/** * Finds updates by their tags that match the given search query. * @param string $term the search term. * @param integer $page the current page. * @return array found tags. */ public static function searchFor($term, $page = 0) { if (empty($term)) { return []; } $tagIds = static::getTagIds($term); if (0 === count($tagIds)) { return []; } $query = "SELECT u.*," . (CW::$app->user->isLogged() ? "0 < (SELECT count(*) FROM `update_upvoters` WHERE `update_id` = `u`.`id` AND `user_id` = " . CW::$app->user->identity->id . ") " : ' false ') . " `voted` FROM updates u JOIN (SELECT distinct update_id FROM update_tags WHERE tag_id IN (" . ArrayHelper::getArrayToString($tagIds, ',') . ") LIMIT " . static::LOAD_FACTOR . " OFFSET " . static::LOAD_FACTOR * $page . ") ut ON ut.update_id = u.id ORDER BY u.rate DESC, u.created_at DESC"; $stmt = CW::$app->db->executeQuery($query); $updates = $stmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); foreach ($updates as &$update) { $update['imgUrl'] = '/images/updates/' . $update['id'] . '/' . Update::IMAGE_MEDIUM_WIDTH . 'xX.jpeg'; $update['updateUrl'] = Update::getUpdateUrl($update['id']); $update['postedAgo'] = BaseModel::getPostedAgoTime($update['created_at']); $update['created_at'] = strtotime($update['created_at']); $update['voted'] = (bool) $update['voted']; } if (0 < count($updates)) { Update::setUpdateTags($updates); Update::setUpdatePostedFrom($updates); Image::setUpdateImages($updates); } return $updates; }
/** * * @param type $time * @param type $userId * @param type $type * @return boolean */ public static function getUserUpdates($userId, $type, $page = 0) { if (!is_numeric($userId)) { return false; } static::validateActivityType($type); if ('all' === $type) { $where = ''; } else { if ('posted' === $type) { $where = 'AND ua.type_posted= 1'; } else { if ('upvoted' === $type) { $where = 'AND ua.type_upvoted = 1'; } else { if ('commented' === $type) { $where = 'AND ua.type_commented = 1'; } else { $where = ''; } } } } $query = "SELECT u.*, ua.type_posted, ua.type_upvoted, ua.type_commented, " . (CW::$app->user->isLogged() ? "0 < (SELECT count(*) FROM `update_upvoters` WHERE `update_id` = `u`.`id` AND `user_id` = " . CW::$app->user->identity->id . ") " : ' false ') . " `voted` FROM `updates` u JOIN `user_update_activity` ua ON ua.update_id = u.id WHERE ua.`user_id` = {$userId} {$where} ORDER BY ua.`time` DESC LIMIT " . self::UPDATES_LOAD_COUNT . " OFFSET " . self::UPDATES_LOAD_COUNT * $page; $stmt = CW::$app->db->executeQuery($query); $updates = $stmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $updatesCount = count($updates); for ($i = 0; $i < $updatesCount; $i++) { $updates[$i]['description'] = htmlspecialchars($updates[$i]['description']); $updates[$i]['imgUrl'] = '/images/updates/' . $updates[$i]['id'] . '/' . self::IMAGE_MEDIUM_WIDTH . 'xX.jpeg'; $updates[$i]['updateUrl'] = self::getUpdateUrl($updates[$i]['id']); $updates[$i]['postedAgo'] = BaseModel::getPostedAgoTime($updates[$i]['created_at']); $updates[$i]['created_at'] = strtotime($updates[$i]['created_at']); $updates[$i]['voted'] = (bool) $updates[$i]['voted']; $updates[$i]['activity_type'] = ($updates[$i]['type_posted'] ? Update::ACTIVITY_TYPE_POST : 0) | ($updates[$i]['type_upvoted'] ? Update::ACTIVITY_TYPE_UPVOTE : 0) | ($updates[$i]['type_commented'] ? Update::ACTIVITY_TYPE_COMMENT : 0); } if (0 < $updatesCount) { self::setUpdateTags($updates); self::setUpdatePostedFrom($updates); Image::setUpdateImages($updates); } return $updates; }