withoutAuthorizationChecks() public méthode

..) for the runtime of $callback Usage: $this->securityContext->withoutAuthorizationChecks(function () use ($accountRepository, $username, $providerName, &$account) { this will disable the PersistenceQueryRewritingAspect for this one call $account = $accountRepository->findActiveByAccountIdentifierAndAuthenticationProviderName($username, $providerName) });
public withoutAuthorizationChecks ( Closure $callback ) : void
$callback Closure
Résultat void
  * Add the current node and all parent identifiers to be used for cache entry tagging
  * @Flow\Before("method(Neos\Flow\Mvc\Routing\RouterCachingService->extractUuids())")
  * @param JoinPointInterface $joinPoint The current join point
  * @return void
 public function addCurrentNodeIdentifier(JoinPointInterface $joinPoint)
     $values = $joinPoint->getMethodArgument('values');
     if (!isset($values['node']) || strpos($values['node'], '@') === false) {
     // Build context explicitly without authorization checks because the security context isn't available yet
     // anyway and any Entity Privilege targeted on Workspace would fail at this point:
     $this->securityContext->withoutAuthorizationChecks(function () use($joinPoint, $values) {
         $contextPathPieces = NodePaths::explodeContextPath($values['node']);
         $context = $this->contextFactory->create(['workspaceName' => $contextPathPieces['workspaceName'], 'dimensions' => $contextPathPieces['dimensions'], 'invisibleContentShown' => true]);
         $node = $context->getNode($contextPathPieces['nodePath']);
         if (!$node instanceof NodeInterface) {
         $values['node-identifier'] = $node->getIdentifier();
         $node = $node->getParent();
         $values['node-parent-identifier'] = array();
         while ($node !== null) {
             $values['node-parent-identifier'][] = $node->getIdentifier();
             $node = $node->getParent();
         $joinPoint->setMethodArgument('values', $values);
  * Checks the given token for validity and sets the token authentication status
  * accordingly (success, wrong credentials or no credentials given).
  * @param TokenInterface $authenticationToken The token to be authenticated
  * @return void
  * @throws UnsupportedAuthenticationTokenException
 public function authenticate(TokenInterface $authenticationToken)
     if (!$authenticationToken instanceof UsernamePassword) {
         throw new UnsupportedAuthenticationTokenException('This provider cannot authenticate the given token.', 1217339840);
     /** @var $account Account */
     $account = null;
     $credentials = $authenticationToken->getCredentials();
     if ($authenticationToken->getAuthenticationStatus() !== TokenInterface::AUTHENTICATION_SUCCESSFUL) {
     if (!is_array($credentials) || !isset($credentials['username']) || !isset($credentials['password'])) {
     $providerName = $this->name;
     $accountRepository = $this->accountRepository;
     $this->securityContext->withoutAuthorizationChecks(function () use($credentials, $providerName, $accountRepository, &$account) {
         $account = $accountRepository->findActiveByAccountIdentifierAndAuthenticationProviderName($credentials['username'], $providerName);
     if ($account === null) {
         $this->hashService->validatePassword($credentials['password'], 'bcrypt=>$2a$14$DummySaltToPreventTim,.ingAttacksOnThisProvider');
     if ($this->hashService->validatePassword($credentials['password'], $account->getCredentialsSource())) {
     } else {
  * @test
 public function getContextHashReturnsStaticStringIfAuthorizationChecksAreDisabled()
     $self = $this;
     $this->securityContext->withoutAuthorizationChecks(function () use($self) {
         $self->assertSame(Context::CONTEXT_HASH_UNINITIALIZED, $self->securityContext->getContextHash());
  * Returns the static value of the given operand, this might be also a global object
  * @param mixed $expression The expression string representing the operand
  * @return mixed The calculated value
 public function getValueForOperand($expression)
     if (is_array($expression)) {
         $result = [];
         foreach ($expression as $expressionEntry) {
             $result[] = $this->getValueForOperand($expressionEntry);
         return $result;
     } elseif (is_numeric($expression)) {
         return $expression;
     } elseif ($expression === true) {
         return true;
     } elseif ($expression === false) {
         return false;
     } elseif ($expression === null) {
         return null;
     } elseif (strpos($expression, 'context.') === 0) {
         $objectAccess = explode('.', $expression, 3);
         $globalObjectsRegisteredClassName = $this->globalObjects[$objectAccess[1]];
         $globalObject = $this->objectManager->get($globalObjectsRegisteredClassName);
         $this->securityContext->withoutAuthorizationChecks(function () use($globalObject, $objectAccess, &$globalObjectValue) {
             $globalObjectValue = $this->getObjectValueByPath($globalObject, $objectAccess[2]);
         return $globalObjectValue;
     } else {
         return trim($expression, '"\'');
  * Returns a node from the given $nodeIdentifier (disabling authorization checks)
  * @param string $nodeIdentifier
  * @return NodeInterface
 protected function getNodeByIdentifier($nodeIdentifier)
     $context = $this->contextFactory->create();
     $node = null;
     $this->securityContext->withoutAuthorizationChecks(function () use($nodeIdentifier, $context, &$node) {
         $node = $context->getNodeByIdentifier($nodeIdentifier);
     $context->getFirstLevelNodeCache()->setByIdentifier($nodeIdentifier, null);
     return $node;
  * Tries to authenticate the tokens in the security context (in the given order)
  * with the available authentication providers, if needed.
  * If the authentication strategy is set to "allTokens", all tokens have to be authenticated.
  * If the strategy is set to "oneToken", only one token needs to be authenticated, but the
  * authentication will stop after the first authenticated token. The strategy
  * "atLeastOne" will try to authenticate at least one and as many tokens as possible.
  * @return void
  * @throws Exception
  * @throws AuthenticationRequiredException
 public function authenticate()
     $this->isAuthenticated = false;
     $anyTokenAuthenticated = false;
     if ($this->securityContext === null) {
         throw new Exception('Cannot authenticate because no security context has been set.', 1232978667);
     $tokens = $this->securityContext->getAuthenticationTokens();
     if (count($tokens) === 0) {
         throw new NoTokensAuthenticatedException('The security context contained no tokens which could be authenticated.', 1258721059);
     /** @var $token TokenInterface */
     foreach ($tokens as $token) {
         /** @var $provider AuthenticationProviderInterface */
         foreach ($this->providers as $provider) {
             if ($provider->canAuthenticate($token) && $token->getAuthenticationStatus() === TokenInterface::AUTHENTICATION_NEEDED) {
                 if ($token->isAuthenticated()) {
         if ($token->isAuthenticated()) {
             if (!$token instanceof SessionlessTokenInterface) {
                 if (!$this->session->isStarted()) {
                 $account = $token->getAccount();
                 if ($account !== null) {
                     $this->securityContext->withoutAuthorizationChecks(function () use($account) {
                         $this->session->addTag('TYPO3-Flow-Security-Account-' . md5($account->getAccountIdentifier()));
             if ($this->securityContext->getAuthenticationStrategy() === Context::AUTHENTICATE_ONE_TOKEN) {
                 $this->isAuthenticated = true;
             $anyTokenAuthenticated = true;
         } else {
             if ($this->securityContext->getAuthenticationStrategy() === Context::AUTHENTICATE_ALL_TOKENS) {
                 throw new AuthenticationRequiredException('Could not authenticate all tokens, but authenticationStrategy was set to "all".', 1222203912);
     if (!$anyTokenAuthenticated && $this->securityContext->getAuthenticationStrategy() !== Context::AUTHENTICATE_ANY_TOKEN) {
         throw new NoTokensAuthenticatedException('Could not authenticate any token. Might be missing or wrong credentials or no authentication provider matched.', 1222204027);
     $this->isAuthenticated = $anyTokenAuthenticated;
  * Calls a behat step method
  * @Flow\Internal
  * @param string $testHelperObjectName
  * @param string $methodName
  * @param boolean $withoutSecurityChecks
 public function callBehatStepCommand($testHelperObjectName, $methodName, $withoutSecurityChecks = false)
     $testHelper = $this->objectManager->get($testHelperObjectName);
     $rawMethodArguments = $this->request->getExceedingArguments();
     $mappedArguments = [];
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($rawMethodArguments); $i += 2) {
         $mappedArguments[] = $this->propertyMapper->convert($rawMethodArguments[$i + 1], $rawMethodArguments[$i]);
     $result = null;
     try {
         if ($withoutSecurityChecks === true) {
             $this->securityContext->withoutAuthorizationChecks(function () use($testHelper, $methodName, $mappedArguments, &$result) {
                 $result = call_user_func_array([$testHelper, $methodName], $mappedArguments);
         } else {
             $result = call_user_func_array([$testHelper, $methodName], $mappedArguments);
     } catch (\Exception $exception) {
         $this->outputLine('EXCEPTION: %s %d %s in %s:%s %s', [get_class($exception), $exception->getCode(), $exception->getMessage(), $exception->getFile(), $exception->getLine(), $exception->getTraceAsString()]);
     $this->output('SUCCESS: %s', [$result]);
  * Filter a node by the current context.
  * Will either return the node or NULL if it is not permitted in current context.
  * @param NodeInterface $node
  * @param Context $context
  * @return NodeInterface|NULL
 protected function filterNodeByContext(NodeInterface $node, Context $context)
     $this->securityContext->withoutAuthorizationChecks(function () use(&$node, $context) {
         if (!$context->isRemovedContentShown() && $node->isRemoved()) {
             $node = null;
         if (!$context->isInvisibleContentShown() && !$node->isVisible()) {
             $node = null;
         if (!$context->isInaccessibleContentShown() && !$node->isAccessible()) {
             $node = null;
     return $node;
  * Imports the sub-tree from the xml reader into the given target path.
  * The root node of the imported tree becomes a child of the node specified as the target path,
  * as the following example illustrates:
  * 1. Existing Nodes Before Import:
  *   path
  *   - to
  *   - - my
  *   - - - targetNode
  *   - - - - A
  *   - other
  *   - - nodes
  * 2. Sub-tree in xml to import to 'path/to/my/targetNode':
  *   <B>
  *   - <B1/>
  *   </B>
  * 3. existing nodes after the import:
  *   path
  *   - to
  *   - - my
  *   - - - targetNode
  *   - - - - A
  *   - - - - B
  *   - - - - - B1
  *   - another
  *   - - sub-tree
  * @param \XMLReader $xmlReader The XML input to import - must be either XML as a string or a prepared \XMLReader instance containing XML data
  * @param string $targetPath path to the node which becomes parent of the root of the imported sub-tree
  * @param string $resourceLoadPath
  * @throws ImportException
  * @return void
 public function import(\XMLReader $xmlReader, $targetPath, $resourceLoadPath = null)
     $this->propertyMappingConfiguration = new ImportExportPropertyMappingConfiguration($resourceLoadPath);
     $this->nodeNameStack = $targetPath === '/' ? array() : array_map(function ($pathSegment) {
         return Utility::renderValidNodeName($pathSegment);
     }, explode('/', $targetPath));
     $formatVersion = $this->determineFormatVersion($xmlReader);
     switch ($formatVersion) {
         case self::SUPPORTED_FORMAT_VERSION:
             $this->securityContext->withoutAuthorizationChecks(function () use($xmlReader) {
         case null:
             throw new ImportException('Failed to recognize format of the Node Data XML to import. Please make sure that you use a valid Node Data XML structure.', 1409059346);
             throw new ImportException('Failed to import Node Data XML: The format with version ' . $formatVersion . ' is not supported, only version ' . self::SUPPORTED_FORMAT_VERSION . ' is supported.', 1409059352);
  * Matches a frontend URI pointing to a node (for example a page).
  * This function tries to find a matching node by the given request path. If one was found, its
  * absolute context node path is set in $this->value and true is returned.
  * Note that this matcher does not check if access to the resolved workspace or node is allowed because at the point
  * in time the route part handler is invoked, the security framework is not yet fully initialized.
  * @param string $requestPath The request path (without leading "/", relative to the current Site Node)
  * @return boolean true if the $requestPath could be matched, otherwise false
  * @throws \Exception
  * @throws Exception\NoHomepageException if no node could be found on the homepage (empty $requestPath)
 protected function matchValue($requestPath)
     try {
         /** @var NodeInterface $node */
         $node = null;
         // Build context explicitly without authorization checks because the security context isn't available yet
         // anyway and any Entity Privilege targeted on Workspace would fail at this point:
         $this->securityContext->withoutAuthorizationChecks(function () use(&$node, $requestPath) {
             $node = $this->convertRequestPathToNode($requestPath);
     } catch (Exception $exception) {
         $this->systemLogger->log('FrontendNodeRoutePartHandler matchValue(): ' . $exception->getMessage(), LOG_DEBUG);
         if ($requestPath === '') {
             throw new Exception\NoHomepageException('Homepage could not be loaded. Probably you haven\'t imported a site yet', 1346950755, $exception);
         return false;
     if ($this->onlyMatchSiteNodes() && $node !== $node->getContext()->getCurrentSiteNode()) {
         return false;
     $this->value = $node->getContextPath();
     return true;
  * Find out if the given path exists anywhere in the CR. (internal)
  * If you need this functionality use \Neos\ContentRepository\Domain\Service\NodeService::nodePathExistsInAnyContext()
  * @param string $nodePath
  * @return boolean
 public function pathExists($nodePath)
     $nodePath = strtolower($nodePath);
     $result = null;
     /** @var QueryBuilder $queryBuilder */
     $queryBuilder = $this->entityManager->createQueryBuilder();
     $this->securityContext->withoutAuthorizationChecks(function () use($nodePath, $queryBuilder, &$result) {
         $queryBuilder->select('n.identifier')->from(NodeData::class, 'n')->where('n.pathHash = :pathHash')->setParameter('pathHash', md5($nodePath));
         $result = count($queryBuilder->getQuery()->getResult()) > 0 ? true : false;
     return $result;