Exemple #1
  * Sort a set of SemVer versions
  * This method is a catch-all and accepts:
  *  - A single array of strings or Versions
  *  - A variable number of strings and Versions
  * Strings will be parsed into Version instances
  * The result will be a sorted array of Versions, in ascending order
  * @param  array|string|Version $v1
  * @param  string|Version       $v1
  * ...
  * @param  string|Version       $vn
  * @return array[int]SemVer
 public static function sort()
     $arguments = func_get_args();
     if (count($arguments) === 0) {
         return array();
     // Versions array
     $versions = array();
     // If the first argument is an array, use that
     if (is_array($arguments[0])) {
         $versions = $arguments[0];
     } else {
         $versions = $arguments;
     // Parse into Version isntances
     foreach ($versions as $key => $version) {
         if ($version instanceof Version) {
             $versions[$key] = $version;
         } else {
             if (is_string($version)) {
                 $versions[$key] = Parser::parse($version);
             } else {
                 throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid version given, pass either Version instances or strings');
     // Use the array sorter
     return self::sortArray($versions);
  * Test sort of strings
  * @return void
 public function testStoreOriginalVersion()
     $version = Parser::parse('0.0.0');
     $this->assertEquals('0.0.0', $version->getOriginalVersion());
     $this->assertEquals('0.1.0', (string) $version);
 protected function versionStringToVersionArray($string)
     $semVerParser = SemVerParser::parse($string);
     if ($semVerParser->hasBuild() || $semVerParser->hasPreRelease()) {
         throw new RuntimeException('Only numeric semantic version numbers in the format "0.0.0" are supported.');
     return ['major' => $semVerParser->getMajor(), 'minor' => $semVerParser->getMinor(), 'patch' => $semVerParser->getPatch()];
Exemple #4
 private function parseVersion()
     $ret = array(0, 0, 1, '', '');
     $json = json_decode($this->_io->load(), true);
     if (!is_array($json)) {
         throw new HandlerException("Couldn't parse version from io");
     if (!isset($json['version'])) {
         return $ret;
     $vString = $json['version'];
     $vParsed = Parser::parse($vString);
     return array($vParsed->getMajor(), $vParsed->getMinor(), $vParsed->getPatch(), $vParsed->hasPreRelease() ? $vParsed->getPreRelease() : '', $vParsed->hasBuild() ? $vParsed->getPreBuild() : '');
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $file = $input->getArgument('file');
     $config = json_decode(file_get_contents($file), true);
     $type = $input->getOption('type');
     if (!in_array($type, ['major', 'minor', 'patch', 'build'])) {
         return $this->error($output, 'Type can only be one of major, minor, patch or build');
     if (json_last_error() == JSON_ERROR_NONE) {
         $key = $input->getOption('key');
         if (isset($config[$key])) {
             $version = Parser::parse($config[$key]);
             switch ($type) {
                 case 'major':
                     $version->setMajor($version->getMajor() + 1);
                 case 'minor':
                     $version->setMinor($version->getMinor() + 1);
                 case 'patch':
                     $version->setPatch($version->getPatch() + 1);
                 case 'build':
                     if ($version->hasBuild()) {
                         $version->getBuild()->setNumber($version->getBuild()->getNumber() + 1);
                     } else {
                         $version->setBuild(new \Naneau\SemVer\Version\Build());
             $config[$key] = $version->__toString();
             file_put_contents($file, json_encode($config, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES));
     } else {
         return $this->error($output, 'Could not decode JSON file');
     $output->writeln('New version: ' . $config[$key]);
     return 0;
  * Test sort of array
  * @return void
 public function testSortArray()
     $v1 = Parser::parse('2.0.2');
     $v2 = Parser::parse('2.0.2');
     $v3 = Parser::parse('0.0.1');
     // Smallest
     $v4 = Parser::parse('10.0.1-rc.1+build.12345');
     $v5 = Parser::parse('10.0.2-rc.1+build.12345');
     // Biggest
     $v6 = Parser::parse('0.0.4');
     $sorted = Sorter::sortArray(array($v1, $v2, $v3, $v4, $v5, $v6));
     $this->assertCount(6, $sorted);
     $this->assertEquals($sorted[0], $v3);
     $this->assertEquals($sorted[1], $v6);
     $this->assertEquals($sorted[2], $v1);
     $this->assertEquals($sorted[3], $v1);
     $this->assertEquals($sorted[4], $v4);
     $this->assertEquals($sorted[5], $v5);
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $file = $input->getArgument('file');
     $config = json_decode(file_get_contents($file), true);
     if (json_last_error() == JSON_ERROR_NONE) {
         $key = $input->getOption('key');
         if (isset($config[$key])) {
             $version = Parser::parse($config[$key]);
             if ($version->hasBuild() && $input->getOption('no-build')) {
                 $build = $version->getBuild()->__toString();
                 $version = str_replace('+' . $build, '', $version->__toString());
             } else {
                 $version = $version->__toString();
     } else {
         $output->write('<error>Could not decode JSON file</error>', true);
  * Checks the remote version file against the local version file.
  * @return string
 public function check()
     //Parse local version file
     $versionFile = base_path('version.json');
     if (!file_exists($versionFile)) {
         return view('self-updater::error')->with('error', 'No version file found.');
     $localVersionFile = file_get_contents(base_path('version.json'));
     $localVersionJson = json_decode($localVersionFile, true);
     //Parse remote version file
     $remoteVersionFile = @file_get_contents(config('self-updater.remote_uri') . '/remote_version.json');
     if ($remoteVersionFile === false) {
         return view('self-updater::error')->with('error', 'Can not read remote version file.');
     $remoteVersionJson = json_decode($remoteVersionFile, true);
     $remoteVersion = $remoteVersionJson['version'];
     $localVersion = $localVersionJson['version'];
     $newVersion = Compare::greaterThan(Parser::parse($remoteVersion), Parser::parse($localVersion));
     return view('self-updater::checker', compact('localVersion', 'remoteVersion', 'newVersion'));
Exemple #9
 public function phpSemanticVersion()
     return SemVerParser::parse($this->normalizeSemVerSuffix($this->stripCustomBuilds($this->version)));
 private function greaterOrEqual($givenAppVersion, $pluginMinAppVersion)
     try {
         $givenAppVersionSem = Parser::parse($givenAppVersion);
         $pluginMinAppVersionSem = Parser::parse($pluginMinAppVersion);
         return Compare::greaterThan($givenAppVersionSem, $pluginMinAppVersionSem) || Compare::equals($givenAppVersionSem, $pluginMinAppVersionSem);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return false;
Exemple #11
 public function getNextVersion($type)
     if (!in_array($type, [static::VERSION_MAJOR, static::VERSION_MINOR, static::VERSION_PATCH])) {
         return $type;
     $latestRelease = $this->getLatestRelease();
     $version = $latestRelease->getName() === 'unreleased' ? '0.0.0' : $latestRelease->getName();
     $semver = Parser::parse($version);
     $patch = $semver->getPatch();
     $minor = $semver->getMinor();
     $major = $semver->getMajor();
     switch ($type) {
         case Log::VERSION_PATCH:
         case Log::VERSION_MINOR:
         case Log::VERSION_MAJOR:
     return "{$major}.{$minor}.{$patch}";
  * Assert that of two version strings the first is bigger than the other
  * @return void
 private function assertVersionBiggerThan($v1String, $v2String)
     // Parse them
     $v1 = Parser::parse($v1String);
     $v2 = Parser::parse($v2String);
     // Versions should not be equal
     $this->assertFalse(Compare::equals($v1, $v2), 'Version "' . $v1 . '" should *not* be equal to "' . $v2 . '"');
     // Greater than and not greater than
     $this->assertTrue(Compare::greaterThan($v1, $v2), 'Version "' . $v1 . '" should be greater than "' . $v2 . '"');
     $this->assertFalse(Compare::greaterThan($v2, $v1), 'Version "' . $v2 . '" should be greater than "' . $v1 . '"');
     // Smaller than and not smaller than
     $this->assertTrue(Compare::smallerThan($v2, $v1), 'Version "' . $v2 . '" should be smaller than "' . $v1 . '"');
     $this->assertFalse(Compare::smallerThan($v1, $v2), 'Version "' . $v1 . '" should *not* be smaller than "' . $v2 . '"');
 public function testDiscardsOriginalString()
     $version = Parser::parse('1.0.0');
     $this->assertEquals('', $version->cleanCopy()->getOriginalVersion());
  * Test invalid version
  * @expectedException InvalidArgumentException
  * @return void
 public function testInvalid5()
     $v1 = Parser::parse('0.0.0-build.1+!@#');
Exemple #15
  * Get the next logical version relative to the provided base version. If
  * no base is supplied, base will be the same as the current version.
  * @param  Version|string|null $base
  * @return Version
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 public function next($base = null)
     //  Ensure that $base is a Version. Parse it if we must, use ourself if
     //  it is empty.
     if (empty($base)) {
         $base = $this;
     } else {
         if (is_string($base)) {
             $base = Parser::parse($base);
         } elseif (!$base instanceof Version) {
             throw new InvalidArgumentException("\$base must be of type Version");
     // If the base is ahead of this Version then the next version will be
     // the base.
     if (Compare::greaterThan($base, $this)) {
         return $base->cleanCopy();
     $next = new Version();
     if ($base->hasPreRelease()) {
         if ($this->hasPreRelease()) {
             // We already know that $base is less than or equal to $this
             // and we won't be jumping to the next greek value. So it is
             // safe use $this prerelease and just increment the release
             // number.
             $pre = new PreRelease();
             $pre->setReleaseNumber($this->getPreRelease()->getReleaseNumber() + 1);
         } else {
             throw new InvalidArgumentException("This version has left prerelease without updating the base. Base should not be prerelease.");
     } elseif (!$this->hasPreRelease()) {
         $next->setPatch($this->getPatch() + 1);
     // The case of $this having a pre-release when $base does not means
     // that we are essentially just leaving pre-release. Nothing needs to
     // be done.
     return $next;
Exemple #16
  * @dataProvider versionStringProvider
 public function test($expected, $base_str, $current_str)
     $base = Parser::parse($base_str);
     $current = Parser::parse($current_str);
     $this->assertEquals($expected, (string) $current->next($base));