3, $newtables)); $gdone++; } $endtime = time(); echo "\nTable creation took " . $consoletools->convertTime($endtime - $begintime) . ".\n"; $starttime = time(); echo "\nNew tables created, moving data from old tables to new tables.\nThis will take awhile....\n\n"; while ($cdone < $clen['total']) { // Only load 1000 collections per loop to not overload memory. $collections = $pdo->queryAssoc('select * from collections limit ' . $cdone . ',1000;'); if ($collections instanceof \Traversable) { foreach ($collections as $collection) { $collection['subject'] = $pdo->escapeString($collection['subject']); $collection['fromname'] = $pdo->escapeString($collection['fromname']); $collection['date'] = $pdo->escapeString($collection['date']); $collection['collectionhash'] = $pdo->escapeString($collection['collectionhash']);
exit($pdo->log->info("You have no releases in the DB.")); } } else { if (isset($argv[1]) && $argv[1] == "reset") { $pdo = new Settings(); $res = $pdo->query("SELECT,, releases.fromname, releases.size, AS gname FROM releases INNER JOIN groups ON releases.group_id ="); if (count($res) > 0) { echo $pdo->log->header("Going to reset search names, this can take a while."); $done = 0; $timestart = time(); $consoletools = new ConsoleTools(['ColorCLI' => $pdo->log]); foreach ($res as $row) { $rc = new ReleaseCleaning($pdo); $newname = $rc->releaseCleaner($row['name'], $row['fromname'], $row['size'], $row['gname']); if (is_array($newname)) { $newname = $newname['cleansubject']; } $newname = $pdo->escapeString($newname); $pdo->queryExec(sprintf("UPDATE releases SET searchname = %s where id = %d", $newname, $row['id'])); $sphinx->updateRelease($row['id']); $done++; $consoletools->overWritePrimary("Renaming:" . $consoletools->percentString($done, count($res))); } $timenc = $consoletools->convertTime(TIME() - $timestart); echo $pdo->log->header($done . " releases renamed in " . $timenc); } } else { exit($pdo->log->error("\nThis script runs the subject names through namecleaner to create a clean search name, it also recategorizes and runs the releases through namefixer.\n" . "php resetSearchname.php full ...: To run this, recategorize and refix release names on all releases.\n" . "php resetSearchname.php limited ...: To run this on releases that have not had their names fixed, then categorizing them.\n" . "php resetSearchname.php reset ...: To just reset searchnames.\n")); } } }
/** * Matches the hashes within the predb table to release files and subjects (names) which are hashed. * * @param $time * @param $echo * @param $cats * @param $namestatus * @param $show * * @return int */ public function parseTitles($time, $echo, $cats, $namestatus, $show) { $namefixer = new NameFixer(['Echo' => $this->echooutput, 'ConsoleTools' => $this->pdo->log, 'Settings' => $this->pdo]); $consoletools = new ConsoleTools(['ColorCLI' => $this->pdo->log]); $othercats = Category::getCategoryOthersGroup(); $updated = $checked = 0; $tq = ''; if ($time == 1) { $tq = 'AND r.adddate > (NOW() - INTERVAL 3 HOUR) ORDER BY rf.releaseid, rf.size DESC'; } $ct = ''; if ($cats == 1) { $ct = sprintf('AND r.categoryid IN (%s)', $othercats); } if ($this->echooutput) { $te = ''; if ($time == 1) { $te = ' in the past 3 hours'; } echo $this->pdo->log->header('Fixing search names' . $te . " using the predb hash."); } $regex = "AND (r.ishashed = 1 OR rf.ishashed = 1)"; if ($cats === 3) { $query = sprintf('SELECT AS releaseid,, r.searchname, r.categoryid, r.group_id, ' . 'dehashstatus, AS filename FROM releases r ' . 'LEFT OUTER JOIN release_files rf ON = rf.releaseid ' . 'WHERE nzbstatus = 1 AND dehashstatus BETWEEN -6 AND 0 AND preid = 0 %s', $regex); } else { $query = sprintf('SELECT AS releaseid,, r.searchname, r.categoryid, r.group_id, ' . 'dehashstatus, AS filename FROM releases r ' . 'LEFT OUTER JOIN release_files rf ON = rf.releaseid ' . 'WHERE nzbstatus = 1 AND isrenamed = 0 AND dehashstatus BETWEEN -6 AND 0 %s %s %s', $regex, $ct, $tq); } $res = $this->pdo->queryDirect($query); $total = $res->rowCount(); echo $this->pdo->log->primary(number_format($total) . " releases to process."); if ($res instanceof \Traversable) { foreach ($res as $row) { if (preg_match('/[a-fA-F0-9]{32,40}/i', $row['name'], $matches)) { $updated = $updated + $namefixer->matchPredbHash($matches[0], $row, $echo, $namestatus, $this->echooutput, $show); } else { if (preg_match('/[a-fA-F0-9]{32,40}/i', $row['filename'], $matches)) { $updated = $updated + $namefixer->matchPredbHash($matches[0], $row, $echo, $namestatus, $this->echooutput, $show); } } if ($show === 2) { $consoletools->overWritePrimary("Renamed Releases: [" . number_format($updated) . "] " . $consoletools->percentString(++$checked, $total)); } } } if ($echo == 1) { echo $this->pdo->log->header("\n" . $updated . " releases have had their names changed out of: " . number_format($checked) . " files."); } else { echo $this->pdo->log->header("\n" . $updated . " releases could have their names changed. " . number_format($checked) . " files were checked."); } return $updated; }
function catRelease($type, $where, $echooutput = false) { global $pdo; $cat = new Categorize(['Settings' => $pdo]); $consoletools = new ConsoleTools(['ColorCLI' => $pdo->log]); $relcount = 0; echo $pdo->log->primary("SELECT id, " . $type . ", group_id FROM releases " . $where); $resrel = $pdo->queryDirect("SELECT id, " . $type . ", group_id FROM releases " . $where); $total = $resrel->rowCount(); if ($total > 0) { foreach ($resrel as $rowrel) { $catId = $cat->determineCategory($rowrel['group_id'], $rowrel[$type]); $pdo->queryExec(sprintf("UPDATE releases SET iscategorized = 1, categoryid = %d WHERE id = %d", $catId, $rowrel['id'])); $relcount++; if ($echooutput) { $consoletools->overWritePrimary("Categorizing: " . $consoletools->percentString($relcount, $total)); } } } if ($echooutput !== false && $relcount > 0) { echo "\n"; } return $relcount; }
function create_guids($live, $delete = false) { $pdo = new Settings(); $consoletools = new ConsoleTools(['ColorCLI' => $pdo->log]); $timestart = TIME(); $relcount = $deleted = $total = 0; $relrecs = false; if ($live == "true") { $relrecs = $pdo->queryDirect(sprintf("SELECT id, guid FROM releases WHERE nzbstatus = 1 AND nzb_guid IS NULL ORDER BY id DESC")); } else { if ($live == "limited") { $relrecs = $pdo->queryDirect(sprintf("SELECT id, guid FROM releases WHERE nzbstatus = 1 AND nzb_guid IS NULL ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 10000")); } } if ($relrecs) { $total = $relrecs->rowCount(); } if ($total > 0) { echo $pdo->log->header("Creating nzb_guids for " . number_format($total) . " releases."); $releases = new Releases(['Settings' => $pdo]); $nzb = new NZB($pdo); $releaseImage = new ReleaseImage($pdo); $reccnt = 0; if ($relrecs instanceof \Traversable) { foreach ($relrecs as $relrec) { $reccnt++; $nzbpath = $nzb->NZBPath($relrec['guid']); if ($nzbpath !== false) { $nzbfile = Utility::unzipGzipFile($nzbpath); if ($nzbfile) { $nzbfile = @simplexml_load_string($nzbfile); } if (!$nzbfile) { if (isset($delete) && $delete == 'delete') { //echo "\n".$nzb->NZBPath($relrec['guid'])." is not a valid xml, deleting release.\n"; $releases->deleteSingle(['g' => $relrec['guid'], 'i' => $relrec['id']], $nzb, $releaseImage); $deleted++; } continue; } $binary_names = array(); foreach ($nzbfile->file as $file) { $binary_names[] = $file["subject"]; } if (count($binary_names) == 0) { if (isset($delete) && $delete == 'delete') { //echo "\n".$nzb->NZBPath($relrec['guid'])." has no binaries, deleting release.\n"; $releases->deleteSingle(['g' => $relrec['guid'], 'i' => $relrec['id']], $nzb, $releaseImage); $deleted++; } continue; } asort($binary_names); foreach ($nzbfile->file as $file) { if ($file["subject"] == $binary_names[0]) { $segment = $file->segments->segment; $nzb_guid = md5($segment); $pdo->queryExec("UPDATE releases set nzb_guid = " . $pdo->escapestring($nzb_guid) . " WHERE id = " . $relrec["id"]); $relcount++; $consoletools->overWritePrimary("Created: [" . $deleted . "] " . $consoletools->percentString($reccnt, $total) . " Time:" . $consoletools->convertTimer(TIME() - $timestart)); break; } } } else { if (isset($delete) && $delete == 'delete') { //echo $pdo->log->primary($nzb->NZBPath($relrec['guid']) . " does not have an nzb, deleting."); $releases->deleteSingle(['g' => $relrec['guid'], 'i' => $relrec['id']], $nzb, $releaseImage); } } } } if ($relcount > 0) { echo "\n"; } echo $pdo->log->header("Updated " . $relcount . " release(s). This script ran for " . $consoletools->convertTime(TIME() - $timestart)); } else { echo $pdo->log->info('Query time: ' . $consoletools->convertTime(TIME() - $timestart)); exit($pdo->log->info("No releases are missing the guid.")); } }