public function __construct() { // Add additional action after saving (must be above parent constructor!) add_action('buzz-seo-settings-page-save-SettingsAdmin', array($this, 'rewritePermalinks'), 10, 2); // Allow seeing the results of our save immidiately add_action('buzz-seo-settings-page-save-SettingsAdmin', array($this, 'redirectAfterSave'), 99, 2); parent::__construct('SettingsAdmin'); if (isset($_GET['saved'])) { $this->setTalData('message', __("Settings saved.", "buzz-seo")); } // grab app $seo = \NextBuzz\SEO\App::getInstance(); // grapping every feature $features = $seo->getFeatures(); // check if its an array if (is_array($features) == false) { throw new \Exception(__("No Features available", "buzz-seo"), 401); } $optionList = array(); /* @var $class \NextBuzz\SEO\Features\BaseFeature */ foreach ($features as $key => $class) { if ($class->allowDisable()) { array_push($optionList, array('key' => $key, 'name' => ucfirst($class->name()), 'desc' => ucfirst($class->desc()), 'check' => isset($this->options['features'][$key]) && $this->options['features'][$key] === "1")); } } $this->setTalData(array('options' => $optionList, 'hasOptions' => count($optionList) > 0)); }
Author: Next Buzz BV Author URI: License: MIT Text Domain: buzz-seo */ // Set the folder of this plugin if (!defined('BUZZSEO_DIR')) { define('BUZZSEO_VERSION', '0.10.2'); define('BUZZSEO_FILE', __FILE__); define('BUZZSEO_DIR', plugin_dir_path(__FILE__)); define('BUZZSEO_DIR_REL', dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__))); } // Make sure we don't expose any info if called directly if (!function_exists('add_action')) { echo 'Silence is golden.'; exit; } // Check wordpress version if (isset($wp_version) && version_compare($wp_version, '4.4.0', '>=') && version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0', '>=')) { // Load the autoloader require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; // Load our application if (class_exists('\\NextBuzz\\SEO\\App')) { \NextBuzz\SEO\App::getInstance(); } } else { // Output a nag error on admin interface add_action('admin_notices', function () { echo '<div class="error"><p>Plugin Buzz SEO is enabled but doesn\'t work since WP or PHP version requirements are not met. Buzz SEO <strong>requires</strong> at least <strong>WP 4.4.0</strong> and <strong>PHP 5.3.0</strong>.</p></div>'; }); }