Exemple #1
} else {
    error('You must specify a course_module ID or an instance ID');
require_login($course, true, $cm);
$context = context_module::instance($cm->id);
$noerror = get_string('noerror','wiziq');
$params = array(
    'objectid' => $wiziq->class_id,
    'relateduserid' => $USER->id,
    'courseid' => $wiziq->course,
    'context' => $context,
    'other' => array(
        'error' => ''
$event = \mod_wiziq\event\wiziq_classdetail::create($params);

//Print the page header

$PAGE->set_url('/mod/wiziq/view.php', array('id' => $cm->id));
$pagetitle = get_string('wiziq_class', 'wiziq');
$pagetitlename = $pagetitle." ".$wiziq->name;

//------- print output----
echo $OUTPUT->header();

//-------html table just to make the navigation tabs--------
 * Generates the download recording link after completion of class. 
 * @param integer $courseid the course id in which the class is scheduled.
 * @param integer $class_id the class id for which recording link will be generated.
 * @param string $download_recording_link download recording link for the class.
 * @param string $errormsg Error description to be shown to user.
function wiziq_downloadrecording($courseid, $context, $class_id, &$download_recording_link, &$errormsg) {
    global $CFG, $wiziq_secretacesskey, $wiziq_access_key, $wiziq_webserviceurl, $USER;
    $wiziq_secretacesskey = $CFG->wiziq_secretacesskey;
    $wiziq_access_key = $CFG->wiziq_access_key;
    $wiziq_webserviceurl = $CFG->wiziq_webserviceurl;
    $wiziq_authbase = new wiziq_authbase($wiziq_secretacesskey, $wiziq_access_key);
    $method = "download_recording";
    $requestparameters["class_id"] = $class_id;
    if (strstr($curos, "win")) {
        $requestparameters["recording_format"] = "exe";
    } else {
        $requestparameters["recording_format"] = "zip";
    $wiziq_httprequest=new wiziq_httprequest();
    try {
        $objdom = new SimpleXMLElement($xmlreturn, LIBXML_NOCDATA);
        $attribnode = (string)$objdom->attributes();
        if ($attribnode=="ok") {
            $download_recording = $objdom->download_recording;
            if ($download_status == "true") {
                $rec_statusnode = (string)$download_recording->attributes();
                if ($rec_statusnode == "true") {
                    wiziq_download_recording($courseid, $status_xml_path, $download_rec_link_path,
                    if (!empty($download_rec_link_path)) {
                        $download_recording_link = $download_rec_link_path;
                    } else {
                        $errormsg = get_string('recnotcreatedyet', 'wiziq');
                } else {
                    $download_recording_link = null;
        } else if ($attribnode=="fail") {
            $att = 'msg';
            $code = 'code';
            $error_code = (string)$objdom->error->attributes()->$code;
            $error_msg = (string)$objdom->error->attributes()->$att; //can be used while debug
            $errormsg = $error_code." ".$error_msg;
            $params = array(
                'objectid' => $class_id,
                'relateduserid' => $USER->id,
                'courseid' => $courseid,
                'context' => $context,
                'other' => array(
                    'error' => $errormsg
            $event = \mod_wiziq\event\wiziq_classdetail::create($params);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
            $errormsg = $e->getMessage().'<br />'.get_string('errorinservice', 'wiziq');
            $params = array(
                'objectid' => $class_id,
                'relateduserid' => $USER->id,
                'courseid' => $courseid,
                'context' => $context,
                'other' => array(
                    'error' => $errormsg
            $event = \mod_wiziq\event\wiziq_classdetail::create($params);
}//end function