public function indexAction() { if (($response = parent::indexAction()) instanceof Response) { return $response; } $form = new Form(module_path('Brands', '/Resources/forms/admin/expired-filters.php')); $form->populate($this->view->filters); $this->view->assign('form', $form); }
public function indexAction() { if (($response = parent::indexAction()) instanceof Response) { return $response; } $form = new Form(package_path('Designs', 'Resources/forms/admin/index-filters.php')); $form->populate($this->view->filters); $this->view->assign('form', $form); }
/** * @param EntityInterface $entity * @return RedirectResponse|View */ public function addAction(EntityInterface $entity = \null) { $module = $this->request->getParam('module'); $controller = $this->request->getParam('controller'); $model = $this->getModel(); if ($entity === \null) { $entity = $model->createEntity(); } $form = new Form(module_path(ucfirst(Utils::camelize($module)), '/Resources/forms/' . ($this->scope ? $this->scope . '/' : '') . $controller . '-add.php')); $form->populate($entity->toArray()); // hook $this->prepareForm($form, $entity); if ($this->request->isPost()) { $post = $this->request->getPost(); if (isset($post['btnBack'])) { return new RedirectResponse(route(\null, ['action' => 'index', 'id' => \null])); } $post = Utils::arrayMapRecursive('trim', $post); // hook $this->modifyPost($form, $entity, $post); // hook $this->preValidate($form, $entity, $post); $form->isValid($post); // hook $this->postValidate($form, $entity, $post); if (!$form->hasErrors()) { if (!isset($post['languageId']) && $this->container->has('language') && ($language = $this->container->get('language')) instanceof LanguageInterface) { $post['languageId'] = $language->getId(); } try { $post = Utils::arrayMapRecursive('trim', $post, true); // hook $this->modifyData($post); $entity->setFromArray($post); // hook $this->modifyEntity($entity); $model->save($entity); if (isset($post['btnApply'])) { $redirectResponse = new RedirectResponse(route(\null, ['action' => 'edit', 'id' => $entity[$model->getIdentifier()]])); } else { $redirectResponse = new RedirectResponse(route(\null, ['action' => 'index', 'id' => \null])); } return $redirectResponse->withFlash('Информацията е записана'); } catch (\Exception $e) { if ($entity[$model->getIdentifier()]) { $redirectResponse = new RedirectResponse(route(\null, ['action' => 'edit', 'id' => $entity[$model->getIdentifier()]])); } else { $redirectResponse = new RedirectResponse(route(\null, ['action' => 'add', 'id' => \null])); } return $redirectResponse->withFlash(env('development') ? $e->getMessage() : 'Възникна грешка. Опитайте по-късно', 'danger'); } } } $this->view->setTemplate(($this->scope ? $this->scope . '/' : '') . $controller . '/add'); return $this->view->assign(['form' => $form, 'item' => $entity]); }
public function loginAction() { $form = new Form(module_path('UserManagement', 'Resources/forms/admin/login.php')); if ($this->request->isPost()) { $data = $this->request->getPost(); if ($form->isValid($data)) { $usersModel = new Users(); if ($usersModel->login($data['username'], $data['password'])) { if (($backTo = $this->request->getParam('backTo')) !== \null) { return new RedirectResponse(urldecode($backTo)); } else { return new RedirectResponse(route('admin', [], \true)); } } else { $form->password->addError('Невалидни данни'); } } } return ['form' => $form]; }
/** * (non-PHPdoc) * @see \Light\Controller\Crud::postValidate() */ protected function postValidate(Form $form, EntityInterface $item, array $data) { if (isset($data['description']) && $data['description']) { $test = strip_tags($data['description']); if (empty($test)) { $form->description->addError('Полето е задължително'); $form->markAsError(); } } if (isset($data['alias']) && $data['alias']) { $m = new Model\Table\Pages(); $where = array('alias = ?' => $data['alias']); if ($item['id']) { $where['id <> ?'] = $item['id']; } if ($m->fetchRow($where)) { $form->alias->addError('Псевдонимът се използва'); $form->markAsError(); } } }
/** * (non-PHPdoc) * @see \Micro\Application\Controller\Crud::postValidate() */ protected function postValidate(Form $form, EntityInterface $item, array $data) { if (isset($data['name']) && $data['name'] && isset($data['countryId']) && $data['countryId']) { $m = new \Brands\Model\Table\Brands(); $where = array('name = ?' => $data['name'], 'countryId = ?' => $data['countryId'], 'typeId = ?' => $data['typeId']); if ($item->getId()) { $where['id <> ?'] = $item->getId(); } if ($m->fetchRow($where)) { $form->countryId->addError('Тази марка и тип съществува за тази държава'); $form->markAsError(); } } if ($data['statusId'] && !$data['statusDate']) { $form->statusDate->addError('Дата на статуса е задължителна'); $form->markAsError(); } if (!$data['statusId'] && $data['statusDate']) { $form->statusId->addError('Статус на марката е задължителен'); $form->markAsError(); } }
public function wizzardAction() { $form = new Form(package_path('Brands', 'Resources/forms/admin/wizzard.php')); if ($this->request->isPost()) { $post = $this->request->getPost(); $post = Utils::arrayMapRecursive('trim', $post); if (isset($post['btnBack'])) { return new RedirectResponse(route(\null, ['action' => 'index', 'id' => \null])); } $form->isValid($post); if (isset($post['name']) && $post['name'] && isset($post['countryId']) && $post['countryId']) { $m = new \Brands\Model\Table\Brands(); foreach ($post['countryId'] as $countryId) { $where = array('name = ?' => $post['name'], 'countryId = ?' => $countryId, 'typeId = ?' => $post['typeId']); if ($m->fetchRow($where)) { $form->countryId->addError('Тази марка и тип съществува за някои от избраните държави'); $form->markAsError(); break; } } } if (!$form->hasErrors()) { $redirectResponse = new RedirectResponse(route(\null, ['action' => 'index', 'id' => \null])); try { $post = Utils::arrayMapRecursive('trim', $post, true); $this->getModel()->multipleInsert($post); return $redirectResponse->withFlash('Информацията е записана'); } catch (\Exception $e) { return $redirectResponse->withFlash($e->getMessage(), 'danger'); } } } $this->view->assign('form', $form); }
public function addItemAction() { $menuId = $this->request->getParam('menuId'); $id = $this->request->getParam('id'); $menu = $this->getModel()->find((int) $menuId); if ($menu === null) { return new RedirectResponse(route(\null, array('action' => 'index', 'menuId' => \null))); } $model = new Model\Items(); if ($id) { $item = $model->find((int) $id); if ($item === null) { return new RedirectResponse(route(\null, array('action' => 'items', 'id' => \null))); } } else { $item = $model->createEntity(); } if ($item instanceof Model\Entity\Item) { } $form = new Form(package_path('Navigation', 'Resources/forms/admin/index-add-item.php')); $tree = new Helper\Tree($menu->getAlias()); $form->parentId->setMultiOptions($tree->flat($tree->getTree(null), '---', array((int) $id))); $form->populate($item->toArray()); if ($this->request->isPost()) { $post = $this->request->getPost(); if (isset($post['btnBack'])) { return new RedirectResponse(route(\null, array('action' => 'items', 'id' => \null))); } $form->isValid($post); if (isset($post['alias']) && $post['alias']) { $m = new Model\Table\Items(); $where = array('alias = ?' => $post['alias']); if ($item->getId()) { $where['id <> ?'] = $item->getId(); } if ($m->fetchRow($where)) { $form->alias->addError('Псевдонимът се използва'); $form->markAsError(); } } if (!$form->hasErrors()) { if (isset($post['routeData'])) { $routeData = $post['routeData']; } else { $routeData = array(); } foreach ($routeData as $k => $v) { if (empty($v)) { unset($routeData[$k]); } } $post = Utils::arrayMapRecursive('trim', $post, true); $item->setFromArray($post); $item->setMenuId($menuId); if ($item->getRoute() === \null) { if ($item->getUrl() === \null) { $item->setUrl('#'); } } else { $item->setUrl(\null); } if ($item->getRoute()) { if (($navigationHelper = $this->getNavigationHelper($item->getRoute())) !== \null) { if (method_exists($navigationHelper, 'decode')) { $navigationHelper->decode($routeData, $item); } } } $item->setRouteData(empty($routeData) ? \null : json_encode($routeData)); if ($item->getOrder() === \null) { if ($item->getParentId()) { $and = ' AND parentId = ' . (int) $item->getParentId(); } else { $and = ' AND parentId IS NULL'; } $item->setOrder($model->getTable()->getAdapter()->fetchOne('SELECT IFNULL(MAX(`order`), 0) + 1 FROM MenuItems WHERE menuId = ' . (int) $menuId . $and)); } try { $model->save($item); if (isset($post['btnApply'])) { $redirectResponse = new RedirectResponse(route(\null, ['action' => 'add-item', 'id' => $item->getId()])); } else { $redirectResponse = new RedirectResponse(route(\null, ['action' => 'items', 'id' => \null])); } return $redirectResponse->withFlash('Информацията е записана'); } catch (\Exception $e) { if ($item->getId()) { $redirectResponse = new RedirectResponse(route(\null, ['action' => 'add-item', 'id' => $item->getId()])); } else { $redirectResponse = new RedirectResponse(route(\null, ['action' => 'items', 'id' => \null])); } return $redirectResponse->withFlash(env('development') ? $e->getMessage() : 'Възникна грешка. Опитайте по-късно', 'danger'); } } } $this->view->assign('menu', $menu); $this->view->assign('item', $item); $this->view->assign('form', $form); }
public function brandsAction() { $filters = parent::handleFilters(); if ($filters instanceof Response) { return $filters; } $form = new Form(package_path('Brands', 'Resources/forms/admin/reports-brands-filters.php')); $form->populate($filters); $brands = array(); $brandImages = array(); if (isset($filters['brandId'])) { $brandsModel = new Brands(); $brandsModel->addWhere('name', $filters['brandId']); if (isset($filters['date']) && $filters['date']) { try { $date = new \DateTime($filters['date']); $statusDate = $date->format('Y-m-d'); //$brandsModel->addWhere(new Expr('statusDate <= "' . $brandsModel->getAdapter()->quote($statusDate) . '"')); } catch (\Exception $e) { } } $brandsRows = $brandsModel->getItems(); foreach ($brandsRows as $brandRow) { if (!isset($brands[$brandRow['countryId']])) { $brands[$brandRow['countryId']] = array(); } $brands[$brandRow['countryId']][$brandRow['typeId']] = $brandRow; if (!isset($brandImages[$brandRow['typeId']])) { if ($brandRow->getThumb()) { $brandImages[$brandRow['typeId']] = array('path' => $brandRow->getThumb(), 'image' => 'uploads/brands/thumbs/' . $brandRow->getId() . '.' . pathinfo($brandRow->getImage(), PATHINFO_EXTENSION), 'real' => 'uploads/brands/' . $brandRow->getId() . '.' . pathinfo($brandRow->getImage(), PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); } } } } if (empty($brands)) { return ['form' => $form, 'brands' => $brands]; } $currentCurrency = null; if (isset($filters['currency'])) { $currencyModel = new Currencies(); $currentCurrency = $currencyModel->find((int) $filters['currency']); } $nomContinents = new Continents(); $continents = $nomContinents->fetchCachedPairs(array('active' => 1), null, array('id' => 'ASC')); $nomTypes = new Types(); $types = $nomTypes->fetchCachedPairs(['active' => 1], null, ['id' => 'ASC']); $nomCountries = new Countries(); $nomCountries->addWhere('active', '1'); $nomCountries->addOrder('name', 'ASC'); $countriesRows = $nomCountries->getItems(); $countries = array(); $populations = array(); foreach ($countriesRows as $countryRow) { if (empty($countryRow['continentId'])) { continue; } /** * Създаване на списъци от държави за континент */ if (!isset($countries[$countryRow['continentId']])) { $countries[$countryRow['continentId']] = array(); } $countries[$countryRow['continentId']][$countryRow['id']] = $countryRow; /** * Изчисляване на популацията за континент */ if (!isset($populations[$countryRow['continentId']])) { $populations[$countryRow['continentId']] = 0; } $populations[$countryRow['continentId']] += $countryRow['population']; } $nomStatus = new Statuses(); $statuses = $nomStatus->fetchCachedPairs(); $nomStatus->resetSelect(true); $statusesColors = $nomStatus->fetchCachedPairs(null, array('id', 'color')); return ['form' => $form, 'continents' => $continents, 'populations' => $populations, 'types' => $types, 'countries' => $countries, 'brands' => $brands, 'brandImages' => $brandImages, 'statuses' => $statuses, 'statusesColors' => $statusesColors, 'filters' => $filters, 'currentCurrency' => $currentCurrency]; }