  * Converts the given request body according to the specified media type
  * Override this method in your custom TypeConverter to support additional media types
  * @param string $requestBody the raw request body
  * @param string $mediaType the configured media type (for example "application/json")
  * @return array
  * @api
 protected function convertMediaType($requestBody, $mediaType)
     $mediaTypeParts = MediaTypes::parseMediaType($mediaType);
     if (!isset($mediaTypeParts['subtype']) || $mediaTypeParts['subtype'] === '') {
         return [];
     $result = [];
     switch ($mediaTypeParts['subtype']) {
         case 'json':
         case 'x-json':
         case 'javascript':
         case 'x-javascript':
             $result = json_decode($requestBody, true);
             if ($result === null) {
                 return [];
         case 'xml':
             $entityLoaderValue = libxml_disable_entity_loader(true);
             try {
                 $xmlElement = new \SimpleXMLElement(urldecode($requestBody), LIBXML_NOERROR);
             } catch (\Exception $exception) {
                 return [];
             $result = Arrays::convertObjectToArray($xmlElement);
         case 'x-www-form-urlencoded':
             parse_str($requestBody, $result);
     return $result;
Exemple #2
  * Parses a RFC 2616 content negotiation header field by evaluating the Quality
  * Values and splitting the options into an array list, ordered by user preference.
  * @param string $rawValues The raw Accept* Header field value
  * @return array The parsed list of field values, ordered by user preference
 public static function parseContentNegotiationQualityValues($rawValues)
     $acceptedTypes = array_map(function ($acceptType) {
         $typeAndQuality = preg_split('/;\\s*q=/', $acceptType);
         return [$typeAndQuality[0], isset($typeAndQuality[1]) ? (double) $typeAndQuality[1] : ''];
     }, preg_split('/,\\s*/', $rawValues));
     $flattenedAcceptedTypes = [];
     $valuesWithoutQualityValue = [[], [], [], []];
     foreach ($acceptedTypes as $typeAndQuality) {
         if ($typeAndQuality[1] === '') {
             $parsedType = MediaTypes::parseMediaType($typeAndQuality[0]);
             if ($parsedType['type'] === '*') {
                 $valuesWithoutQualityValue[3][$typeAndQuality[0]] = true;
             } elseif ($parsedType['subtype'] === '*') {
                 $valuesWithoutQualityValue[2][$typeAndQuality[0]] = true;
             } elseif ($parsedType['parameters'] === []) {
                 $valuesWithoutQualityValue[1][$typeAndQuality[0]] = true;
             } else {
                 $valuesWithoutQualityValue[0][$typeAndQuality[0]] = true;
         } else {
             $flattenedAcceptedTypes[$typeAndQuality[0]] = $typeAndQuality[1];
     $valuesWithoutQualityValue = array_merge(array_keys($valuesWithoutQualityValue[0]), array_keys($valuesWithoutQualityValue[1]), array_keys($valuesWithoutQualityValue[2]), array_keys($valuesWithoutQualityValue[3]));
     $parsedValues = array_merge($valuesWithoutQualityValue, array_keys($flattenedAcceptedTypes));
     return $parsedValues;
  * Update the resource on an asset.
  * @param AssetInterface $asset
  * @param PersistentResource $resource
  * @param array $options
  * @throws InvalidArgumentValueException
  * @return void
 public function updateAssetResourceAction(AssetInterface $asset, PersistentResource $resource, array $options = [])
     $sourceMediaType = MediaTypes::parseMediaType($asset->getMediaType());
     $replacementMediaType = MediaTypes::parseMediaType($resource->getMediaType());
     // Prevent replacement of image, audio and video by a different mimetype because of possible rendering issues.
     if (in_array($sourceMediaType['type'], ['image', 'audio', 'video']) && $sourceMediaType['type'] !== $replacementMediaType['type']) {
         $this->addFlashMessage('Resources of type "%s" can only be replaced by a similar resource. Got type "%s"', '', Message::SEVERITY_WARNING, [$sourceMediaType['type'], $resource->getMediaType()], 1462308179);
     parent::updateAssetResourceAction($asset, $resource, $options);
  * @test
  * @dataProvider mediaTypesAndParsedPieces
 public function parseMediaTypeReturnsAssociativeArrayWithIndividualPartsOfTheMediaType($mediaType, $expectedPieces)
     $request = $this->getAccessibleMock(Request::class, ['dummy'], [], '', false);
     $actualPieces = MediaTypes::parseMediaType($mediaType);
     $this->assertSame($expectedPieces, $actualPieces);
  * Parses a RFC 2616 Media Type and returns its parts in an associative array.
  * @see MediaTypes::parseMediaType()
  * @param string $rawMediaType The raw media type, for example "application/json; charset=UTF-8"
  * @return array An associative array with parsed information
  * @deprecated since Flow 2.1. Use \Neos\Utility\MediaTypes::parseMediaType() instead
 public static function parseMediaType($rawMediaType)
     return MediaTypes::parseMediaType($rawMediaType);