getResourceBySha1() public méthode

Returns the resource object identified by the given SHA1 hash over the content, or NULL if no such PersistentResource object is known yet.
public getResourceBySha1 ( string $sha1Hash ) : PersistentResource | null
$sha1Hash string The SHA1 identifying the data the PersistentResource stands for
Résultat PersistentResource | null
  * Evaluates the absolute path and filename of the resource file specified
  * by the given path.
  * @param string $requestedPath
  * @param boolean $checkForExistence Whether a (non-hash) path should be checked for existence before being returned
  * @return mixed The full path and filename or FALSE if the file doesn't exist
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException|ResourceException
 protected function evaluateResourcePath($requestedPath, $checkForExistence = true)
     if (substr($requestedPath, 0, strlen(self::SCHEME)) !== self::SCHEME) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The ' . __CLASS__ . ' only supports the \'' . self::SCHEME . '\' scheme.', 1256052544);
     $uriParts = Functions::parse_url($requestedPath);
     if (!is_array($uriParts) || !isset($uriParts['host'])) {
         return false;
     if (preg_match('/^[0-9a-f]{40}$/i', $uriParts['host']) === 1) {
         $resource = $this->resourceManager->getResourceBySha1($uriParts['host']);
         return $this->resourceManager->getStreamByResource($resource);
     if (!$this->packageManager->isPackageAvailable($uriParts['host'])) {
         throw new ResourceException(sprintf('Invalid resource URI "%s": Package "%s" is not available.', $requestedPath, $uriParts['host']), 1309269952);
     $package = $this->packageManager->getPackage($uriParts['host']);
     $resourceUri = Files::concatenatePaths([$package->getResourcesPath(), $uriParts['path']]);
     if ($checkForExistence === false || file_exists($resourceUri)) {
         return $resourceUri;
     return false;
  * @param array $source
  * @param PropertyMappingConfigurationInterface $configuration
  * @return PersistentResource|FlowError
  * @throws InvalidPropertyMappingConfigurationException
 protected function handleHashAndData(array $source, PropertyMappingConfigurationInterface $configuration = null)
     $hash = null;
     $resource = false;
     $givenResourceIdentity = null;
     if (isset($source['__identity'])) {
         $givenResourceIdentity = $source['__identity'];
         $resource = $this->resourceRepository->findByIdentifier($givenResourceIdentity);
         if ($resource instanceof PersistentResource) {
             return $resource;
         if ($configuration->getConfigurationValue(ResourceTypeConverter::class, self::CONFIGURATION_IDENTITY_CREATION_ALLOWED) !== true) {
             throw new InvalidPropertyMappingConfigurationException('Creation of resource objects with identity not allowed. To enable this, you need to set the PropertyMappingConfiguration Value "CONFIGURATION_IDENTITY_CREATION_ALLOWED" to TRUE');
     if (isset($source['hash']) && preg_match('/[0-9a-f]{40}/', $source['hash'])) {
         $hash = $source['hash'];
     if ($hash !== null && count($source) === 1) {
         $resource = $this->resourceManager->getResourceBySha1($hash);
     if ($resource === null) {
         $collectionName = $this->getCollectionName($source, $configuration);
         if (isset($source['data'])) {
             $resource = $this->resourceManager->importResourceFromContent($source['data'], $source['filename'], $collectionName, $givenResourceIdentity);
         } elseif ($hash !== null) {
             /** @var PersistentResource $resource */
             $resource = $this->resourceManager->importResource($configuration->getConfigurationValue(ResourceTypeConverter::class, self::CONFIGURATION_RESOURCE_LOAD_PATH) . '/' . $hash, $collectionName, $givenResourceIdentity);
             if (is_array($source) && isset($source['filename'])) {
     if ($resource instanceof PersistentResource) {
         return $resource;
     } else {
         return new FlowError('The resource manager could not create a PersistentResource instance.', 1404312901);