Author: Kamil Dziedzic (
Exemple #1
  * @issue
  * @medium Timeout for test increased to ~5s
  * @dataProvider lockFabricWithExpirationProvider
  * @param LockFabricWithExpirationInterface $lockFabricWithExpiration
 public function testExpiration(LockFabricWithExpirationInterface $lockFabricWithExpiration)
     $expiration = 2;
     // in seconds
     $name = "lockWithExpiration_" . uniqid();
     $lockImplementor = $lockFabricWithExpiration->create();
     $lockImplementorWithExpiration = $lockFabricWithExpiration->create();
     // Aquire lock on implementor with lock expiration
     $this->assertTrue($lockImplementorWithExpiration->acquireLock($name, 0));
     // We hope code was fast enough so $expiration time didn't pass yet and lock still should be held
     $this->assertFalse($lockImplementor->acquireLock($name, 0));
     // Let's wait for lock to expire
     // Let's try again to lock
     $this->assertTrue($lockImplementor->acquireLock($name, 0));
     // Cleanup
     $this->assertTrue($lockImplementor->releaseLock($name, 0));
     // Expired lock is unusable, we need to clean it's lock state or otherwise
     // it will invoke in __destruct Exception (php*) or Fatal Error (hhvm)
     $this->assertTrue($lockImplementorWithExpiration->clearLock($name, 0));