Exemple #1
 private function getColor($hex)
     if (strlen($hex) == 3) {
         $r = hexdec(substr($hex, 0, 1) . substr($hex, 0, 1));
         $g = hexdec(substr($hex, 1, 1) . substr($hex, 1, 1));
         $b = hexdec(substr($hex, 2, 1) . substr($hex, 2, 1));
     } else {
         $r = hexdec(substr($hex, 0, 2));
         $g = hexdec(substr($hex, 2, 2));
         $b = hexdec(substr($hex, 4, 2));
     return Image::rgb($r, $g, $b);
Exemple #2
  * @return BaseForm
 public function build()
     $this->addText('username', 'Name:')->setRequired('Please enter your username.');
     $this->addText('email', 'Email:')->setRequired('Please enter your email.')->addRule(Form::EMAIL, 'Check out email please');
     $this->addPassword('password', 'Password:'******'Please enter your password.')->addRule(Form::PATTERN, 'Password must have more than 8 numerals and consists of numbers 0-9, lowercase or uppercase letters a-z or A-Z, underscore', '([0-9a-zA-Z_]){8}');
     $this->addPassword('passwordRe', 'Repeat password:'******'Please enter your password once again.')->addRule(Form::EQUAL, 'Password missmatch', $this['password']);
     $this->addCheckbox('remember', 'Keep me signed in after registration');
     /*  reCaptcha : you should choose certen pictures
         ->addRule(ReCaptchaControl\ReCaptchaControl::VALID, 'Prokažte prosím svou nerobotičnost.');*/
     $this->addCaptcha('captcha')->addRule(Form::FILLED, "Rewrite text from image.")->addRule($this["captcha"]->getValidator(), 'Try it again.')->setLength(5)->setTextMargin(5)->setTextColor(Image::rgb(0, 0, 0))->setBackgroundColor(Image::rgb(214, 235, 249))->setImageHeight(50)->setImageWidth(0)->setExpire(10)->setFilterSmooth(false)->setFilterContrast(false)->useNumbers(true);
     // bool or void
     $this->addSubmit('submit', 'Sign in');
     return $this;
Exemple #3
  * @param string $url
  * @param int $width
  * @param int $height
  * @param int $crop
  * @return string
  * @register fitThumb
  * @todo refactoring fit/thumb helpers, move common parts of code to separate methods
 public function fitThumbImage($url, $width, $height, $crop = NULL)
     $origName = substr($url, strrpos($url, '/') + 1);
     $origPath = ($this->domainDir ? $this->domainDir : $this->cacheDir) . $url;
     if (!file_exists($origPath)) {
         return $url;
     $a = explode('.', $origPath);
     $ext = strtolower(array_pop($a));
     $thumbName = $this->getThumbName($origName, $width, $height, filemtime($origPath), $crop);
     $origDirectory = explode('/', $url);
     $origDirectory = implode('/', $origDirectory);
     $name = md5(($this->domainDirUrl ? $this->domainDirUrl : $this->cacheDirUrl) . '/' . $origDirectory . '/fitThumbs/' . $thumbName) . ".{$ext}";
     $thumbPath = ($this->domainDir ? $this->domainDir : $this->cacheDir) . $origDirectory . '/fitThumbs/' . $name;
     $thumbUrl = ($this->domainDirUrl ? $this->domainDirUrl : $this->cacheDirUrl) . $origDirectory . '/fitThumbs/' . $name;
     FileSystem::createDir(($this->domainDir ? $this->domainDir : $this->cacheDir) . $origDirectory . '/fitThumbs/');
     // thumb already exits
     if (is_file($thumbPath)) {
         return $thumbUrl;
     try {
         if (class_exists('Imagick')) {
             $canvas = new \Imagick();
             $canvas->newImage($width, $height, "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)");
             $image = new Imagick($origPath);
             $origWidth = $image->getImageWidth();
             $origHeight = $image->getImageHeight();
             if ($origWidth > $width || $origHeight > $height) {
                 if ($origHeight > $height) {
                     // use orig height, crop width
                     $image->resizeImage(0, $height, Imagick::FILTER_LANCZOS, 1);
                 } else {
                     // use orig width, crop height
                     $image->resizeImage($width, 0, Imagick::FILTER_LANCZOS, 1);
                 switch ($crop) {
                     case 'top':
                         $x = (int) (($image->getImageWidth() - $width) / 2);
                         $y = 0;
                     case 'bottom':
                         $x = (int) (($image->getImageWidth() - $width) / 2);
                         $y = (int) ($image->getImageHeight() - $height);
                     case 'left':
                         $x = 0;
                         $y = (int) (($image->getImageHeight() - $height) / 2);
                     case 'right':
                         $x = (int) ($image->getImageWidth() - $width);
                         $y = (int) (($image->getImageHeight() - $height) / 2);
                     case 'center':
                         $x = (int) (($image->getImageWidth() - $width) / 2);
                         $y = (int) (($image->getImageHeight() - $height) / 2);
                 $image->cropImage($width, $height, $x, $y);
             $left = $width / 2 - $image->getImageWidth() / 2;
             $top = $height / 2 - $image->getImageHeight() / 2;
             $canvas->compositeImage($image, Imagick::COMPOSITE_ADD, $left, $top);
         } else {
             $canvas = Image::fromBlank($width, $height, Image::rgb(0, 0, 0, 127));
             $image = Image::fromFile($origPath);
             $origWidth = $image->getWidth();
             $origHeight = $image->getHeight();
             if ($origWidth > $width || $origHeight > $height) {
                 // zachovani pruhlednosti u PNG
                 if ($origHeight > $height) {
                     // use orig height, crop width
                     $image->resize(NULL, $height);
                 } else {
                     // use orig width, crop height
                     $image->resize($width, NULL);
                 switch ($crop) {
                     case 'top':
                         $x = (int) (($image->getWidth() - $width) / 2);
                         $y = 0;
                     case 'bottom':
                         $x = (int) (($image->getWidth() - $width) / 2);
                         $y = (int) ($image->getHeight() - $height);
                     case 'left':
                         $x = 0;
                         $y = (int) (($image->getHeight() - $height) / 2);
                     case 'right':
                         $x = (int) ($image->getWidth() - $width);
                         $y = (int) (($image->getHeight() - $height) / 2);
                     case 'center':
                         $x = (int) (($image->getWidth() - $width) / 2);
                         $y = (int) (($image->getHeight() - $height) / 2);
                 $image->crop($x, $y, $width, $height);
                 if ($ext !== 'png') {
             $left = $width / 2 - $image->getWidth() / 2;
             $top = $height / 2 - $image->getHeight() / 2;
             $canvas->place($image, $left, $top);
         return $thumbUrl;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return ($this->domainDirUrl ? $this->domainDirUrl : $this->cacheDirUrl) . $url;
  * Sets background color
  * @param array $rgb [red 0-255, green 0-255, blue 0-255]
  * @throws \Nette\InvalidArgumentException
  * @return self
 public function setBackgroundColor(array $rgb)
     if (!isset($rgb['red']) || !isset($rgb['green']) || !isset($rgb['blue'])) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('BackgroundColor must be valid RGB array, see Nette\\Utils\\Image::rgb().');
     $this->backgroundColor = Image::rgb($rgb['red'], $rgb['green'], $rgb['blue']);
     return $this;
  * @param array red 0-255, green 0-255, blue 0-255
  * @return CaptchaControl provides a fluent interface
  * @throws \Nette\InvalidArgumentException
 public function setBackgroundColor($rgb)
     if (!isset($rgb["red"]) || !isset($rgb["green"]) || !isset($rgb["blue"])) {
         throw new \Nette\InvalidArgumentException("BackgroundColor must be valid rgb array, see Nette\\Utils\\Image::rgb()");
     $this->backgroundColor = Image::rgb($rgb["red"], $rgb["green"], $rgb["blue"]);
     return $this;