Type::config('magic', ['adapter' => 'Fileinfo']); } else { Type::config('magic', ['adapter' => 'Freedesktop', 'file' => __DIR__ . '/data/magic.db']); } if ($cached = $cacheRead('mime_type_glob')) { Type::config('glob', ['adapter' => 'Memory']); foreach ($cached as $item) { Type::$glob->register($item); } } else { Type::config('glob', ['adapter' => 'Freedesktop', 'file' => __DIR__ . '/data/glob.db']); $cacheWrite('mime_type_glob', Type::$glob->to('array')); } /* * Configure the adpters to be used by the media process class. Adjust this * mapping of media names to adapters according to your environment. For example: * most PHP installations have GD enabled thus should choose the `Gd` adapter for * image transformations. However the `Imagick` adapter may be more desirable * in other cases and also supports transformations for documents. */ use mm\Media\Process; Process::config(['document' => $hasImagick ? 'Imagick' : null, 'image' => $hasImagick ? 'Imagick' : 'Gd']); /* * Configure the adpters to be used by the media info class. Adjust this * mapping of media names to adapters according to your environment. In contrast * to `Process` which operates only with one adapter per media type * `Info` can use multiple adapters per media type. */ use mm\Media\Info; Info::config(['image' => $hasImagick ? ['ImageBasic', 'Imagick'] : ['ImageBasic']]);
public function testMediaFactorySourceFailStream() { $this->setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException'); Info::factory(['source' => fopen("{$this->_files}/image_jpg.jpg", 'r')]); }