protected function show_all() { $this->params['deadline_to'] = null; $this->params['fulltext'] = ""; $this->params['importance'] = "0"; $note_query = NoteQuery::create()->filterByUser($this->params['user'])->leftJoinWith('Note.Category'); if (isset($_GET['deadline_to']) && !empty($_GET['deadline_to'])) { $note_query = $note_query->filterByDeadline(array('max' => $_GET['deadline_to'])); $this->params['deadline_to'] = $_GET['deadline_to']; } if (isset($_GET['category']) && is_array($_GET['category'])) { $note_query = $note_query->useCategoryQuery()->filterByName($_GET['category'])->endUse(); } if (isset($_GET['state']) && is_array($_GET['state'])) { $note_query = $note_query->filterByState($_GET['state']); } if (isset($_GET['importance_from']) && $_GET['importance_from'] > 0) { $note_query = $note_query->filterByImportance(array('min' => $_GET['importance_from'])); $this->params['importance'] = $_GET['importance_from']; } if (isset($_GET['fulltext']) && !empty($_GET['fulltext'])) { $note_query = $note_query->filterByText($_GET['fulltext']); $this->params['fulltext'] = $_GET['fulltext']; } if (isset($_GET['sort_by'])) { switch ($_GET['sort_by']) { case 'deadline': $note_query = $note_query->addAscendingOrderByColumn("deadline"); break; case 'relevance': $note_query = $note_query->orderByRelevance(); break; case 'importance': $note_query = $note_query->addDescendingOrderByColumn("importance"); break; case 'category': $note_query = $note_query->addAscendingOrderByColumn(""); break; } } $note_query = $note_query->addAscendingOrderByColumn("note.created_at"); $page = 1; if (isset($_GET['page']) && $_GET['page'] > 0) { $page = $_GET['page']; } $per_page = 32; $this->params['notes'] = $note_query->paginate($page = $page, $maxPerPage = $per_page); $this->params['notifications'] = NotificationQuery::create()->filterByUser($this->params['user'])->find(); $categories = CategoryQuery::create()->select('name')->filterByUser($this->params['user'])->find(); $selected = isset($_GET['category']) ? $_GET['category'] : null; $this->params['categories'] = options_for_select($categories, $selected); $selected = isset($_GET['state']) ? $_GET['state'] : null; $this->params['states'] = options_for_select(array('opened', 'done', 'wip', 'closed'), $selected); $selected = isset($_GET['sort_by']) ? $_GET['sort_by'] : 'relevance'; $this->params['sort_by'] = options_for_select(array('created_at', 'deadline', 'relevance', 'importance', 'category'), $selected); if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'], 'text/javascript') !== FALSE) { $this->renderType('js.phtml'); } }
/** * If this collection has already been initialized with * an identical criteria, it returns the collection. * Otherwise if this Note is new, it will return * an empty collection; or if this Note has previously * been saved, it will retrieve related Notifications from storage. * * This method is protected by default in order to keep the public * api reasonable. You can provide public methods for those you * actually need in Note. * * @param Criteria $criteria optional Criteria object to narrow the query * @param ConnectionInterface $con optional connection object * @param string $joinBehavior optional join type to use (defaults to Criteria::LEFT_JOIN) * @return ObjectCollection|ChildNotification[] List of ChildNotification objects */ public function getNotificationsJoinOriginUser(Criteria $criteria = null, ConnectionInterface $con = null, $joinBehavior = Criteria::LEFT_JOIN) { $query = ChildNotificationQuery::create(null, $criteria); $query->joinWith('OriginUser', $joinBehavior); return $this->getNotifications($query, $con); }
/** * Builds a Criteria object containing the primary key for this object. * * Unlike buildCriteria() this method includes the primary key values regardless * of whether or not they have been modified. * * @throws LogicException if no primary key is defined * * @return Criteria The Criteria object containing value(s) for primary key(s). */ public function buildPkeyCriteria() { $criteria = ChildNotificationQuery::create(); $criteria->add(NotificationTableMap::COL_ID, $this->id); return $criteria; }
/** * Performs an INSERT on the database, given a Notification or Criteria object. * * @param mixed $criteria Criteria or Notification object containing data that is used to create the INSERT statement. * @param ConnectionInterface $con the ConnectionInterface connection to use * @return mixed The new primary key. * @throws PropelException Any exceptions caught during processing will be * rethrown wrapped into a PropelException. */ public static function doInsert($criteria, ConnectionInterface $con = null) { if (null === $con) { $con = Propel::getServiceContainer()->getWriteConnection(NotificationTableMap::DATABASE_NAME); } if ($criteria instanceof Criteria) { $criteria = clone $criteria; // rename for clarity } else { $criteria = $criteria->buildCriteria(); // build Criteria from Notification object } if ($criteria->containsKey(NotificationTableMap::COL_ID) && $criteria->keyContainsValue(NotificationTableMap::COL_ID)) { throw new PropelException('Cannot insert a value for auto-increment primary key (' . NotificationTableMap::COL_ID . ')'); } // Set the correct dbName $query = NotificationQuery::create()->mergeWith($criteria); // use transaction because $criteria could contain info // for more than one table (I guess, conceivably) return $con->transaction(function () use($con, $query) { return $query->doInsert($con); }); }
/** * If this collection has already been initialized with * an identical criteria, it returns the collection. * Otherwise if this User is new, it will return * an empty collection; or if this User has previously * been saved, it will retrieve related NotificationsRelatedByOriginTypeOriginId from storage. * * This method is protected by default in order to keep the public * api reasonable. You can provide public methods for those you * actually need in User. * * @param Criteria $criteria optional Criteria object to narrow the query * @param ConnectionInterface $con optional connection object * @param string $joinBehavior optional join type to use (defaults to Criteria::LEFT_JOIN) * @return ObjectCollection|ChildNotification[] List of ChildNotification objects */ public function getNotificationsRelatedByOriginTypeOriginIdJoinNote(Criteria $criteria = null, ConnectionInterface $con = null, $joinBehavior = Criteria::LEFT_JOIN) { $query = ChildNotificationQuery::create(null, $criteria); $query->joinWith('Note', $joinBehavior); return $this->getNotificationsRelatedByOriginTypeOriginId($query, $con); }