Exemple #1
  * Run the random encounter
  * @note
  * Currently only random enc. is an Oni attack! Yay! They take turns and a
  * kill and do a little damage.
 private function randomEncounter(Player $player)
     $oni_health_loss = rand(1, self::ONI_DAMAGE_CAP);
     $multiple_rewards = false;
     $oni_killed = false;
     $item = null;
     $player->changeTurns(-1 * self::ONI_TURN_LOSS);
     if ($player->health > 0) {
         // if you survive
         $inventory = new Inventory($player);
         if ($player->turns > self::HIGH_TURNS) {
             // And your turns are high/you are energetic, you can kill them.
             $oni_killed = true;
             $item = Item::findByIdentity('dimmak');
             $quantity = 1;
             $inventory->add($item->identity(), $quantity);
         } else {
             if ($player->turns > floor(self::HIGH_TURNS / 2) && rand() & 1) {
                 // If your turns are somewhat high/you have some energy, 50/50 chance you can kill them.
                 $oni_killed = true;
                 $item = Item::findByIdentity('ginsengroot');
                 $multiple_rewards = true;
                 $quantity = 4;
                 $inventory->add($item->identity(), $quantity);
     return ['npc.oni.tpl', ['victory' => $oni_killed, 'item' => $item, 'multiple_rewards' => $multiple_rewards]];