  * The standard homepage
  * @return Response
 private function game()
     // Get the actual values of the vars.
     $ninja = Player::find(SessionFactory::getSession()->get('player_id'));
     $playerInfo = $ninja->data();
     $clan = $ninja ? Clan::findByMember($ninja) : null;
     $unreadCount = Message::where(['send_to' => $ninja->id(), 'unread' => 1])->count();
     // Assign these vars to the template.
     $parts = ['main_src' => '/intro', 'body_classes' => 'main-body', 'version' => 'NW Version 1.7.5 2010.12.05', 'ninja' => $ninja, 'player_info' => $playerInfo, 'clan' => $clan, 'unread_message_count' => $unreadCount];
     return new StreamedViewResponse('Live by the Shuriken', 'index.tpl', $parts, ['is_index' => true]);
  * The standard homepage
  * @return ViewSpec
 private function game()
     // Get the actual values of the vars.
     $ninja = new Player(self_char_id());
     $playerInfo = $ninja->dataWithClan();
     $unreadCount = Message::where(['send_to' => $ninja->id(), 'unread' => 1])->count();
     // Assign these vars to the template.
     $parts = ['main_src' => '/intro', 'body_classes' => 'main-body', 'version' => 'NW Version 1.7.5 2010.12.05', 'ninja' => $ninja, 'player_info' => $playerInfo, 'unread_message_count' => $unreadCount];
     return ['template' => 'index.tpl', 'title' => 'Live by the Shuriken', 'parts' => $parts, 'options' => ['is_index' => true]];
Exemple #3
  * mark all messages of a type for a ninja as read
 public static function markAsRead(Player $char, $type)
     return Message::where(['send_to' => $char->id(), 'type' => $type])->update(['unread' => 0]);