  * Returns the current user's personal workspace or null if no user is logged in
  * @return Workspace
  * @api
 public function getPersonalWorkspace()
     $workspaceName = $this->getPersonalWorkspaceName();
     if ($workspaceName !== null) {
         return $this->workspaceRepository->findOneByName($this->getPersonalWorkspaceName());
  * Publishes the whole workspace
  * @param Workspace $workspace
  * @return void
 public function publishWorkspaceAction(Workspace $workspace)
     if (($targetWorkspace = $workspace->getBaseWorkspace()) === null) {
         $targetWorkspace = $this->workspaceRepository->findOneByName('live');
     $this->publishingService->publishNodes($this->publishingService->getUnpublishedNodes($workspace), $targetWorkspace);
     $this->addFlashMessage($this->translator->translateById('workspaces.allChangesInWorkspaceHaveBeenPublished', [htmlspecialchars($workspace->getTitle()), htmlspecialchars($targetWorkspace->getTitle())], null, null, 'Modules', 'Neos.Neos'));
Exemple #3
  * Publish everything in the workspace with the given workspace name
  * @param string $sourceWorkspaceName Name of the source workspace containing the content to publish
  * @param string $targetWorkspaceName Name of the target workspace the content should be published to
  * @return void
 public function publishAllAction($sourceWorkspaceName, $targetWorkspaceName)
     $sourceWorkspace = $this->workspaceRepository->findOneByName($sourceWorkspaceName);
     $targetWorkspace = $this->workspaceRepository->findOneByName($targetWorkspaceName);
     if ($sourceWorkspace === null) {
         $this->throwStatus(400, 'Invalid source workspace');
     if ($targetWorkspace === null) {
         $this->throwStatus(400, 'Invalid target workspace');
     $this->publishingService->publishNodes($this->publishingService->getUnpublishedNodes($sourceWorkspace), $targetWorkspace);
     $this->throwStatus(204, sprintf('All changes in workspace %s have been published to %s', $sourceWorkspaceName, $targetWorkspaceName), '');
  * If the specified workspace or its root node does not exist yet, the workspace and root node will be created.
  * This method is basically a safeguard for legacy and potentially broken websites where users might not have
  * their own workspace yet. In a normal setup, the Domain User Service is responsible for creating and deleting
  * user workspaces.
  * @param string $workspaceName Name of the workspace
  * @return void
 protected function createWorkspaceAndRootNodeIfNecessary($workspaceName)
     $workspace = $this->workspaceRepository->findOneByName($workspaceName);
     if ($workspace === null) {
         $liveWorkspace = $this->workspaceRepository->findOneByName('live');
         $owner = $this->userService->getBackendUser();
         $workspace = new Workspace($workspaceName, $liveWorkspace, $owner);
     $contentContext = $this->createContext($workspaceName);
     $rootNode = $contentContext->getRootNode();
  * Rebase a workspace
  * This command sets a new base workspace for the specified workspace. Note that doing so will put the possible
  * changes contained in the workspace to be rebased into a different context and thus might lead to unintended
  * results when being published.
  * @param string $workspace Name of the workspace to rebase, for example "user-john"
  * @param string $baseWorkspace Name of the new base workspace
  * @return void
 public function rebaseCommand($workspace, $baseWorkspace)
     $workspaceName = $workspace;
     $workspace = $this->workspaceRepository->findOneByName($workspaceName);
     if (!$workspace instanceof Workspace) {
         $this->outputLine('Workspace "%s" does not exist', [$workspaceName]);
     $baseWorkspaceName = $baseWorkspace;
     $baseWorkspace = $this->workspaceRepository->findOneByName($baseWorkspaceName);
     if (!$baseWorkspace instanceof Workspace) {
         $this->outputLine('The base workspace "%s" does not exist', [$baseWorkspaceName]);
     $this->outputLine('Set "%s" as the new base workspace for "%s".', [$baseWorkspaceName, $workspaceName]);
  * Imports one or multiple sites from the XML file at $pathAndFilename
  * @param string $pathAndFilename
  * @return Site The imported site
  * @throws UnknownPackageException|InvalidPackageStateException|NeosException
 public function importFromFile($pathAndFilename)
     /** @var Site $importedSite */
     $site = null;
     $xmlReader = new \XMLReader();
     $xmlReader->open($pathAndFilename, null, LIBXML_PARSEHUGE);
     if ($this->workspaceRepository->findOneByName('live') === null) {
         $this->workspaceRepository->add(new Workspace('live'));
     while ($xmlReader->read()) {
         if ($xmlReader->nodeType != \XMLReader::ELEMENT || $xmlReader->name !== 'site') {
         $site = $this->getSiteByNodeName($xmlReader->getAttribute('siteNodeName'));
         $site->setState((int) $xmlReader->getAttribute('state'));
         $siteResourcesPackageKey = $xmlReader->getAttribute('siteResourcesPackageKey');
         if (!$this->packageManager->isPackageAvailable($siteResourcesPackageKey)) {
             throw new UnknownPackageException(sprintf('Package "%s" specified in the XML as site resources package does not exist.', $siteResourcesPackageKey), 1303891443);
         if (!$this->packageManager->isPackageActive($siteResourcesPackageKey)) {
             throw new InvalidPackageStateException(sprintf('Package "%s" specified in the XML as site resources package is not active.', $siteResourcesPackageKey), 1303898135);
         $rootNode = $this->contextFactory->create()->getRootNode();
         // We fetch the workspace to be sure it's known to the persistence manager and persist all
         // so the workspace and site node are persisted before we import any nodes to it.
         $sitesNode = $rootNode->getNode(SiteService::SITES_ROOT_PATH);
         if ($sitesNode === null) {
             $sitesNode = $rootNode->createNode(NodePaths::getNodeNameFromPath(SiteService::SITES_ROOT_PATH));
         $this->nodeImportService->import($xmlReader, $sitesNode->getPath(), dirname($pathAndFilename) . '/Resources');
     if ($site === null) {
         throw new NeosException(sprintf('The XML file did not contain a valid site node.'), 1418999522);
     return $site;