public function testInit() { $this->assertEquals(0, User::objects()->count()); $this->assertEquals(0, Group::objects()->count()); $this->assertEquals(0, Permission::objects()->count()); $this->assertEquals(0, UserPermission::objects()->count()); $this->assertEquals(0, GroupPermission::objects()->count()); $this->assertEquals(0, Key::objects()->count()); $this->assertEquals(0, Session::objects()->count()); }
public static function recordActionInternal($owner, $text) { if ($owner->classNameShort() == UserLog::classNameShort() || $owner->classNameShort() == Session::classNameShort() || Mindy::app()->getUser()->is_staff === false) { return; } else { $url = method_exists($owner, 'getAbsoluteUrl') ? $owner->getAbsoluteUrl() : null; $message = strtr('{model} {url} ' . $text, ['{model}' => $owner->classNameShort()]); $app = Mindy::app(); $module = $owner->getModule(); UserLog::objects()->create(['user' => $app->getUser()->getIsGuest() ? null : $app->getUser(), 'module' => $owner->getModuleName(), 'model' => $owner->classNameShort(), 'url' => $url, 'ip' => $app->getUser()->getIp(), 'name' => (string) $owner, 'message' => $module->t($message, ['{url}' => $url ? "<a href='" . $owner->getAbsoluteUrl() . "'>" . (string) $owner . "</a>" : (string) $owner])]); } }
/** * Updates the current session id with a newly generated one. * Please refer to {@link} for more details. * @param boolean $deleteOldSession Whether to delete the old associated session file or not. * @since 1.1.8 */ public function regenerateID($deleteOldSession = false) { $oldID = $this->getId(); // if no session is started, there is nothing to regenerate if (empty($oldID)) { return; } parent::regenerateID(false); $newID = $this->getId(); $session = Session::objects()->filter(['id' => $oldID])->get(); if ($session !== null) { if ($deleteOldSession) { $session->objects()->update(['id' => $newID]); } else { $session->id = $newID; $session->save(); } } else { $session = new Session(['id' => $newID, 'data' => '']); $session->save(); } }
public function login(Model $model, $duration = null) { $time = $model->getDb()->getQueryBuilder()->convertToDateTime(time()); $model->last_login = $time; $model->save(['last_login']); if ($duration === null) { $duration = Mindy::app()->getModule('User')->loginDuration; } $this->saveToCookie($model, $duration); if ($this->absoluteAuthTimeout) { $this->getStorage()->add(self::AUTH_ABSOLUTE_TIMEOUT_VAR, time() + $this->absoluteAuthTimeout); } $model->setIsGuest(false); $this->setModel($model); $sessionId = Mindy::app()->session->getId(); $session = Session::objects()->get(['id' => $sessionId]); if ($session) { $session->user = $model; $session->save(); } $this->getEventManager()->send($this, 'onAuth', $model); if (class_exists('\\Modules\\UserActions\\Models\\UserLog')) { \Modules\UserActions\Models\UserLog::objects()->create(['message' => UserModule::t('User <a href="{url}">{name}</a> logged in', ['{url}' => $model->getAbsoluteUrl(), '{name}' => (string) $model]), 'module' => $model->getModuleName(), 'ip' => $model->getIp(), 'user' => $model]); } return !$this->getIsGuest(); }
public static function render() { echo self::renderTemplate("core/debug_panel.html", ['memory_peak' => self::bytesToSize(memory_get_peak_usage()), 'sessions' => Session::objects()->count()]); }
/** * Session GC (garbage collection) handler. * Do not call this method directly. * @param integer $maxlifetime the number of seconds after which data will be seen as 'garbage' and cleaned up. * @return boolean whether session is GCed successfully */ public function gc($maxlifetime) { Session::objects()->filter(['expire__lt' => time()])->delete(); return true; }
/** * Get current user session model * @return Session */ public function getSession() { return Session::objects()->notExpired()->latest()->get(['id' => Mindy::app()->session->getId()]); }